《Pandora's Gift》Chapter 25
Once showered Bakugou seemed to waste no time in slipping his hero costume back on and walking out of her home with nothing more than the order barked at her to eat some damn food before the door slammed closed behind him. Hell she didn't even have all of her clothes on yet before he was out the door. So much for thinking she was going to get to enjoy some of his cooking.
With an oversized t-shirt on and some shorts she stripped her bed of every blanket and sheet that had been on it the last week and started throwing them into the little washing machine wanting to get a start on that so she would have something clean in time for bed that night. Once the machine was doing its job she finally made her way to the kitchen, her empty stomach demanding food and sustenance that she had been denying it for far too long. Sure she never did eat much during her heats but with Katsuki keeping her extra busy and bed bound during those days she had eaten a lot less than normal and putting off eating could not go on any more.
With her body still sore and hurting she settled for some simple Onigiri stuffing the remaining unused rice into the fridge for something later. Stuffing her mouth with the quick snack she made her way to the living room finally flipping on the tv to watch the news for once. She oddly felt the need to see what was going on with the world while she had been fucked silly.
Of course the news was going off about some bank robbery that had failed, and of course Deku was there. Green hair still an unruly mess atop his head. That boyish awkward smile he had never changed. Or maybe it was the freckles that littered his cheeks that helped give him such a boyish look to him. And yet he still looked like he did back in high school. If it wasn't for the broad shoulders and muscular body one would almost think the hero was anything but an alpha. His personality is so calm and friendly. Often so shy and easily embarrassed. Even now during an interview he was still slightly blushing. His hand rubbing the back of his neck and his weight shifted ever so slightly from one leg to the other. Deku never could take a compliment and the news reporter was showering him with them. Of course Sakaki had not been paying any real attention until an unexpected question was asked.
"Deku do you have any information on the young woman who has started working with Dynamite and Red Riot lately? Both men had been seen patrolling the streets with her and have even been spotted out at reassurances together," well fuck. Of course the media was already trying to dish out information on her and who else to go to than Deku, a long time friend of everyone from their class. And of course Deku seemed surprised to hear this information himself. Stuttering out that he was unaware Kacchan had gained a new employee and a woman, that was surprising. Though that didn't seem to be the answer the news reporter wanted to hear. Of course the report tried pushing more in case Deku had lied.
"This mystery hero was even seen helping Red Riot and Dynamite with that acid hero they took down last week," at the mention of that attack an poorly provided cell phone quality clip popped up on the tv showing off Sakaki with her hero costume on, mask covering her face, long hair pulled back and dodging balls of acid for all she was worth. The memory filled her mind as she watched herself put her hand in that acid was enough to make her skin on her left arm burn a little. Even though glancing down the skin was healed and okay, some slight shade differently along her knuckles had scared a little bit. But without close attention no one would even notice now that she was healed up.
Not wanting to listen to what the media had to say about herself, Sakaki turned off the tv and made her way to her bedroom. Even with the bed bare she didn't care. Grabbing a spare blanket she curled herself up in it and tossed herself onto her bed happily letting herself drift off to sleep for a much needed nap.
The next morning her alarm woke her up nice and early as it always does when she is working. Her body was still sore, her muscles tight and tense but she knew getting up and moving throughout the day would be good for her. She was well rested, a good breakfast this morning and she was already out the door. A slow jog to work was just what she needed as she headed towards the agency she was currently calling her work space. Smiling warmly, she greeted the warm beta at the front desk as she walked into the large building before making her way towards the women's locker room getting out of the leggings and t-shirt she was wearing in lue for her skin tight black suit and mask. Her long hair pulled back into a high ponytail with just her bangs left down to cover her eyes a little. Seemed she may need to have her bangs trimmed as they started to cover her eyes a bit. Oh well she could deal with it at a later date.
Strolling from the locker room she headed next for the boy's office when no one was waiting for her outside the locker room. She gave a simple knock not even waiting before she strolled in to see both men standing waiting for her.
"Morning boy's. So what is the plan? Has there been any news on Taoka Kazuo? Since our stakeout went south he moved his hideout and supplies around right? Do we have any idea where?" She started firing off questions not even caring that the two men were most likely having a conversation before she just burst into their office.
