《Pandora's Gift》Chapter 31


The patrol ended up being incredibly boring for both hero's. There was nothing fun going on as it seemed all the villains in the area knew better than to pick that time or day to do something that could get them arrested. Or maybe it was the glaring and nearly snapping omega that was walking beside the mountain of muscle that kept everyone in line. If she was able to scare Kirishima into being quiet during their patrol then picking that time to try and do something illegal and give her a valid reason to rip into someone seemed to be enough to have even civilians keeping a small bit of distance between the two heroes that were out on their patrol.

In the end Kirishima was not sure if he was relieved the patrol had been boring or worried, maybe feeling both ways was understandable. He was relieved that the patrol had been calm, he did not have to keep Sakaki from trying to kill someone and he did not have to worry that she had been attacked again while on his watch. And yet her sour mood had not improved which was what now had him a little uneasy. His shift for watching her was done and now he was going to hand the woman over to his best friend, a man he now feared the woman hated still. Kirishima had to just hope the two could service the next few days together without killing each other. So much for thinking there was something between them there for a moment.

Once they walked into the agency Kirishima knew he could not keep what was going to happen next to himself. She would be more upset if he did not warn her before handing her over to his angry blonde friend.

"Sakaki! Uhm you do not have to worry about any paperwork today. Bakugou is going to just take you home," Kirishima said and braced for the explosion he was expecting from the woman. And although she shot him a glare that almost had the mountain of a man step back from her she did not blow up nearly as badly as he expected. Still though she was pissed, the ever so slight sour scent that was starting to leak through her patches would have given her sour mood away if she had somehow kept her glare and temper to herself.

"Fine," was the short, curt, and firm answer she gave the red head as she stormed off to the lady's locker room where she rushed a quick shower and dressed herself in some skinny jeans and a simple dark blue t-shirt before she slowly and rather hesitantly stepped out of the locker room to look down the hall. Surprisingly Bakugou was not standing there waiting to bite her head off for making him wait. Assuming he was probably trying to not fall behind in his paperwork she assumed that both men were probably in their shared office which is where she headed to now that she was ready to head home.

Walking to the office she gave a simple single knock and did not wait to be invited as she just strolled into the office. She knew it was rude but she was still incredibly unhappy with being babysat by her two old classmates. Kirishima did not seem surprised and of course he flashed the woman a wide happy sunshine smile. Bakugou of course was the one who growled at her for not waiting before just strolling in but of course she ignored him as she always tried to.


"So am I free to head home now? Or am I stuck here twiddling my thumbs doing fuck all?" She asked, her tone still sour as she crossed her arms over her chest tossing glares at the blonde hero.

"Just give me a minute and I'll take your ass home," The blonde yelled out from his desk which of course had both the woman and his friend roll their eyes at the loud man who had no sense of what an inside voice was. But at least the two idiots were not currently trying to rip each other's throats out. Kirishima could only hope that the two could remain civil while stuck together for the rest of the day and hopefully the days to come as well, though Kirishima was not going to hold his breath.

At least Sakaki was able to bite her tongue as she watched the blonde finish reading and signing the page of paper that was in front of him as she finally watched him push his chair back and stand up. She almost wanted to jump with joy. Nothing sounded better than going home and curling up in her nest to decompress a little after the stressful week she had and it was not even over yet. Still the corner of her lips tugged up ever so slightly as the woman quickly turned not waiting for the scowling blonde as she nearly ran from the room.

"See you tomorrow Red," she called out as she darted from the office room hearing Kirishima call out his farewell as she nearly ran out of the building. She really had no desire to wait for Bakugou but of course before she could barrel her way out the front doors she could hear his rough voice yell at her a simple stop. Which she obeyed as much as it irked her. She stood at the front door trying hard not to start fiddling as she waited for the tall blonde to catch up to her. Of course all she got was a scowl as he walked past her and out of the building first. A huff of air escaped her nose as she tried to keep herself from saying anything. The blonde truly had not changed much. He still had to be first for everything like a child.

Silently she fell into step easily with the blonde even though his stride was naturally longer than hers she still had no issue catching and keeping up as she struggled not to just start jogging home. Even with her morning workout she was feeling itchy to do more. Was it because she felt she was being useless? She wanted to hunt down Taoka and string his ass up for being the reason she was being treated like a helpless victim. She was not helpless and with her chaperone at her side it was sure feeling like everyone thought she was useless.

