《Pandora's Gift》Chapter 30


Getting the dark haired woman out of his car and up to her apartment had proved to be a little more difficult than Bakugou would ever truly admit. At first he tried to wake the sleeping drunk. Which proved to be more difficult than he assumed it would have been. So in turn when he would not wake the sleeping woman instead he figured he would just carry her to her apartment. That task was not that hard to do, Sakaki was not overly heavy compared to what he was trained to be able to carry. After all, Kirishima was a heavy ass and Bakugou always made sure he could carry his friend if anything happened. So in comparison the woman he worked with was light.

It was when he reached her locked door that his main struggle started. Holding a sleeping body against him was hard. He should have just tossed her over his shoulder but no he had chosen to pick her up bridal style with one arm under her knees and the other around her back. But when he stopped in front of her door he had the issues or he had no idea where her keys were. So first he had to frisk the woman to be able to find what pocket she held her keys in. And of course he was not lucky enough for them to be her front pockets.

Then once that was done he had to try and hold her in one arm against his chest and unlock her door with the other. Which resulted in him nearly dropping her when she nearly started to purr into his ear and nuzzled her face into his neck somehow. Carrying her in was easy. He knew where her room was after his last visit. It was impossible for him to forget how the two had spent nearly a week together. Walking into her home and getting a nose full of her omega scent was a slap to the face with memories. He had truly enjoyed that sex filled time. The memories were nice and fresh as he looked down at the dark haired woman snuggling against him.

Walking absent minded to her room he was careful as he laid her down among her nest. The urge to crawl in with her had him pause. That pause was all the woman needed to grab two handfuls of his shirt. Nearly white knuckling the material. Trying to pry her hands off of him Bakugou found an all new struggle as he could not get the slender and delicate fingers to release the material of the shirt he was wearing.

In the end Bakugou gave up and ended up walking back to his car lacking a piece of clothing. It was the only way he could get away. Otherwise he was most likely going to wake up to a very upset Sakaki in the morning and that was a fight he did not want to have with the woman.

The smell of a campfire filled her nose, with a hint of roasted marshmallows. It actually made her stomach growl as she hurried her face even further into the mouth watering smell. But that was not right. Sakaki could not remember being at a campfire or having roasted marshmallows. The realization that the scent was coming from something she had in her hands and was holding up to her face she slowly blinked her eyes open to take in her surroundings. She was in her own bedroom. But then where was the scent coming from?

Looking down she took in the sight of a simple black t-shirt, it clearly was not hers, it was far too big. Sitting up she inspected the shirt before once again taking a sniff. Oh she recognized that scent. How could she not when she spend a week snuggling up to it when she wasn't being fucked by it. That was a scent she could never truly forget. She never forgot it after she graduated UA and she could not forget it now either. One thing was for certain. Bakugou was not getting this shirt back as she tucked it away in her nest before forcing herself to her feet and to get changed.


Once she reached the agency she was greeted by the nice beta at the front desk letting her know that both Red Riot and Dynamite were waiting in their office for her. That was not surprising after the attack last night she was not in a state to go over her perspective of the attack. So it was not surprising one or both men would be waiting. She was more surprised that her phone had not blown up when she slept in that morning, having not set her alarm since her schedule was all over the place. She assumed Kirishima had somehow talked the angry blonde into not blowing up her phone.

Not yet in her hero costume and still in civilian clothes she figured that Bakugou would appreciate it if she did not make them wait any longer. And so she strolled into the office barely knocking before she just walked in. Of course each man was sitting at their own desk.

"You know just because you knock does not mean you can just stroll right on in," Bakugou growled at the woman as she walked towards Kirishima's desk.

"Good morning to you, blondie. And what's the matter, it ain't like you're ever gonna bend anyone over your desk while Kirishima is in here with you so I ain't worried," She shot back not even bothered that her teasing had poor Kirishima blushing instead of the blonde who she was actually teasing.

"Ugh good morning Sakaki. How are you feeling today?" Kirishima asked her quickly trying to stop the two idiots from getting into an argument first thing in the day.

"I feel great. Slept like a baby last night," she said, smiling at the red head.

"Yeah a drunk one," was Bakugou's grumble that filled the room.

