《Pandora's Gift》Chapter 21
The rest of the patrol was rather uneventful aside from the fact that Bakugou seemed almost clingy, and hell she was pretty sure he growled at someone who had stopped to stare at them. Or more in particular her. But she let it slide, after all her scent was apparently leaking from the patches. She wasn't surprised if it would go to Bakugou's head a little. She also sent Sasara a couple of texts over the morning, mostly wanting to know how the walk home with Kirishima had gone. And the fact that she passed along the number she had for the red head. She had also rather bluntly sent Kirishima Sasara's cell number worried the man would be too shy to ask for it, but she felt he should text her first and so now he could.
Though by the end of the patrol Sakaki was feeling slightly warm. A slight sweat had started to roll down her back. At first she assumed it was due to her costume having sleeves and the warming temperature outside. But of course the little voice in the back of her head warned her that it wasn't a cold nor was it the uncommon summer heat that was making her uncomfortable, sweaty and causing her scent to overpower her patches.
The day was half over, all she needed to do was get her share of the paperwork done and she could head home and better prepare. Though she was sure she wouldn't have much time to prepare once she got home. But all she was to do was survive the rest of the day. Reaching the agency she once again skipped the break room heading for the office. She wanted to rush through the paperwork and get home as she nearly tossed herself into Kirishima's desk.
She didn't wait a second to start scribbling over the papers before her. And yet once again a bento was placed down on the paper she was working on. She didn't even look up to know it was Bakugou who had cooked and delivered the food. The scent of burnt wood clung to the bento as she picked it up but instead set it off to the side. She had to get this paperwork done. She needed to get home as soon as possible. Though her rush to get her work done kept her from noticing the lingering stare from the blonde.
It wasn't till Bakugou stormed over and stood before her desk and slammed his hands down that she paused to look up at him. An eyebrow arched and a soft tilt of her head looked up at him.
"Can I help you?" She asked as she looked up at him.
"Why the hell are you not eating?" He asked growling at her as he glanced over at the untouched bento.
"Oh I'm not hungry," she said simply as if that would be a good enough answer. She should have known it wouldn't be. But she wasn't feeling up to thinking of a better answer.
"Now if you will excuse me I have work to do," she said, trying to turn her attention back to the papers in front of her. And yet the deep growl that came from the blonde had her pause. Her pen nearly fell out of her hand. Her legs pressed together as if that would simmer down the raging fire that was quickly growing in her core. She couldn't even attempt to suppress the whimper that escaped her. Her omega was upset it had irritated the blonde. The urge to please him nearly had her reach over for the bento but she was frozen both in embarrassment and worried that if she did the man before her may attack.
Bakugou was just as stiff, his body tensed up as he took in the noise she had made at his aggressive growl. He wanted to hear it again, along with any other noises he could get from her. But instead he chose to grip Kirishima's desk tightly.
Sakaki could feel her body reaction to the alpha before her. She pressed her legs tightly together so hard that her knees dug into each other. But it was too late, her panties were done for. She had to resist the urge to get up and try to run past the man. She would never make it out of the office.
"Bakugou?" She called out softly trying desperately to not sound like a whine. Though how well that worked she wasn't sure but the sound seemed to be enough to draw his blown out pupils to look at her.
"I need to get home. Now!" She said growling out the last word. That seemed to help bring him back a little as she watched the blonde give his head a sudden violent shake.
"Come on get up then," he growled, reaching over to grab her wrist and hoist her up to her feet before rather roughly started to drag her out of the office. They were both in near full hero gear still but both knew time was not on their side and stopping to chance was not an option. Though the agency and out into the fresh air was a blur. The air outside felt cool to her all of the sudden, though the spike in her temperature had sweat rolling across whatever skin it could and being soaked up by her costume. She didn't even know where she was going till a car door was wrenched open and she was pretty much tossed into a passenger seat. She was still trying to get herself seated as Bakugou stormed around and threw himself into the driver's seat.
Bakugou didn't even bother with his seat belt as the car roared to life and he sped out of the agency parking lot. Had she not been too busy trying to keep her breath even and not make a noise she probably would have admired the fancy car, or the fact that Bakugou actually had one. Then again Kirishima had a jeep so she shouldn't be so surprised that Bakugou also had a car.