For once they both remained silent, whether it was because they did not dare to break the silence and see what explosion would be the outcome. Or maybe it was the fact they both were enjoying the silence of walking side by side, well enjoying it as much as they could while tension hung in the air between them. After all, the last time they spent more than a minute together they had started yelling at each other and she refused to work with the blonde.

That memory had her stomach tighten and drop as if she had swallowed some stones. She felt a little guilty telling him she had no desire to patrol with him when it was a lie. She hated how he treated her like an idiot at times. But he was more fun to patrol with than Kirishima. Don't get her wrong she likes patrolling with the ball of sunshine but he drew way to many people's attention. She did not care for all the fans wanting autographs, photos and just over all his attention. Made patrols longer than needed. Bakugou often scared people away on his own so it seemed more uncommon that they ended up stopped mid patrol due to a fan, maybe two.


As much as she hated it she truly did find patrols nicer with the blonde. Maybe she needed to try and talk Kirishima into letting their patrols head into different areas, maybe some with less friendly people. Then she may enjoy patrolling with the mountain of a man to the fullest.

She almost heaved a sigh of relief as her apartment came into view. Though the growing scowl in the blonde beside her as his eyes swept the area was quick to squish down her happiness.

"What's wrong?" She asked softly, finally breaking the silence as she was about ready to break off from the blonde and head into her apartment.

"Nothing come on," he scoffed before his large calloused hand grabbed her upper arm and he nearly started to drag her up and to her apartment door. He did not release his grip until they both came to a stand still outside her door. She wanted to yell at him for his rough treatment, but the second she noticed his eyes darting around taking in every sight and movement she realized how uneasy he felt.

"Come in for some tea since you're here," she said, flashing him a wide smile with her friendly sounding invite. When in reality she wanted to ask him what was wrong and he clearly was not going to answer her out in the open. She hoped the privacy of her own home would allow him to actually answer her. And surprisingly he did not argue as he nodded his head and followed the woman into her small little apartment.

The second the door clicked behind them she was already demanding answers to her questions.

"What was that about?" She asked as she slipped the sneakers she was wearing off and watched him do the same before the pair walked into her little apartment.

"I could not see the cops who are supposed to be watching you and your building," he answered simply as his eyes remained locked on her as she did actually walk into her kitchen to get some tea started. She would need something soothing if she was going to be stuck with the man for any amount of time.

"Maybe they are just doing their job so well that you could not see them," she pointed out even though she almost could not say that with a straight face. A trained eye like his or hers would not have a whole lot of trouble spotting someone out of place in her neighborhood. And the snort she got from the blonde told her he did not find her words as funny as she did.

"Those damn extras are useless, they can't even get a proper team together to look after a simple omega woman," the blonde was brooding. He seemed just as happy as her. They both knew he was not just going to be able to leave now that he felt she was not being watched over properly.

"Maybe they are just running late, maybe they encountered some villains on their way over. It should not matter. As I said earlier I am fully capable of taking care of myself," she said, shooting the man a glare over her shoulder as they both crammed into her small kitchen. She was getting some water boiling in her little old electric kettle.

"I don't care if you think you can defend yourself. I am not leaving till I know your protective detail is sitting outside," the blonde growled as he crossed his arms over his chest.

His words irked her to no end. Why did it sound like he did not trust her skills? They both graduated from UA, she worked under a top hero, a war hero at that too. Her captor record spoke for itself. She could do the job of being a hero and she did it well. In her sudden spike of anger she turned on him, the little kettle of water forgotten.

"Who the fuck do you think you are telling me I can not defend myself?" She struggled not to yell at him as she rather roughly jabbed a finger into his chest just above where his arms sat. And of course the blonde did not enjoy being yelled at as she watched his scowl deepen and his top lip pull back as the two of them glared at each other.

"I'm the one who has to save your sorry ass every time you get into trouble while you're at my agency. So I get to decide if I think you can protect yourself," he growled back at her as she refused to back down as the two of them stared each other down while standing in her small kitchen.

