《Pandora's Gift》Chapter 3
Had it been five minutes or five hours? She honestly couldn't tell as she looked out the window at nothing. The room was silent aside from the sound of Bakugou's pen running over the paper he was signing. Why the hell was he doing this to her? He was tortured her and she knew it. The smells in the office were warming, Bakugou smelled like a marshmallow that had been roasted over a fire. While Kirishima's warm earthy scent was oddly nice. Honestly if she closed her eyes and took a soft breath through her nose she could almost think she was outside in the woods enjoying fresh air and warm earth while she roasted marshmallows with friends.
When was the last time Sakaki had found a single alpha, never mind two alpha's scent so calming and warming? Though Kirishima's scent wasn't as strong now that he had left the room. It almost made her sad that his scent was fading a little. Or maybe Bakugou's scent was overpowering Kirishima's? It took a moment for her to notice his change in pheromones ever so slightly. As the two remained silent it seemed to be irritating the man as the smoky scent in the air grew stronger. Yet it didn't turn sour or anything telling her he was really angrier or anything of the sort. It just seems he was growing a little irritated with the heavy silence.
"Are you just going to stand there and stare off into space?" He barked at her. Even though his tone was harsh she didn't do anything but blink her eyes calmly at him. After all, it was hard to not feel relaxed with the two warm scents in the room. And after all she knew, Bakugou always lashed out like this. Though back in high school she would have flinched at his outburst, but right now she wasn't bothered by it. After all, the man only seemed to have one way of talking to people. She knew not to take his harsh tone or loud words to heart.
"What else am I supposed to be doing? You have me stuck waiting here for you. There is nothing else for me to do but stand here and end up thinking about things as I wait," she said calmly, not even fazed by the man. And this seemed to just irritate him even more seeing her unfazed. Bakugou was well accustomed to people caving under his hard gaze and sharp tongue. But the woman was able to stand her ground even if doing so still made her legs feel like jelly. His tone was rough and loud and yet it didn't actually make her angry or timid. Hell she oddly found it comforting in a way. Maybe it was because he never truly changed. This was truly the same kid from high school. Though that still made her a little sad in its own way.
She knew Bakugou would treat her like shit, as he did pretty much everyone. But he would probably hog all the good fighting, the publicity and praise that would come with the mission. But she had long ago learned that Alpha's always got the praise and rewards for others' hard work. This mission would be no different. She would remain a hard working shadow as the two men would get all the credit.
"Well, find some way to make yourself useful. Damn extra can't do anything," was the growling that came from Bakugou. But hey he wasn't yelling it in her face so maybe there was an improvement from his high school days.
"I'm not some damn sidekick. I'm not gonna run and get you coffee or anything of the sorts. I'm a damn hero just like you," she growled back at him. Though this time he did seem to blow a fuse as his hands hit the top of his desk and he stood up all in one fluent motion. Okay she was quickly chewing on the inside of her cheek as she struggled not to flinch and apologize for her growl. It was incredibly hard to keep herself standing there as he stomped up towards her.
"If you're in my agency then you're working under me. And this means you'll do as you're told," he was quick to tower over her. She found herself softly licking her lips and nibbling on them as she tried to hide the submissive actions.
"I do not work for you. My boss is Miruko. I am simply here on her orders. And I doubt she would want one of her top hero's running errands for you like some side kick," she said softly trying to argue with him but her voice was barely above a whisper. Damn it, why was he able to do this to her? Even without his strong pheromones he easily could have had her omega obeying him.
Her response only had the blonde growling all the more. And yet he seemed a little unsure of what to growl about next. His nostrils had flared as he took deep breaths. But as he paused she watched those vermilion eyes of his dilate as a growl rumbled in his chest. The smoky smell in the air was heavy as if she was standing in a cloud of campfire smoke. She parted her lips and took a deep breath but this only made her mouth water more. Damn it she needed to up her suppressants or get in a stronger dose. Her mouth was watered, her legs wanted to shake, her thighs pressed together as she stared up into those vermillion eyes.
Damn it if she wasn't careful spending so much time with two alpha's was going to send her into heat. And with her cycles being unpredictable after all the years in high school abusing her suppressants she couldn't predict when her heat would come as well as she would like. Sometimes it was every 3 months, other times she could go back to back for 2 months but then not have a heat for 6 months easily. Miruko had grown good at noticing subtle differences in her mood or other habits that helped her boss predict her own heat cycles. Hell she was sure the damn bunny woman knew Sakaki's body better than even she did.
