《Pandora's Gift》Chapter 29


Getting a phone call while trying to relax a little before bed was not how Bakugou expected his evening to play out. And for a split second he almost contemplated not answering, but he knew Kirishima would just call him again and again till he answered.

"What the hell do you want, Shitty Hair?" The blonde growled out as he answered the call.

"Hey Bakubro. Sorry to be calling but we have a bit of an issue. Sasara and Sakaki were out and got attacked by a villian. Sakaki dealt with him but she had to use her quirk. She's in no state to get herself home. And Sasara and Hatori are here too. I don't trust letting them take the train. Can you come and pick everyone up and make sure they all get home safe?" Kirishima was quick to explain the situation as basically as possible. Had it not been for the fact he could hear Sakaki's loud drunken voice he almost may not have believed his friend. He let out a groan having no desire to drag himself out of his home or have to put shoes on. But Kirishima wouldn't just call without it being important, not this close to Bakugou's bed time.

"Fine I'll be right there send me the directions ," the blonde growled as he stood up from the couch he had been relaxing on and hung up on Kirishima mid thanks. All he had to do was drive some idiots home that wouldn't be very hard. Then he could come home and head to bed.

Grabbing the keys to his car he stomped out of his apartment still unhappy and pouting as he jumped into his car and headed to the location Kirishima had texted him. Of course by the time he pulled up police had arrived, an ambulance as well.

It was not that hard to spot the large red idiot as he towered over most people and that bright red hair of his made it hard to miss him. So getting out of his car he slammed his hands into his pocket of the sweats he was wearing as he stormed towards the small group as Kirishima was chatting with the woman and kid he had been spending a lot of time with, and if he wasn't with them then Bakugou had to listen about them. His red headed friend was head over heels for the woman. So it was no surprise he wanted someone trustworthy to make sure that the woman and kid got home safely.

Then of course was the dark haired woman who had been tormenting his thoughts since their last big argument and she had apparently been actively trying to avoid him. Though when he found her asleep at his desk the next morning he didn't wake her. Why should he? She would probably just yell at him again. But right now it was almost funny watching the drunk woman quite literally climb the large red head as she clung to his bare back like a spider monkey while poor Kirishima was trying to reach back and keep her from risking falling off of his large statue. It was almost enough to make the blonde smirk but at the time the thought that Shitty Hair's scent would be clinging to her was enough to kill any twitching of his lips as he walked towards the scene of the extra's just standing around.

"Sakaki you're going to fall if you're not careful," The other woman said, sounding like the scolding mother she was. Though it was not her child that she was scolding but a woman the same age as herself or roughly the same age since Bakugou didn't know the other woman's age but she looked the same age as Sakaki.


"Let her fall might sober her up a little," The blonde growled as he approached the group to which his presence was greeted in a number of ways. The smaller omega looked away from him and down at the ground quickly submitting to his presence before looking slowly up at him. Kirishima had a wide toothy grin to go with his greeting of a hello with that stupid nickname that he always called the blonde before an arm reached around his eyes cutting off his view of those around him as Sakaki squirmed to try to pull herself up to sit on his shoulders. But upon hearing Bakugou's voice she instead had nearly wrapped herself around Kirishima's neck like a snack.

"I won't fall," she growled, tossing a glare over at the blonde. She didn't want to see Bakugou. She was still hurt and mad. And seeing him had her less than sober brain kicking into overdrive. Yet the fact she had not been wearing scent blockers when she left home allowed for everyone around to pick up on the sour tinge that started to fill her scent.

"Still come on down from there. Kirishima needs to return to work and we are heading home," Sasara said, knowing how to pull her friend's drunk attention away. Sakaki slowly started to untangle herself from Kirishima's head and shoulders before she nearly jumped off of his back.

"I wanna go home," the woman pouted softly, sounding almost more like a kid than the actual kid among those who was silently holding his mothers hand as he watched the interactions with a soft smile. He was completely unfazed by the attack. He had found it awesome to watch the woman he saw as family actually fight. And of course he found her funny in her current state.

"Then get your ass into the car," Sasara said pointing towards the vehicle she had seen Bakugou pull up in. Of course it was some dark sportsy looking car that she had no clue what model or anything but it was sleek, shiny and looked expensive. Though the fact that from the side she noticed only one door was a little concerning, but she didn't say anything out loud about how the vehicle almost didn't look like it would fit them all. Sakaki looked over at the vehicle her friend was pointing to and frowned. But apparently she was at least smart enough not to argue as she mumbled a fine and the woman started to drag her feet as she walked towards the car her friend was herding her towards.

