《Pandora's Gift》Chapter 28
Spending the evening with Sasara and Hatori was nice. And once she got over the bit of shock that her dear friend had been getting incredibly close with her old high school classmate, it had been nice getting caught up on what was going on in the world around her while she has been busy either hiding away in her bedroom or throwing herself into her work as she had done yesterday. Though she wasn't really missing out on much asside from her friends new sex life. But then again it wasn't like Sasara's friends that Sakaki knew were that important. Sure she got along with Sasara's other friends but if it wasn't hero work she often did not care as much as she probably should have.
Though it felt like her dear friend had something on her mind during the evening, and yet the other woman never mentioned what seemed to be on her mind. Typically Sakaki would have bugged her friend to know what was on her mind. But today she lacked the mental and physical strength to actually harass her friend for information. If it was truly important the woman would surely mention something before she had started to gather up her son who had been watching tv as the two women sat on the couch chatting.
Of course Sakaki would not allow the two to walk home in the middle of the evening from her home to theirs. Sakaki would never forgive herself if something happened to either Sasara or Hatori. And walking around the streets after dark always came with their risks. So with her running shoes quickly slipped on and her keys tossed into her pocket she walked her two most important people home.
"You really did not need to walk us home," Sasara always made the comment even though she knew the dark haired woman would always do this.
"I know. But I'm going to do it no matter what," Sakaki answered honestly as always before continuing, "And anyways the fresh air will be good for me after sleeping all day."
"Well I'm happy you got some sleep today. Ei mentioned how he found you in the office when he got to work. Did you really fall out of a chair?" Damn it Kirishima she was gonna kick his ass for telling her friend about what had happened as she listened to her friend softly snicker.
"Ugh don't remind me. I was so out of it when the door slammed shut behind him it woke me up and started me at the same time. Forgetting I was sitting in Bakugou's huge ass fucking desk chair I had ended up nearly launching myself backwards chair and all. That had not been fun," She mumbled unhappy at remembering the event the best she could. And although it's not like Kirishima had meant to startle her so much for that to happen. But she was still gonna kick his ass for telling anyone.
"Oh come on, that is funny. I never thought I'd ever hear a story where someone scared you. Ei is lucky you didn't attack him instead," The soft snickers continued from the pale haired woman who was holding her son's hand as he walked between the two women down the street.
"Well you're not wrong there. Had he done anything like that anywhere else or any other time and I would have probably hit him even accidentally though it most likely would have also been on purpose," Now it was Sakaki's turn to smirk softly at the thought at the thought of if Kirishima had scared her that way while she was somewhere else, even if she was still asleep. She knew she would have stuck the man out when he scared her and most likely would have put him on his ass without even meaning to. But with him being across the room and her being in that stupid chair she fell over backwards instead.
"But still. Did you get any sleep yesterday? The guys suspect you stayed at the agency for over twenty four hours. Did you really do that?" Sasara asked softly, feeling a little worried for her friend.
"Yeah. I hid in the women's locker room and got in a little nap before I went for a night patrol with some sexist asshole. Ugh that entire agency is full of stuck up ass holes," she growled with a huff. Though the sudden feeling of the hair on the back of her neck standing up on end nearly had her faulted mid step, she didn't allow her body to give away the very odd feeling she had suddenly washed over her.
"Shun you say that about every alpha you have to work with. It's the only reason Miruko even let's you work alone. You run off every alpha that you're paired with for patrols. And you know it's not safe to patrol alone," Sakaki heard this complaint from her friend a lot. And in the back of her mind she knew Sasara's concerns were very real. Omegas were attacked, raped and kidnapped all the time. And her being a hero may even put a larger target on her back than normal. Like right now. Was she the target of the shadow that was tailing them? Or was it Sasara? Maybe even Hatori? There were lots of sick minded people out in the world and it was hard to know for sure if the small group of what looked like two helpless omegas and a kid were the entire target.
"Hey Hatori? Do you like having Kirishima around?" Sakaki asked, looking down at the young boy as he looked up at the woman he saw as an aunty and nodded his head with a wide grin. She knew it was rude to suddenly ignore her friend but keeping an extra close eye on the kid was more important.
"Yes! He's so manly. Two nights ago he tucked me into bed when I asked him if he would. He even slept over and we all had breakfast together once," Hatori was more than happy to over share about the red head man's regular visits. Even though she had glanced down at the boy her eyes had not remained on him as she took the chance to glance back behind her trying to locate who was following them. But the action did not give her any results like she had hoped so. Glancing back up at her friend she watched the woman's cheeks flush a little.
"Oh well doesn't mommy move fast making new friends. Maybe we should give mommy's friend a call. You can use my cell," Sakaki said to the boy before looking up at the woman walking on the other side of her son. Sasara understood very quickly when Sakaki was trying to get at. She wanted to contact the other hero without give away to the fact she was calling for back up.
"Here Hatori, why don't you call Ei. Tell him mommy and Aunty wanna see him really soon," Sakaki said, directing the child on what she wanted him to say as she hit the contact name for Red Riot on her work phone. The innocent child seemed ecstatic at the chance to call the hero. As his face light up and his eyes grew wide as he jumped up and down at the chance to grab the device from the woman's hands and hold it up to his ear as he heard his utmost favourite hero's voice fill the line.