Oh how badly she wanted to ask him how fun it was to go home shirtless. But she did not dare bring up the shirt that she was not willing to give up. It was now a part of her nest and he would have to get through her to get that shirt back. So she bit her tongue and instead chose to glare at the blonde.

"That's good. Ono Yamato was the name of the man who attacked you and Sasara. He is a lacky for the group we are tracking," Kirishima said, simply starting to fill in the woman on what they had been able to learn while waiting for her.

"Yeah I guessed that. Said his boss was pissed that I got in the way of the trap they set. I think they expected just you or Dynamite at that stake out. But I threw a wrench in their plan being able to take out so many people. But that guy Ono said he was there. I'm assuming he hid in his shadows. His powers were much like Kuroiro Shihai from class B. My quirk probably did not affect him in that state," she said recalling the man's words while they had been fighting the night before.

"Well that fills in the question of why. We assumed it was because we brought you on to help. But if he knew you were the reason that ambush failed then they most likely see you as a threat. Now the question of if Ono attacked you on his own or was given the order is another question," Kirishima said bouncing his ideas off of the woman standing in front of his desk.

"I would assume it was a hit. And since this idiot failed there's a chance they will try again. He knew I was an omega. They probably assume I'll be the weakest of the three of use when I'm alone. I assume that's why they attacked me while I was out walking Sasara and Hatori home. How are they?" She asked now concerned as she recalled that she had been walking her friend home when she was attacked.


"They are fine. Bakugou drove everyone home. I ugh spent the night there just in case. I'll continue to do so to make sure they are not now targeted either. I also have a cop and sidekick team keeping an eye on her workplace and Hatori's school," Kirishima said blushing softly as he made the comment about staying at her friend's place. It calmed Sakaki down a lot now that she knew her friend was safe and would continue to be safe.

"Oh and I am sure protecting is all you did," it was impossible not to tease the man as Sakaki felt her lips curl up as she wiggled her eyebrows at the large man. And of course the man went as red as his hair which had her bursting with laughter. Hell she was pretty sure even Bakugou had snickered to himself at the red heads reaction.

"Yeah so Sasara and Hatori are covered for protective detail now it just leaves you," Kirishima said simply as he tried to calm his blush as he looked over at the fair haired woman who was now arching a delicate eyebrow at him.

"Huh? What do you mean 'by just leaves me'? I am perfectly capable of protecting myself," she said simply as she crossed her arms over her chest starting to pout. She did not like the direction this conversation was starting to head in.

"You were attacked in broad daylight on a busy street idiot. Clearly they do not care when or where you are. That puts you at a higher risk," came the bark from the blonde that so far had been rather silent. That earned him a glare from the woman.

"And I handled it just fine," she growled back only to watched the blonde's top lip curl up at her challenge.

"Fine? You used your quirk and we're drunk off your ass last night. You have no clue the PR nightmare trying to tangle the photos and videos of your drunk ass are. You're also lucky you were able to call Kirishama for backup," the blonde growled at her.

"It's not like it's a first. I am sure I am still better than dealing with you. Miruko's PR team has no issues any time I am forced to use my quirk in public without my mask. I did not need Kirishima. I was able to handle the villain fine on my own," she said back at him as she slowly turned to face Bakugou refusing to back down to him.

"Oh you did not need him? Then what would have happened? Your drunk ass was useless afterwards. You would not have been able to keep the guy obtained if he started to fight back again, you would have had to rely on the bystanders to call the cops for back up. You could not give a statement. I was surprised you could even walk," Bakugou was yelling as he slammed his hands down on the top of his desk as he stood up. The crackling of his palms was easy enough to hear even over his yelling.

"If I would have had to I could have done all of that or could have held back my quirk some. I'm not an idiot. I'd get the job done no matter what state I am in," she growled at the blonde as she made sure to remain standing tall and not let her body flinch back from the violent outburst even though it wanted to. Still she found her tongue quickly darting across her bottom lip. She knew he was right to a degree. When she used her quirk in such a way it left her vulnerable. It was why she wore her mask. If her quirk could not affect her she would remain sober and clear to keep working. Maybe she needed to start carrying one on her person at all times?

"Don't be an idiot. You still would end up impaired and drunk. That's why you're going to be paired with either me or Kirishima for all patrols. You will be escorted to and from your home. You are not to leave your home and there will be someone keeping in eye on your home at all times," Bakugou said as he stormed around his desk to walk up and glared down at the woman. For a split second the question from the night before filled his mind. She thought he hated her. And he could kind of see why she thought that. But he still refused to back down to her just as well as she refused to back down to him.

