《Pandora's Gift》Chapter 6
The next day was nearly the same as the last though this time Sakaki felt like she came prepared for the morning coffee cups in hand. She may have called the lovely secretary she had met on her first day walking into the agency and bribed her with the choice of a coffee in exchange for telling the woman how Dynamite and Red Riot liked their coffee.
Should she have been surprised that Bakugou liked his coffee black? Some days she wondered if the man had any taste buds left or if he simply had burned them all off. Kirishima on the other hand was a much more reasonable person. He likes his coffee rather sweet which she was surprised about for a second but maybe that's where all that sweet energy came from?
She sat in the middle not feeling the need to load her coffee with enough sugar to nearly melt one's teeth but she needed some sweetener as she could drink black coffee. It was almost funny to see another perfect example of how the two men were completely opposite from one another. It almost made her chuckle as she left the bribe on the front desk before walking to the elevator and heading up to the joint office.
"Good morning boys," she said after tapping on the door lightly with her boot, giving the guys barely three seconds before she was strolling into the room. Both men were sitting at their desks, both in full gear and uniform. Though it seemed they were trying to get some work before getting busy with their mornings. As always Kirishima greeted her with his million dollar sharped tooth grin. Which had the woman returning a wide grin as well. While Bakugou didn't even glance up from his papers before him.
"Good morning Sakaki," Kirishima greeted her warmly while Bakugou remained silent. Walking up she was quick to pull his coffee out of the cup holder in her hand.
"Good Morning Kirishima, Bakugou. I brought some caffeine for us," she said with a light chuckle as she handed over his coffee which he gave her a soft thanks before he took a sip. She could see his shoulders visibly relax.
"Geez Kirishima, how have your teeth not rotted away drinking such sweet coffee?" She asked, unable to help the playful question as she watched the redhead laugh as she moved over to place Bakugou's coffee on his desk. Of course he didn't say thanks but he did reach out and take a sip of the coffee carefully almost as I'd he was scared it may be something else. Once he realized it was how he liked it he took another sip.
"I brush my teeth afterwards. Gotta keep the pearly whites, well pearly white," he said with a chuckle at her teasing. She had turned to face Kirishima as she leaned against Bakugou's desk.
"Hey dumbass get the fuck off my desk!" Was the growl that came from Bakugou. Which had the woman rolling her eyes at him before she pushed off the desk and walked over to Kirishima's only to do the same thing at his desk that she had done at Bakugou's desk.
"So the plans the same today as yesterday correct?" She asked, glancing over at the red head.
"Yes. Though it sounds like tomorrow we will try changing things around. You and Bakugou will be doing patrols tomorrow and I'll be staking out with a side kick," the red head answered. Though this had the woman's eyes light up.
"Yes about damn time. I hate stake outs," she said, being a little too excited though the thought of doing the patrol with Bakugou did not sound fun she still would much rather spend the day on her feet walking and doing something. She didn't have the attention span and patience to sit for half a day just watching people come and go from a warehouse. Though it sucked that she had to spend this day sitting on her ass all day. But she could take out her pent up energy tomorrow on whatever criminals she could encounter. She really hoped something would happen tomorrow.
"Calm down dumb ass. Today we are still working the stake out," was the growl from Bakugou.
"I'm gonna be excited for a patrol as much as I want. And I'm not stupid I know I am still stuck sitting beside your boring ass all day," she growled back. Kirishima almost sighed at the way the two fought like cats and dogs. And yet Bakugou was still being rather tame, for the time being at least.
"What did you say? I'm not boring!" Of course the blonde was going to be upset about being called bored as if it was some sort of horrible insult, as if there was nothing worse in the world she could have called him.
"If you say so princess," her tone was mocking. She knew what her words would do to the blonde. Of course his desk was abandoned in a split second. He had nearly flown over it as he stormed up to stand over her not at all hesitating to lean his much taller frame over her. His lips pulled back and a deep growl rumbled in his chest.
She froze as she looked up at him. Her brain nearly shut down as his scent engulfed her. It was thick and heavy as it took her breath away. Then throw in the animalistic noises he was making. One part of her brain wanted to purr and admire the strength of the alpha in front of her, then another part wanted to drop to her knees and damn well worship the man. Another part felt unhappy she had angered him so much. Fuck the mix of feeling only made her head spin even more.
It was all she could do to keep her eyes from rolling into the back of her head as her vision threatened to get blurry. His pheromones clouded her brain, how she even remained standing on her feet she didn't know. Though to be fair she didn't know she was still standing as her eyes neatly glazed over as she looked at the snarling alpha before her. Her mouth had gone dry, Kirishima was scolding Bakugou but she couldn't hear him.