"I told you back on day one. I am not your employee. I am not your sidekick, I do not have to listen to you. I listen to Miruko as she is my boss. I am nothing to you," she snarled at the man as she could smell the smoke coming from his palms even before she could hear the faintest crackles coming from his quirk. If she was not so angry she would have winched at her own words when she voiced that she was nothing to him. It was a rough reminder of her own insecurities. She was not one of his friends, she had never stayed in contact with him or any of the old Bakusquad. She had never really known him well back in school. And now once their mission together was done she would return to working with Miruko as she had been doing for the last seven years. She would most likely never see him again and a part of her was devastated at that realization. And in that moment she was very quickly reminded that she was nothing to him.

"Where the hell do you get off on thinking such utter bull shit?" Was it really a question? She couldn't exactly tell with his growling tone as he stepped closer to her. The overwhelming scent of smoke had her stepping back from him trying to keep a small bit of distance between them and as much fresh air as she could. But his scent was quickly smothering her. The feeling to turn and flee had her feet still inching back from the blonde as he refused to let her put distance between them. It was not till her back hit the counter behind her where she had set her tea kettle that she was forced to stop running and also forced to answer him.

"It's true. I am not yours to control Bakugou," she struggled to keep her angry tone and not let her voice waver or her fear shine through as she looked up at the blonde who now had her nearly pinned to the counter in her kitchen.

Bakugou had never been great with getting his feeling across in words, his friends loved to tease that he was emotionally constipated. That was what they had been telling him at least since their first year together at UA. But Bakugou was more of a believer that actions spoke louder than words. Sounded a lot better than admitting he struggled to get his thoughts and feelings out through words. And this moment was no different. He wanted to argue with the woman that she was wrong. She meant something to him, that was an interesting thought he had struggled with understanding after she had walked into that training room just weeks ago. He still did not completely comprehend the feeling to protect her, the need to make sure she ate well since he noticed her eating habits were horrible, he did not understand why he craved her company, even if she got on every single nerve he had. His patrols without her had felt empty. But he could barely admit those feelings to himself, there was no way in hell he was going to voice said feelings to the woman.

So an action felt like an easier way to get his jumbled feelings and thoughts across to the upset woman standing before him. Had he really thought his actions out well? Nope, but that did not stop the blonde from stepping towards the woman eliminating what little space had been left between the two as he pressed his body to hers. His left hand had swept across the back of her neck as if he worried she would pull away before he crashed his lips against her.

He could hear the surprised noise that came from her as he watched her eyes grow wide before he watched her eyes close and she returned the kiss once the shock had passed. Feeling her melt into his chest and returning the kiss had him deepen it as he ran his tongue along her bottom lip asking for entrance which she seemed happy to grant him as her lips parted a second later.

Her small hands fisted at the material of his shirt as she returned the kiss and even allowed him to deepen the kiss when she parted her lips and allowed his tongue the chance to dance with hers. Her legs felt like they wanted to threaten to give out underneath her as she held tightly at him worried that if she didn't she would find herself on the floor.

Maybe he could read her mind, or simply noticed how she was now clinging to him to keep herself up right. Nonetheless she was still a little surprised when the hand behind her head disappeared for a second only to reappear as it grabbed at one hip as the other hand grabbed her other hip and she could herself being picked up off of the ground and her ass was gently sat down on the top of her counter. That was much better.

Her legs were parted allowing Bakugou to step between them as the kiss continued till they finally pulled away both needing more air that they were able to get during the kiss. Her hands no longer gripped at his shirt as if it was keeping her standing. A nice shade of pink had started to spread over her cheeks in a nice dusting of fresh colour. It looked much better than when she was red with anger.

"Katsuki," was the single word she was breathlessly able to get out as she tried to slow her racing heart. But that was all the blonde needed to hear before he was once again crashing his lips against hers. This time his teeth were nipping at her bottom lip to ask for entrance which she once again granted him.

Sakaki's hands moved to find the bottom of his shirt as she slipped her fingers under the material enjoying the feeling of his toned stomach before her fingers started to roam higher taking the shirt with her hands as she allowed them to roam up the man's chest till she was pulling away from the kiss in order to try and tug and demand his shirt be removed from his person as if the material now offended her. This action had the blonde lightly chuckle at her enthusiasm as he let her rip the material up over his head and throw it across the room.

Bakugou's own hands happily returned the favour as he started to tug her shirt up and off, which she seemed more than happy to help with as if she could not get the shirt up and over her own head fast enough so that the two could once more return to kissing as she found herself sliding her ass down the counter a little wanting to be closer as her hands ran through the soft wild blonde hair as she kissed the man standing in her kitchen.

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