Bakugou had rolled down all of the windows but the one she was leaning her head against, trying desperately to hold back a whine as the roll of cramps hit her. But at least the glass felt cool against her heated cheek.
"What the hell? You've got a lot of nerves going into heat in the middle of work," Bakugou growled glaring at her. She tried her best to return the glare.
"Oh yeah like I planned this? You think I enjoy embarrassing myself at work?" She growled back more than happy to lash out as pain rippled through her body. And yet Bakugou bit his tongue and growled low in his chest. Which did draw a soft whine from her at the sound that man made.
Closing her eyes she tried not to focus on the way her body was reacting and instead. The window had been a cool reprieve but it had not lasted long. Her skin was growing itchy where her suit clung to her in ways it was not meant to. The fabric no longer feeling like a second skin and more like some sort of itchy restrictive binding. She wanted nothing more than to start trying to rip the material off of her body. Even Aizawa's scarf was more comfortable to be tied up in than her hero costume at this moment. So busy trying to keep herself from doing something stupid in Bakugou's presence that she didn't even notice how fast or dangerous the man beside her was driving. Or the fact he blew through a red light.
It wasn't till the car was jolted roughly to a stop and she felt herself rip forwards only to be stopped by the seat belt that she was wearing. Which drew a groan from her, her body already hurt enough as it was she didn't need to add whip lash to her list of pains. She turned to growl at the blonde but by the time she had turned her attention over to him the driver's seat was already empty. And yet before she could even look for him her door was nearly pulled off the hinges.
"Come on get the fuck out," Was the all to familiar growl, though it seemed to be a bit of a lowed octave than typical. But her fried brain did not have the capacity to realize that as it was all she could do to get the seat belt undone before she was crawling out. Though while sitting her legs had turned to jelly refusing to hold up her own weight as she nearly toppled to the ground. It was a strong arm wrapped around her that stopped her from colliding with the hard cement of the sidewalk beneath her.
"Thanks," She mumbled softly, not even able to bring herself to look up at him as he helped her to her feet. The only answer she got from him was the sound of him clicking his tongue off the back of his teeth. And yet he didn't complain as her hands gripped at his forearm as she forced herself to her feet and with his help they headed for the front door. Though it wasn't till they reached the locked door that she paused for a second about to reach into her pocket for her keys before she paused realizing they were in her civilian clothes sitting in the locker at the agency.
"Don't tell me you don't have your fucking keys," He yelled down at her before she shushed him and walked over to the little intercom on the side of the wall. Hitting the buzzard she waited a second before softly calling out to the person on the other side.
"Ms. Yamada I forgot my keys at the agency. Can you let me in?" This actually happened a time or two before, usually when Sakaki had a rough day and returned home hurt and limping, not wanting those at the agency to see. But she had a horrible habit of never taking her house keys with her when she left the agency.
"Are you hurt?" Is the quick question that greets her through the speaker.
"Not at all I just forgot my keys in my locker," She said, hoping the little old lady would not question her too much. A spare key to her apartment was hidden inside the building. She just needed to be able to get in.
Without another word she heard the door in front of her clicking open as she reached out to open it. Though a large hand beat her to it, ripping the door open before she could. She almost forgot Bakuguo was still standing beside her. She kind of expected him to just leave her be by now and head back to the agency to head home. But he hadn't, instead he had stood by watching her get the front door unlocked for them before she started to nearly stumble into the building and headed straight for the elevator.
"The fake plant in the left corner has my spare key in it," She called out once she noticed the sound of his heavy boots following her into the building. She didn't get an answer but trusted he did as she said and got her spare key for her before she was repeatedly beating on the poor elevator button as if that would make the elevator move any faster. Maybe now Bakugou would just hand her the key and leave her to ride the elevator alone, after all what could happen to her now? Okay her brain wasn't thinking about that but how much she loved the smell of campfire smoke that was evolving her senses. Her mouth watered, her panties was beyond soaked and as the blonde came to stand by her she found her eyelids drifting half closed as her body leaned into him. Her mind was quickly shutting off even as the elevator door opened and she found a strong hand on the middle of her back nearly pushing her into the elevator. She stepped in before she found herself leaning into the wall of muscle beside her.Her nose had nuzzled into his shoulder trying to reach more for his neck but the strong hand that had been on her back was now holding her shoulders as she whined at being denied the chance to scent the blonde. His growl was the reply her whine got.