His hand had even wrapped around her neck while his other she assumed was in a lethal position ready to blow her head off. She could faintly hear the popping over the sound of her own heart beat that filled her ears. She hadn't even meant to but she could feel the ever so soft vibration in her chest as she was nearly silently purring in his grip. She was actually happy his hand was wrapped around her neck, muffling the noise at least a small bit and hopefully keeping Kirishima from hearing the noise.
The soft smile on her lips never faltered even when Kirishima had grabbed Bakugou's wrist. As he was trying to pry the blonde man off of her. It wasn't till Bakugou's hand let go that she whimpered softly and blinked her eyes finally able to kick start her brain pushing the fog away. Damn it how the hell was he able to do that to her? Anyone else and she would have ripped their hand off before it even touched her. And yet he could not only wrap his hand around her throat but the action had brought some pleasure to her in more than one way. She liked the feeling of his warm calloused hand on her skin, she oddly liked his fingers wrapping tightly around her neck. She liked the power he had over her for that split second, or was it a minute? How long had the two stood there like that? She didn't even know it felt like only seconds but it could have been more than five minutes for all she knew.
"I'm so sorry," Kirishima just seemed to repeat over and over as he quickly stepped between the two before what he thought may be an all out war could break out.
"It's okay Kirishima, it's my fault for egging him on," she said, trying to give the red head a warm smile which only seemed to make the angry blonde growl. Though she assumed the growl was aimed for her even though the blonde was looking between the two growling over the fact she gave Kirishima such a nice smile.
She finally took a second to glance away from Bakugou who was growling softly as Kirishima scolded him for attacking another company's hero, she didn't really care. It's not like they actually threw punches or anything. That's when her eyes landed on Bakugou's desk and the spilled coffee that had run off one corner and onto the floor.
"Fuck!" Was the loud curse that had come from the woman which had the two men stopping their bickering to turn and look at the woman worried about what had her so upset. Only for her to be standing over by the desk glaring down at the wasted coffee.
"That shit cost me 500 yen," she bitched softly since she had stopped at her favourite coffee shop though it wasn't the cheapest but the coffee was usually really good. For the four coffees she had paid nearly 4,000 yen. She huffed softly to herself. No use in crying over spilt milk, or in this case coffee.
"I'll go find something to clean this all up with," she said quickly once she realized both sets of red eyes had turned their attention to her. And that oddly made her feel uneasy all of the sudden before she quickly walked out of the room. She also desperately needed to stop at a bathroom and clean up the mess she was in after that intense couple of seconds where she almost thought she was going to throw herself at Bakugou about ready to climb him like a tree even if it was in front of Kirishima and in their office.
As soon as the door shut behind her Kirishima turned on his blonde friend. Glaring at the man who just scowled at him.
"Dude what the hell? For three seconds I thought you were going to kill her, then the next five seconds I thought you two where about to fuck in the middle of the office," Kirishima hissed softly at his friend. Bakugou just looked bored and held onto his scowl.
"It wasn't like that at all. I wouldn't have hurt her at all," he said, denying the part about nearly killing her but he didn't say anything about the other part. Cause well what could he say? Kirishima was right. He could still smell her arousal in the room. The look that had crossed her face was completely lustful, she had even purred while his fingers were wrapped around her neck. She had completely enjoyed watching him attack her.
Kirishima sighed heavily before running his left hand along the back of his neck, uncomfortable with the next question he felt the need to ask his best friend. After all he doubted the blonde would be happy with the personal question. But he wasn't sure of the answer on his own. Sure he usually had an idea of when his friend and business partner would go into a rut. But now he couldn't recall the last time the blonde had a real rut. Bakugou had a tendency to over use his own suppressants keeping his ruts short only a day, maybe two. That couldn't be good for the blonde and surely that pent up desire was starting to roar it's ugly head with an unmated omega around all day long.
"Bokubro. When was the last time you had a rut? And I don't mean just one or two days. When was the last time you spent a good week in a rut?" The redhead asked bluntly after all there was no sugar coating the subject. Still Kirishima was ready for the attack whether it was verbal or physical.
"It's none of your damn business," yep, that was the reply Kirishima fully expected.
"Dude. I know it's been well over a year. Probably closer to two years or more. That's not good for you. And now having an omega around isn't good for you or her. You can't work like this," Kirishima was quick to point out. Which only had the blonde scowl and growl to himself. He knew his friend was right. After all Sakaki was wearing pheromone blockers and yet the slightest whiff of her scent had nearly sent him into a feral state.