But this? This situation was different than her typical days whenever she was with Miruko. Sure her boss's scent was not bad but it never made her mouth water and body ache the way Bakugou's did. Even Kirishima's scent wasn't so bad either, both alpha's had a nice mouth water scent.
Fuck how long had she been lost in thought? Her gaze had shifted from Bakugou's face to the floor. When did that happen? Fuck the heavy smell of campfire smoky was almost over powering as the two stood silently. But it seemed the edges of Bakugou's lips had curled up a little, having seen her eyes drift down as they seemed lost in thought.
"Yeah whatever. You're still just a damn extra," he said walking past her, not even hesitating to bump his shoulder into hers. She growled softly as his scent clung to her shoulder as he walked off and towards the door leaving the office.
"Hey where the hell are you going?" She called out as she turned and watched him reach for the door.
"To get suited up you idiot. I'm not about to go out in civilian clothes. Meet me in the lobby in ten," he called out as he walked out of his shared office with Kirishima.
The blonde growled to himself as he stomped his way to the locker room where his uniform was sitting waiting in his locker. Damn it that annoying woman got under his skin. She didn't flinch away like everyone else did and she even had the nerve to growl back at him. He truly didn't think she was an omega till he had stood up and approached her about to yell at her some more when a heavenly sweet scent filled his nose.
It had taken all he had in him to make himself stop and just glare down at her. Their little glaring contest didn't last long though as he watched her gaze drift off, something must have filled her mind. She had licked her lips and her gaze drove to the floor behind him. And yet Bakugou had stood there his nostrils flared as he rather enjoyed the ever so soft scent lingering from the woman. Fresh strawberries and warm chocolate lingered on the woman ever so softly. It seemed Kirishima had been right when he made the comment the night before. Bakugou almost wanted to reach out and rip one of her pheromone blockers off her neck when his eyes lingered on the clear, almost invisible little patch that sat along her neck.
But he knew better than to do that, first off the woman would probably not hesitate to rip his hand off. To be honest Bakugou had a hard time believing this woman was the same one who had gone through UA with him. He honestly barely remembered her. She had been small, nervous and seemed seclusive. It probably didn't help that she had avoided Bakugou for all she was worth but he didn't know that. So it only irritated the blonde that he couldn't remember the woman very well when he thought back to the three years he had spent at UA high school. He had spent most of the night before looking through old photos and even tore out the old year book he could find from their first year to spot the dark haired woman. Trying to learn more about her had also not worked as well as he would have liked. Sakaki had kept her work on the down low, she was in a few background images of Miruko when she would be out working.
She stayed out of the media the best she could, and finding information on her was hard. Bakugou had even ended up contemplating texting Deku and asking him but that thought had put a sour taste in the blonde's mouth. Even if the idiot wouldn't tease him like Kirishima or Denki would have, he still didn't like the thought of owing anything to Deku in exchange for answers to his questions. So instead the blonde had chosen to sulk and try his best to find old or new videos where she was present with Miruko seeing as how there was never any coverage of the woman alone.
To be honest Bakugou almost felt like he would have had better luck finding information on his old teacher before he started teaching. The fact that this woman could hide herself away as good as Aizawa or better was surprising compared to her much more public work. In the end all his hard work did little but keep him up late and leave him exhausted and even more grouchy than even normally.
And so Bakugou was growling and scowling to himself in the empty locker room as he quickly got changed into his hero costume before he left the locker room, still locking his left gauntlet as he made his way towards the lobby. Sakaki was standing among the open lobby, softly shifting her weight from one foot to the other, bored as she waited for the angry blonde to come to her. After all this wasn't her agency, she didn't have a locker to keep her costume or civilian clothes.
"What happened to meet in the lobby in ten minutes?" She asked as she arched an eyebrow at the blonde as he was storming his way over towards her. Her voice was softly muffled over the support mask she had since pulled up her face allowing it to hide the bottom half of her face. The first thought that went to his mind was Shinsou Hitoshi and the mask he had been wearing since their high school days.
"What's with the damn mask? You look like fucking eye bags does!" He snapped at the woman ignoring her question and asking his own question.