"Pandora? Why are you calling me on your day off?" Was the professional greeting that met Hatori's ears as Kirishima answered.
"Ei! It's Hatori. Aunt Shun told me I should call you. She said her and mommy want to see you soon," the child was happy to repeat what he was told, completely unaware of the danger he or his mother may be in. But Kirishima seemed aware that the woman would not just let a child use this line unless it was important.
"Where are you and mommy Hatori?" He asked as the three walked slowly with the kid who then looked up at the familiar street but couldn't read the signs.
"We are about three blocks from the train. We should be home really soon. Will you tuck me in again tonight?" The child was more than happy to keep the red head chatting on the phone. Sakaki was trying to carefully glance around, taking in even the slightest shift of a street light or shadow. The streets were not completely bare but there were not as many people as the street would typically sport during an earlier hour of the day. Still she couldn't spot anyone visibly following them but still she felt like she was being watched.
"Sure buddy. I'll even meet up with you and mommy before you get home," Kirishima answered the child as he took off from his normal patrol route, well aware of where the group was and he did not hesitate to rush towards them. Even as he heard the happy cheers from the innocent child it at least was good to know they were not yet under attack. But that didn't stop the uneasy feeling and the drive to get to Hatori and Sasara and protect them. He didn't even tell his poor sidekick what was going on as they were forced to call after him as they ran after him.
"I'll see you really soon buddy. Say hello to your mom and Sakaki for me," he told the boy and of course in the background he could hear the kid pull the phone away from his ear to tell the two woman standing over him what the man on the phone had said.
"Alright Hatori I need my phone back. Say good bye," Sakaki suddenly told the kid with a slightly louder tone than she needed to get the point across to Kirishima. She needed to now turn her attention to the danger and may need her phone for a more important reason. Quickly the boy did as he was told and bid the hero on the other side of the line good bye.
Taking her cell back from the kid she slipped it into her pocket. And quickly started to usher the two back to walking down the street. She felt Sasara become stiff and tense, unaware of the extent of the danger. But she was aware the situation they were in could very quickly turn dangerous. Sakaki was trained to keep her body relaxed looking while remaining aware and prepared. Though she wished she had her gear. She almost felt naked, no mask, no support gear. But this was why she trained so hard, she would never have a physical enhanced quick and she needed to be able to protect herself and others on her own. Still she could not pinpoint their stalker and it was irking her. She did not usually turn to such measures but she was sure Sasara was going to give it away soon that they were aware of the unwanted danger.
Coming to a complete halt she looked around bluntly looking for someone. This action had Sasara and Hatori stop to look at her.
"Shun?" The soft question came from a worried looking Sasara who was not wrapping an arm protectively around her son.
"Go ahead without me. I have something to deal with," Sakaki said as she watched her friend hesitate before nodding her head and turning to start walking away before an unfamiliar voice had all three of them freeze.
"Oh come now. Why the rush? I think your friend should stick around," the voice was rather dry sounded as Sakaki watched a shadow stretch out across the cement ahead of them before someone seemed to emerge from it. Long black, greasy hair was slicked back heavily with jell. Or maybe it was slicked back with grease it was hard to tell. Small dark beady eyes were looking between the two women before settling on Sakaki.
"Oh I recognize you! You're that bitch that was at the warehouse trap with Dynamite. You really put a kink in that plan," the man sneered at her. So that's what this was about. She was the target, Sasara and Hatori were simply being dragged into her trouble.
"You're right, I was the hero who was working with Dynamite on that mission. But these two are civilians. They have no stake in our issues. Leave them out of this. I am the one you want," she said, stepping in front of Hatori and his mother.
"Well aren't you a brave omega bitch. You're right I don't care about them. You are the one the boss would want to get his hands on. He was very angry that his little plan did not work out like he wanted. And that's your fault, you got in the way and had a few of our men arrested too. Boss would love getting his hands on you," She could only watch as his slippery tongue ran across his top teeth as he grinned widely at her. Repressing the strong urge to shiver under his disgusting gaze she made sure she stood tall and unwavering between him and her friend.
"Well then if it's me you want then come and get me. But let the civilians go. They are not a part of this," She knew that would not happen, he knew that the other woman and child were important to her. They were her weakness, she would protect them. She couldn't make the first move as that would force her to pull away from them and leave them. They were a burden but that did not matter to her. Although she was accustomed to doing things in the shadows and away from prying eyes and civilians that didn't mean she didn't know how to still protect them.
"Hmm I don't think so. They may be a bit of a hassle but I am sure the boss could find a use for them," The man said, his wide grin going nowhere as he kept his eyes on the woman standing tall before him.
"Bastard," she growled out under her breath, unhappy she could not rush him. She was stuck standing back with Sasara and Hatori. She specialized in hand to hand combat. Both her fighting style and quirk worked best when close up. At a distance like this her quirk would knock everyone on their ass that was on the street. And she would not be in a good state without her mask. So using her quirk at the moment was not an option. All she could do was either hopefully talk the criminals off till Kirishima arrives with some back up or wait for him to make the first move and give her an opening to attack him. She hoped she could do the first option but expected the second was going to be the reality.