"Take her patrolling with you today. I'll deal with everything else," Bakugou growled, needing time and space away from the woman. Well at least Kirishima was pretty sure that news would make the woman happy. After all she made it clear she hated the stake out work.
"Okay," the redhead said with a simple nod of his head. And with that Sakaki returned with a janitor in tow who was quick to start mopping up the spilt coffee. Sakaki walked up to the two men, a little surprised to find they had not moved from when she left.
"Okay, the clean up crew is here," she said with a wide innocent smile pulled at her lips as she walked up to the two men.
"Sakaki I'd actually like you to join me on patrol today," Kirishima said trying to sound innocent himself as he flashed the woman a wide toothy grin. He then proceeded to watch her eyebrows shoot up, surprised, before one eyebrow slowly dropped and just one remained raised as she looked at him so questionably.
"Okay," she said slowly, agreeing with him though she didn't remove the questioning look on her face. Was it her being punished or was it simply Kirishima's way to try and apologize for Bakugou's outburst.
"Well then when do we head out Kirishima?" She asked, smiling happily with a soft tilt of her head.
"We can head out right now," Kirishima said with a nod of his head before he started to lead the way out of the office.
"Awesome," she hummed softly happily walking after him with a little pep in her step. Though she couldn't help the slight uneasy feeling she had as she glanced back at Bakugou who had shoved his hands into his pants pocket scowling as the duo left the office.
She waited till they had left the agency before she softly sighed. She wanted to know why all of a sudden she was going on a patrol with Kirishima. Sure she was happy not to be sitting her ass in the same spot all day long. But she felt bad for the reason why she was with the redhead.
"I'm sorry again for earlier, I should have known not to egg Bakugou on so much," she said softly fiddling with her thumbs softly.
"There's no need to apologize. We both know what Bakugou is like. He has been a little more irritable lately than normal. It's not you or anything I just think he's been a bit stressed," Kirishima said, having paused for a second before deciding to use the word stressed instead of pent up.
"I'll be sure not to tease him so much. I don't want to make your job harder than it is for dealing with the blonde pomeranian," she said, still unable to keep herself from smirking softly. She may not tease the blonde to his face but that didn't mean she would tease him to Kirishima. It seemed to have the redhead laughing at her joke of calling the blonde a dog.
"Don't worry about it," Kirishima said lightly as the duo walked down the street. Oddly she felt they got further down the street than when she was walking around with Bakugou before people started to swarm the two of them. Or more specifically Kirishima was the target of all the attention. Sakaki stood back, slipping her mask up from around her neck, not wanting the swarm of scents to overwhelm her poor sensitive nose as it seemed mostly omega's were throwing themselves at the large mountain man of an alpha.
Kirishima didn't seem to bat an eye at the people throwing themselves at him. He was signing autographs and taking pictures as fast as he could. While Sakaki had stepped back glancing around the street. Kirishima may of been busy but she was on the job and watching the area closely looking for anyone who may be acting oddly, those who may be hiding in the shadows or just anything that could catch her eye as she kept her senses on those around her while she was waiting for Kirishima was trying to deal with all his fans.
It took longer than either one of them would have liked. But neither said anything as they finally were able to continue their walking down the street. Though Kirishima was always having to shrug people off while trying not to sound like a dick. Sakaki quickly found it annoying. And it didn't take long before she found herself glaring at anyone who tried to approach the duo. That oddly actually seemed to keep at least a small portion of people from continuing to try and stop at least Kirishima.
Kirishima had to hold back the urge to laugh as he noticed she was a lot like Bakugou as she seemed to intimidate people quickly and easily. Both were like walking an angry dog. Though she at least seemed to keep herself a little more quiet than Bakugou would have been as he would have yelled at people who approached. She just shot glares at them. And the mask over her bottom half of her face only made her look more intimidating.
"I'm surprised you enjoy patrolling with a top pro," he said as he watched her scare off yet another person who tried to approach them. Kirishima had to bite back the urge to laugh as he watched her scare people off.
"I will admit I like it better on my own, or maybe with a sidekick. It's annoying how many people try to get in the way of a patrol when it's a top pro," she admitted. She couldn't deny she had a feeling that Miruko half the time used her as a shield to keep people away from her while she did her patrols. But she didn't want to admit that to Kirishima even though the man was able to make that own assumption as well even without her telling him that.
"I can't argue there patrolling was a lot easier before becoming famous," the tall redhead admitted softly to her as they walked side by side enjoying the nice uneventful walk as they spent the day walking up and down a number of popular streets, chatting softly together as they enjoyed most of the patrol.
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