Bakugou was standing beside Kirishima as he watched the two women and one child walking towards his car. Maybe he should have grabbed Kirishima's jeep. It would have fit everyone in it a lot better than his Mercedes but oh well he could still fit them all.

"Make sure they all get home safe Bakubro," Kirishama said with a pat on Bakugou's shoulder as the blonde threw a glare and soft scowl at the red head.

"I wouldn't be here right now if I wasn't going to make sure they're all safe," Bakugou growled as he slapped away Kirishima's hand and started to stomp towards his car just in time to watch the two woman swing open the drivers side door thinking it was the passenger side. Apparently neither woman expected the German car to be set up backwards.

"It's an import dumb asses. Other side," He barked as he started to walk towards the group of idiots who were unsure how to act around the strange car. By now Bakugou had caught up to them and was ushering the three around the other side of the car Sakaki was the first to open the passenger side door but paused as she was met with just the passenger side seat. Rolling his eyes, the blonde stepped beside her and leaned down to hit a button on the side of the seat that allowed it to fold down and slide forwards a little revealing the tiny back seat.


"Snowflake and the brat into the back seat, the drunk rides shotgun," The blonde snaps as he steps back and lets the woman and her kid crawl into her back seat. He stood back and made sure Sakaki had crawled into the seat before he closed the door and started around the car to take his position in the driver seat.

"This feels so wrong," Was the slurred comment from beside him as Bakugou started his car and listened to the engine purr before he asked where to go first.

"May as well get us home first. Hatori's tired," Sasara said softly from the back seat where she sat behind the blonde with her son in the middle seat. The kid wasn't the only one who looked exhausted after the evening they had. The brat's mother looked just as exhausted as her son. Of course the blonde just gave a grunt and nodded his head waiting for the address before he pulled the nice car out of park and took off down the street.

It seemed as the vehicle wove its way through the streets the occupants had fallen silent. For the first minute Hatori had been amazed with the imported car and asked his mother about why the steering wheel was on the wrong side of the car. But once the excitement had died down the kid was now starting to nod off his head resting against his mothers arm and his eyes barely able to stay open. His mother was not much better as she sat silently. The only difference is her gaze would shift from looking out the window and down at her nearly sleeping son, it was almost the only way to know she was even still awake as well.

Sakaki on the other hand seemed to have the most energy as she was softly running a hand along the front dash of Bakugou's car looking rather fascinated with the vehicle much to how Hatori had been at the start. From time to time a drunken thought would slip softly past her lips to break up the heavy silence in the car. Oddly even Bakugou was rather silent as he drove. He was tired and rather cranky so he simply kept his tongue between his teeth as he tried to pay more attention to the growing bare roads as most people were already home at this time of night.

The trip to the first stop did not take long, it probably helped that Bakugou had not been driving the speed limit but it's not like he cared if he was doing a little bit of speeding when the road was empty. After all, he really just wanted to get home and crawl into his bed without staying up all night to tend to idiots. So once he pulled up to the address he was given he was more than happy to jump from his seat leaving the car running as he let his seat fold down and allow the woman to crawl out and carry her sleeping child with her. All Sasara gave him was a soft thanks to which he gave a grunt in reply before she headed for the front door of her apartment as Bakugou crawled back into his seat.

This time the silence in the car felt different as it was just him and Sakaki stuck together. And neither of them could forget that the last time they were around one another it had ended in some stupid arguement and Sakaki had told Bakugou she would no longer work with him. That memory seemed to linger in both their minds at the same time. In her drunken stupor Sakaki had forgotten she had left her home without any scent patches on. And as she thought back to that afternoon argument her scent turned sour as the memory replied in her mind completely unchecked.

It wasn't till Bakugou finally broke the heavy silence with a deep low growl that she was pulled from her thoughts and had her jump as she looked over at the blonde who was glaring hard at her. As she squeaked a measly," what?"

"Your stink is filling up my car. If your stink sticks to my seats I'm going to be pissed. You'll be paying the bill to have my interior cleaned," The blonde said as his dark red eyes quickly glanced from the road over to the drunken idiot in his passenger seat as he was now driving towards her own home.

"Sorry," She said softly, unsure what else to say to him. It's not like she could help it, this is what she hated when she didn't wear scent patches and she became an open book. It wasn't something as easy as trying to think about something else. Soothing her mind was the biggest issue sure but it wasn't the only one. The scent of Bakugou's smoky scent filled her nose, not at all helping her distress at that moment.