"It's for your own perfection," Kirishima quickly added in as he could nearly see the anger rolling off of the woman.

"Why not just take me off patrol duty if your going to throw me into house arrest?" She yelled back, taking a step towards Bakugou as she poked him in the chest as she struggled to not completely blow up.

"Don't tempt me, I would love to see you on desk jockey duty. But we are short staffed so count yourself incredibly lucky," Bakugou said looking down at the woman who had just poked him.

"You will be patrolling with me today. Then we will figure out the best schedule for you," Kirishima said simply as he could do nothing more than sit back in his chair and watch the two idiots snarl at each other.

"Fine," as the single word the woman got out before she finally turned away from Bakugou. She was unhappy to be the first to cave. But at the end of the day she knew this was a war she could not win. Better to save her strength for a battle she knew would be more in her odds.

"I'll be in a training room, don't come looking for me," she called out over her shoulder before she stormed out of the office and headed to the locker room to throw on some workout clothes and head to the training room. She felt the need to burn off some steam after that stressful conversation.

That training room was where she stayed as she waited for Kirishima's patrol time. Only stopping soon enough to have a quick shower before she was dressed and waiting for the redhead who was all smiles by the time he joined her in the front lobby of his agency.

"Hope I did not keep you waiting," The large man said, smiling widely down at her with those sharp white teeth. Boy if it wasn't for his sunshine personality it would be so easy for the man to be intimidating and scary.

"No I have not been waiting long," She said simply before she turned and started to lead the way out of the agency. Though she was able to blow off a little steam with a good workout she was still rather irritated that she was being baby sat by the man who was quickly catching up to her.

"So Friday me and Bakubro are hosting a game night. It's our turn to house the biweekly event. Mina, Kaminari and Sero will be there. I invited Sasara last night but she seemed unsure about coming. So uhm would you like to come too?" Kirishima asked once they were a few blocks from the agency and the silence between them felt heavy and awkward and he never did well with awkward silence. Of course Sakaki arched an eyebrow at the red head as he started to give her big large puppy dog eyes when she did not right away answer him.

"You're asking me because if I say yes then Sasara will attend since she will feel more comfortable if I am there as a familiar face," She said bluntly, well aware of why she was invited.

"Well I would have invited you either way. But yes I really want her to come but I can understand my friends can be a bit much. And with her not being a hero as well I worried she would deny my invite. So I told her you were invited as well and that seemed to make her more comfortable with the idea," Kirishima flashed her a wide innocent smile as she sighed loudly. Well damn now it was rather hard to say no.

"You two are lucky I like you both otherwise I would say no. But I will not force Sasara to endure having to put up with you lot of idiots alone. So what time should I be there?" She asked simply as she glanced around trying to keep her eyes out for any illegal activities though the street was slightly empty as the mid day had most people hidden away working among the office building and kids still in school.

"You may as well just head home with Katsuki after work. I was going to head straight to Sasara's after work and then walk her back to our place. Everyone else is gonna show up some time after dinner," He said simply as he too kept his eyes out for activity but he did not even try to hide the wide and happy grin that pulled at his lips when the woman did not completely turn down the offer.

"Ugh I'll pass on that part and just head to your place the same time you and Sasara head over," She said simply not at all liking the idea of being stuck alone with Bakugou in his own home.

"Well Bakugou is going to be stuck watching you tomorrow so you're kinda stuck with him whether you're at our place or yours. So it's best if you just head to our place and then he can get ready for game night," Kirishima said, watching the woman closely as he completely expected her to come undone learning that information. And of course he watched her brows pull together and he was sure her lips were pressed into a deep frown but he could not see her lips thanks to her mask covering the lower half of her face. But instead she seemed to remain quiet even though her body had grown even tenser than she had been already.

"It was kinda agreed on that I would watch over Sasara and Hatori and he would watch over you," Kirishima added softly when he did not hear her say anything to his information.

"Great," Was the heavily sarcastic reply he got from the woman. Well at least she was not biting his head off like he feared she was going to. But maybe he should have told her after patrol not during it as she now looked ready to kill any poor idiot who dared cross her path as she stormed down the street beside poor Kirishima.

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