"What's the matter? Too intimidating for you?" She asked as the mask hid the smirk but her eyes shimmered playfully giving away her playful attitude. And by eye bags did he mean Shinsou? Because she would be lying if she didn't admit that was where she got the idea from. He had one for being an alpha, or so he had told her. It had helped he found when helping omega citizens as she recalled the purple haired man was extremely sensitive even more so than typical alpha's. He was one of the few who learned on his own her secret as he apparently was able to tell when he met her even after all the suppressants and pheromone blockers she was on at the time.
At her teasing questions Bakugou scowled. His top lip pulled back to growl at her not finding her teasing as funny and light hearted as she had.
"No it looks stupid," he growled but she didn't do more than bat an eye at the angry blonde.
"So you say but I don't think so. Now come on we got work to do," she said, turning on her heel to head towards the front door. She wanted to get away from the blonde but she knew she couldn't do that. Her playful tone was gone as she tried not to be offended at his harsh comment. She should have seen it coming, hell a part of her did. But that didn't mean it didn't still bother her.
Hell why did it bother her so much what he thought? She was well aware some people say the mask as odd, masculine, unattractive and pulling from her costumes sex appeal though she didn't aim for her costume to be sexy she just needed it the way it was to be functional. And yet hearing him say a part of her costume looked stupid upset her. Stupid omega side of her brain wanted to whimper and rip the mask off to please the blonde. But it served a purpose and she needed it, especially now that she was forced to endure the next who knows how many hours with the angry blonde man.
Sakaki remained in her head as the duo walked the street. She really wasn't paying attention to where they were going or even who they were supposed to be looking for. She didn't care enough at that moment to be worried about work. She knew better and that she should be focusing but it just seemed so impossible as the two walked in a heavy silence. Well it was only a heavy silence for about a minute, maybe two minutes from the agency before people spotted the all too familiar hero beside her and seemed to flock towards him.
Even with the blonde being a grouchy irritating yelling moron some people still actually approached him. Was it because people had grown a little more accepting of a man with piss poor social skills after having Endeavor as a number one and highly popular hero back when he was still an active hero around All Mights retirement. It probably helped that it was mostly women who were approaching him. Large eyes looking up at him, eyelashes fluttering, flirting as they asked for his autograph even as he would snarl at them.
And this was a prime reason why Sakaki enjoyed staying low. She didn't care for fame or money, she was happy with the knowledge she was saving people and taking out bad guys. It wasn't even her who was having to deal with the people and it was irritating her. She was actually amazed the blonde did nothing more than scowl and snarl at the odd person. The angry pomeranian must have matured a little bit if he was able not to just yell at completely everyone who crossed his path. But Sakaki would never actually praise the man on his skills to not threaten to kill a poor civilian.
It truly made it hard for the duo to get to their destination. But Sakaki didn't say anything till they reached the building roof. They were sitting on looking out down the street and waiting and watching for their target. Supposedly the building they were watching was a wear house the group of villains used. There was no sight of him when they both checked upon arrival.
"Do people always flock to you like that?" She asked now, feeling the need to break the heavy silence between the two. She could hear his tongue click off his teeth lightly.
"Yeah they usually do. Makes patrols a pain in the ass," he growled softly and actually answered her.
"Geez. I don't know how you and Kirishima do it," she said softly. Was it odd that the two were actually having a real civil conversation? She probably had never spoken so much to Bakugou before today.
"Kirishima draws in even more people. It takes him three times longer to do patrols during the day. I can't even do day time patrols with him. It drives me nuts," Bakugou admitted as he looked through a small pair of binoculars.
"Makes me happy to be a non ranked hero. I'm surprised you don't have people running screaming when they see you," she said, unable to help her teasing tone as she struggled not to snicker. And of course he reacted as she expected.
"What the hell does that mean? You think people are scared of me? You're the one who looks like some villain," he growled loudly, nearly throwing his binoculars at her as she laughed at his anger outburst.
"Well you've never had great people skills. It's good to see at least you've learned a thing or two from high school," she said, actually hearing the small pops coming from his right hand as he let go of the binoculars in his one hand.
"Oh calm down I'm just busting your balls," she said, throwing her hands up in a surrendering form but still couldn't help the soft shake of her shoulders with a silent laugh.
"Oh just shut the fuck up," he growled at her which had her smirk softly as it seemed he had nothing else to argue about.
With that she picked up her own binoculars and proceeded to watch the building for the remainder of the day sitting among the roof with the angry blonde.
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