"Well then knock it off," He yelled at her when she had not been able to calm her sour scent down.

"Well sorry I can't just change my scent in a second," She was quick to yell back at him when he seemed to grow irritated with her when there was no change in the sour scent she was filling the car with.

"Just roll down a damn window and leave me the fuck alone," she yelled at him not waiting for him to give any reply after the first time she yelled back at him. Now it was all she could do in her current state to not just want to cry. So instead she pulled her knees in towards her chest and rotated as far as the seat and seat belt would allow so she was curled up in a ball facing the door and window she tried to look out and distract her mind with. Although there was no current way she could calm her racing mind as the vehicle went silent before Bakugou made a mistake and replied to the woman's little outburst and in a less than perfect manner while he was at it.

"What is your problem?" The angry blonde asked even if he knew that was an appropriate time or place for such a question.

"Do you hate me?" was a question that she countered with still not looking at him as she tried to keep herself from just having a full blown mental breakdown in front of the man that drove her to feel so conflicted. To want to be so close to him but also she really wanted to punch him the other half of the time. One minute he drove her nuts and the next she found him almost enjoyable to be around. There never seemed to be some middle ground and it was starting to tear her in half.

Poor Bakugou was not expected to be shot at with a question like that. How was he even supposed to answer her? His rough hands quickly started to sweat under the pressure as he tried to wipe them off on his pants to keep his hands from melting his steering wheel or worse setting off a tiny explosion in his own car. His first reaction was to yell at her that he did hate her just like everyone else. But at least he was mature enough to know that he could not just yell that at her. And yet trying to think of an answer was not at all as easy as he had wanted it to be. Sure the easy answer was to just say no but for some stupid reason his mouth felt dry and refused to work properly. Why was it so hard to just say what he really felt? To tell her that he did not hate her and that it drove him nuts when she told him she would no longer patrol with him.

And since he could not think of how to reply to her he chose to remain silent. Yet that was clearly not a good idea as the scent in the car only grew more and more sour as Sakaki took his silence as a bad sign but she could not bring herself to look at him and see he was struggling himself. His hands were nearly white knuckling as he gripped his steering wheel as he was now arguing with himself over the urge to try and sooth her while the other part of his brain reminded him she was just as likely to bite his hand off if he tried to reach out and sooth her. Both physically and metaphorically. The drive to her apartment building was taking far too long and the speed pedometer was only getting faster and faster as he struggled to remain calm sitting beside her in his car. He could not take it any more; he had to say something back.

"I don't hate you," He finally was able to barely get out through clenched teeth as he kept his eyes on the road not wanting to see her reaction.

Sakaki was a bit surprised by the sudden works that Bakugou seemed to almost choke on getting out. She almost didn't want to believe him. But her drunken brain dismissed the manner in which he spoke and instead focused simply on the fact that he had answered her and it was the answer a part of her had desperately wanted to hear.

"Really?" she asked softly as she was looking over her shoulder now taking in the stiff posture that Bakugou has. Even though he always looked like someone had shoved a broom handle up his ass he was even more tense and stiff than normal as he gripped the steering wheel for dear life.

"You know what, never mind," the blonde growled at her which was the reaction she completely expected as a sly grin started to tug at her lips enjoying the fact that Bakugou was now trying to shrug off his own comment.

"Thanks Katsuki," She said smiling happily as she had at least a little peace of mind now and it was enough to allow the tension in her shoulders to disappear and her eyes to drift closed slowly on her.

"Oi don't be falling asleep on me dumb ass," He said loudly as he noticed her thank him and say his name too. That alone was enough to grab his attention as he heard his first name come from the woman.

"But I'm tired," she whined softly, her drunken brain unhappy with being forced to keep working.

"I don't care. I am not carrying you up to your apartment," he said as his foot no longer felt the need to press the gas pedal down to the floor.

"Then take me home with you," she said simply as her eyes drifted closed once again. Too bad, she missed the chance to see Bakugou's ears and face turn red. He knew she had not at all meant anything at all along the lines of what thoughts had entered his mind. But he just couldn't help it; his mind took the words in a way it never should have. She had not meant for it to be sexual and it did not sound sexual and yet still that was were his mind went at the thought of taking the woman home. Nope that was not going to happen. He would carry her to her apartment now if he had to in order to never hear those words come from her again.

"Ugh you're annoying," the blonde groaned though by that point it was too late the dark haired woman beside him was no longer awake as she sat there curled up in his passenger seat. And only a few blocks from her home now too. But at least she no longer gave off such a sour, distressed scent as she drifted off to sleep.

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