"Took you long enough idiot," Bakugou growled at her, which only had her rolling her eyes at the blonde. Well at least he was able to keep things the same. After all Sakaki would be lying if she didn't admit that her nerves were a little frayed. The two had spent almost a week together doing heaven only knows. And she was worried it may have changed the relationship between the three of them. Yet Bakugou's sour mood and Kirishima's wide smile were both the same as the first time she walked into this building. It was warmly reassuring.
"Good morning Sakaki. Actually I was waiting for you and Bakugou to both be here before I briefed you both. It actually would appear that the building you two had been staking out is still in operation," The redhead said simply watching the confusion and skepticism roll of the dark haired woman.
"Huh? What do you mean still in operation? They know that we are aware of the building and what's going on. So what? is it a decoy? Or do you think it's a trap again?" She asked as a delicate single eyebrow rose up a little as she voiced her thoughts.
"We are not too sure. The sidekicks have been keeping a distance but Taoka's men have been seen still frequenting the block so we can only suspect it's once again a trap just like before," Kirishima admits as he frowns softly. So that meant watching that building was going to be a bust no matter what. Which meant it was usually to use and was a dead end now. Great.
"So what then? Try tracking his men outside of the warehouse. They must be going to at least one other location that could lead us to at least one building where they are storing their drugs," She said, trying to keep her anger to herself. But she didn't like this news. It meant she was not going back to Miruko anytime soon. Damn it.
"That's been the plan so far. But still it hasn't given up much information. Taoka's men only seem to travel to that one location. And we don't have enough manpower to put someone one every person who enters that building," Kirishima admitted as he rubbed the back of his head.
"Well you guys called in Miruko for help already. Why not ask another agency with more sidekicks? Hawks always has a ton of unused sidekicks sitting around, Endeavor's agency as well though I hate working with them. Maybe asking Todoroki would be the way to go if we go that route instead of his father," She mumbled now just letting her thoughts flow from her lips freely as she tried to brainstorm the best course of action.
"I ain't working with the bird brain or Icy Hot. I'd work with Endeavor before either of them," Was the growl that came from Bakugou.
"Oh get over your annoying pride and actually put out a call for more assistance. You only have, what six sidekicks? Your agency is still too new for a job like this. If you don't ask for help I will. And if Miruko is going to ask anyone for the job it will be Hawks. So figure something out then if you do not want that," She growled baring her own teeth at the man as she watched his own top lip curl up at her.
"Five," was the soft word that escaped Kirishima as he admitted her estimate was off a little. Then he turned his attention to the angry blonde, "Come on Katsuki she's right. We are understaffed as it is. Asking for some side kicks to be put on the mission of tailing these guys would free our overworked staff up."
Apparently the blonde did not enjoy being ganged up on as both Kirishima and Sakaki felt the same way. They needed help and even he knew it was true. But it had been a big enough pain putting out the call for a stealth oriented pro hero. Miruko had been the one to answer the call for help though Bakugou had thought she herself was going to be the answer instead of sending the dark haired former classmate who now stood before him glaring at him as if they had not just spend the last week together fucking like rabbits.
"Fine. I'll figure out who to ask for assistance later today. For now you and I have patrol duty to get to," He growled, turning those bright red eyes over to Sakaki before turning on his heel and storming out of the room. Leaving both his companions to huff out a breath.
"Geez you'd think after this last week he would be a little more relaxed after getting laid," Sakaki had no issues making the comment out her and his sex life even though poor Kirishima sounded like he was choking on his own spit before his cough turned to a light chuckle.
"You know he's always like this," Kirishima said as he got himself under control after the little shock of her blunt words.
"True. I guess I better go before he starts blowing things up. See you later Kirishima," She said with a nod to the redhead as she could hear Bakugou yelling from outside of the office.
Racing out of the office she was greeted with a still upset blonde who growled at her for taking too long but of course she simply rolled her eyes at him before the duo made their way out of the building and started towards their patrol route. Though now Sakaki was a little more cautious as her eyes continuously roamed the streets. Her shoulders tense and her mask pulled up over her face before they even reached the sidewalk. Of course this odd behavior did not go unnoticed by the blonde as the two of them walked the streets. Of course it didn't take long for Bakugou to snap as he glared over at her.
"What the fuck has crawled under your skin?" He snarled at her as she nearly jumped at his booming voice. She was so on edge it was even annoying herself but she couldn't help it.
"The fucking media is all over me lately. I don't like it. I work best in the shadows. I can't do that if my face is plastered all over the news," She said back, trying to keep an eye out for anyone with a camera or a cell phone even pointed in their direction.