And of course it was as she watched shadows shoot out across the ground and towards her. She barely had a second to decide what to do. She saw him moving through the shadows but that's all she felt confident knowing about his ability. Dodging seemed best at the moment.
"Sasara take Hatori and try to back away," She called out as she jumped away from the shadow and watched it take a hard left after her. It was like a heat seeking missile that refused to give up the chase as she worked to try and keep the black shape away from herself but still not allow herself to be forced too far away from her friend. She could hear Hatori's protests as his mother tried to carefully drag her kid away from the onslaught of fighting.
Multitasking usually was not a hard thing to do. But still keeping one eye on Sasara and Haroti who were trying to back away and give the villain and pro distance, the villains shadow and then him himself was a little difficult to do. The shadow and villain held her attention the most. Could he control more than one shadow? He only attacked her with one and it stuck to the ground. But still was he just toying with her? Trying to exhaust her while she was forced to jump around and avoid his attacks? If he was confident about the time he had to draw out the battle then that would be an option. But out in the middle of a street with other civilian bystanders watching and running he had to know help had been called. Time was not on his side, usually that pushed criminals to act more sporadic. But this man was taking his time, he was toying with her.
The realization that he was not outwardly attaching her in earnest or going after Sasara other than trying to keep her from running off the best he could, was an unsettling thought. Help was on the way before he even attached them. Did he know that? Was Kirishima not going to be able to get to them? Was this a trap of some kind? So many questions and not enough answers. It was annoying. If she could get close enough to let out a short and strong burst of her quirk she would most likely incapacitate the villain, though she would leave herself useless and vulnerable. Still she kept her distance, that needed to be a last ditch try. Even if she could take out this one villain if there were others around fighting with Kirishima when he tried to come and help her then she could find herself in trouble if she gets drunk off her ass on her own quirk taking out this piece of trash. And yet she was not sure if she had much more of a choice. For now it was all she could do to avoid his attacks and try to draw out the attack as long as her body would allow.
Stamina was something she had a good amount of. Well typically it was, but the stress of the day before along with coming off of her heat and fucking up her sleep schedule her body was not as willing as it typically would have been any other given time. It had not taken as long as it normally would have for her body to be screaming at her, sweat covered her face, her clothes clung to her and her lungs were screaming to stop moving so much and inhale more air as she struggled to inhale and exhale fast enough. It was almost embarrassing the state she was in as she worked hard to avoid the shadows that tried hard to pierce her body. For the most part though she was otherwise okay, a few scratches but she had managed to avoid the hits. Where the hell was Kirishima or a sidekick even? Anyone would do damn it. She just was not sure how long she could keep this up.
She was quickly running out of options as she decided with what little strength she had to launch herself at him. She kept herself low as her long legs quickly covered the good couple of meters between them. Her sudden burst of speed to put herself directly in front of the man seemed to catch him off guard. She had assumed he had been stalking her or did some sort of research on her. But maybe he saw her in action at the failed attempt to stake out the warehouse where she and Bakugou had instead found themselves ambushed. Being able to control shadows could explain how he escaped. Her quirk probably couldn't seep into his shadows so if he hid himself he wouldn't be affected. Which meant she needed to make sure she could keep him from running away. Well that was easy enough as his hands had instinctively reached out to either grab her or try to stop her. It was easy to step to the side of his arms, grab one and pull him forwards. With his gravity shifted she watched him start to fall forwards. Not letting go of his arm she twisted it behind him and used it to push him even further into the ground, sending him face first into the sidewalk as she dug her knee into the middle of the man's bony back.
He didn't even squirm as she pinned him to the ground with such a basic take down move. It felt like he went down too easily. And really she was right he had gone down too easily once she decided to risk it and close the gap. Not wanting to risk anything else going wrong she let out a sudden quick and swift burst of her quirk as she tried to hold her breath. But she kept her quirk up till even she couldn't hold her breath and had to take a deep breath and instantly felt her own head spin and her body grow light before she turned off her quirk. Panting heavily and trying to push off the warm and fuzzy feeling that washed over herself she suddenly moved to nearly just sit on the man before heavy breathing drew her attention quickly over her shoulder as her hero name was called out.
"Kirishima!" She yelled out louder than she needed to with a wide lopsided grin on her face as she sat on the concussion man beneath her.
"What took you so long? You missed the party," She said with a light hiccup and giggled as she looked up at the man who was struggling to not start laughing at the well tipsy woman just sitting on what could look like random civilian.
"Sorry. We hit a little roadblock on our way over. Seemed your attacher was not working alone, or it was the biggest coincidence ever," The redhead said offering the dark haired woman a hand up to try and help her to her feet. Though the action made the world spin a little.
"Shun!" She didn't even get to try and force her foggy brain to comprehend the man's words as the familiar screech of her friend's voice filled her ears and now she turned her loopy smile to the pale woman who was now holding a worried looking little boy who was clinging to his mother.
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