This was hard enough for poor Bakugou as he tried to keep his head on his shoulders even though his pants had grown extremely uncomfortably tight and his own instincts were screaming at him to take the omega who was clinging to him now. But taking her in the elevator of her apartment building was not an option. But trying to keep her off of himself was not an easy task. His hands on her shoulders tried desperately to keep the woman from rather literally climbing up his body. Her nose had become glued to the scent gland along the blonde's neck. With her spare key in hand he nearly had to drag her down the hallway and to her door. It was as he was trying to put the key in the lock that he felt her tongue run up his neck over his own scent gland. That had him hiss as he tried to hold back any other ungodly sound his body wanted to make at the pleasure of her tongue against his skin.
"Damn it," he cursed as he struggled to get the key into the lock and turn it before the door softly opened for him. He was rather lucky she had been wearing her scent blocking patches, even if he could still smell her heat induced scent it wasn't nearly as strong as it would have been without the patches make it at least mostly doable to keep his sanity. Though her actions and the scent of her arousal on the other hand were working against him.
"Get in and lock your door behind yourself," Bakugou growled as he tried to pry the woman off of him. Though doing so was not as easy as he thought it would be. She either now had the strength of superman or he was struggling to find the strength to truly force her off of him as they stood in the hallway of her apartment.
"Sakaki!" He growled trying to use as much authority as he could master in the moment as he tried to pry her off of him. Though the reply he got was not what he expected.
"Katsuki," his first name was drawn out in a whiny tone that had very quickly reminded him of the last time she used his first name. She had been drunk off her own quick but even then hearing her whine and say his name had done things to him then. And this time was not much different as an almost purr like vibration rumbled in his chest. Fuck he liked hearing his name come from her lips. Well there went what little fight he had along with all his self control.
His hands grabbed her hips, hoisting her off of the floor as she quickly wrapped them around his waist. Her hands had snaked around his neck, her fingers even slipped through his hair a little. Had she been a little more aware of what was going on she would have been surprised to find his wild blonde mane was really soft to the touch. Her one hand tried to work at removing her boots so she could then start to pry her costume off knowing the one piece skin tight suit wouldn't come off without her boots off first. She wasn't even aware of the fact Bakugou had carried her into her apartment and was also ripping his own boots off.
Her lips softly started to litter his neck with kisses as she made her way up to his jaw line. She roughly pressed her lips against his. The kiss was a bit sloppy and rushed as teeth clinked together and tongues battled for dominance. She couldn't tell if they were moving nor did she even care as her tongue fought Bakugou's before she finally gave in letting the man's tongue explore her mouth first. Though to show she wasn't happy with it her fingers entangled in his hair giving a good tug which had a growl fill her mouth. That had her whine into the kiss, her hips seemed to have a mind of their own as they ground against Bakugou. Though she was unhappy when she found that Bakugou held her too high, not allowing her to grind against his groin but the lower part of his stomach. That was not fair she wasn't to get an idea of what he was packing.
So instead she turned her attention to trying to rip his clothes off. Which was not as easy as she would have liked it to be with her body wrapped around his but she had at least ripped off his mask and his shirt as they littered the floor in her home as Bakugou carried her through the small apartment and into her small bedroom.
This time Bakugou had no issues ripping her off of him to toss her onto her bed. He looked down at her with an almost starved look with his blown out pupils and flaring nostrils. Now free her hands were quick to start pulling at her own suit wanting the damn thing off and off now. Though pulling her eyes away from Bakugou was hard as she watched the man's right hand move down to palm himself through his pants.
She whined softly at the sight of his cock pressing against the material of Bakugou's black pants. She was pretty sure she heard some fabric ripping or at least stretching beyond repair as she ripped the suit from her own body leaving herself in her soaked panties and bra before she was crawling over towards the edge of her bed smirking up at the blonde. He at least had enough sense to know that even though she didn't have her nest made he had to respect her bed.
"Come here alpha," she said softly trying not to just pant as she looked up at him with half lid eyes as her tongue stuck out to run across her upper lip as she had watched his self control slip more and more the longer they were together.
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