"What the fuck are you talking about?" He asked at least lowering his voice at least a little as the duo walked side by side.
"Clearly you have not been watching the news or any of the gossip outlets lately. Yesterday morning I was the hot topic of debate. They were even asking Deku about me. I don't think he realized it was me they were asking about thankfully. But apparently the new hero working with Red Riot and Dynamite is buzzing," She said simply as she reached up and adjusted her ponytail a little. To be honest that was new news to him. Having spent the last week with her in her bedroom Bakugou had not seen the news or anything lately, nor had he been checking any of his social media platforms either. After leaving her place he had gone home to find a nearly abandoned apartment. Apparently Kiri had spent almost no time at home while Katsuki was away. He had gotten changed and spent a good chunk of time in the kitchen cooking himself a meal then doing meal prep for the next week when he had felt restless. Cooking and arguing with himself over how he was going to treat today and her had kept him busy for a large chunk of the day before Kirishima had returned home late into the evening.
"I haven't," He mumbled admit-tingly as the two walked. He never expected being in the limelight would make the woman so uneasy and jumpy. He was very used to being in the media's sights, his face on posters, interviews on shows or in the news. It was very normal to him and to be honestly it stroked his ego doing it. But he lived to be known and seen. But the woman beside him was not that way, she lived in the shadows using surprise to make up for her lack of a strong physical quirk. So being known and plastered on the television was not good for her.
"I'll have our PR team see what they can do about that," He said softly almost more to himself and had he been standing to her left side she probably never would of been able to make out the words but with Bakugou walking on her right side her good ear was easily able to pick up the words.
"That would be nice, thanks," She said back just as softly as her right hand moved up to her lips, her palm facing her as she fluidly moved it away in front of her in a soft arching signing the words thank you to him. That action quickly reminded the blonde of the night she had been at his place after crashing there for the day drunk off of her own quirk. When she had woken up she had very sloppily signed at him the letters S and H in an attempt to tell him to be quiet.
"How do you know I can understand JSL?" He asked curiously.
"Well aside from the fact you told me after you saw me signing. But well let's be honest your quirk is not quiet. Explosions going off in your ears every day for a decade is bound to do some damage even if your body is supposed to be able to handle the draws of your quirk. But still the stronger the quirk the stronger the drawbacks. And you don't wear any ear protection even when Kirishima used to try and get you to have the support course design something for you back in school. It doesn't take a genius to worry about your hearing," She answered him rather honestly as she walked beside him.
"My hearing is just fucking fine," Of course the blonde would get defensive about such a topic.
"Never said it wasn't, just that there's always that risk. So who forced you to learn how to sign?" She asked curious to know as it was clearly a sore spot for the blonde and he would ever have learned it willingly on his own she was sure.
"Almost everyone. My mother, Kirishima and all those idiots, and even Aizawa pushed till I eventually agreed at the end of high school," Bakugou growled, remembering how almost everyone he knew pushed for it even though his hearing at that time had been fine.It was almost odd being able to have such a mundane conversation with the blonde as they seemed to slowly get to know each other. How was it that they had known each other for years and yet still didn't know such simple things about one another?
"Well it's not a bad skill to have even if you never need it yourself. Being able to communicate with a hearing impaired civilian is an asset," She said, trying to make him feel a little bit better.
"That's what Aizawa said as well," He grumbled remembering that had been how he was talking into taking classes on how to sign to begin with.
"Your signing sucks. You really should work on that," The blonde barked quickly, changing the subject ever so slightly not wanting to continue on the subject being about him. Which drew a light laugh from the woman beside him.
"I know. I stopped practicing when I got the hearing back in my right ear deeming that I didn't need it after regaining some ability to hear. But like I said it really is a good skill to have, it's something I need to start using more often but not many people know it. I am not good enough to teach Hatori or Sasara so they can sign with me," She said simply as she scanned around the crowd of people they were now starting to wade through as they made their way down a busy street full of businesses.
"Well you could always use it around me," Was the grumble of a reply she got back after almost a solid minute of silence. She didn't think the blonde was going to say anything and his reply did surprise her before she smiled softly at the blonde.
"That would be nice thank you," She said simply before a loud boom sounded off in the distance before a loud alarm started to blare. Without a word both heroes jumped into action running towards the commotion as civilians ran away from the danger.
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au в котором Пак Чеен живет в полной темноте.
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