《Pandora's Gift》Chapter 2
The three young hero's ended up standing in the training room talking, to Sakaki's distaste. Bakugou's pheromones filled the room from his workout. Even now his body was covered in sweat, his scent was enough alone to have her mouth watering when she walked in. Now being stuck with both Bakugou and Kirishima it was a living hell for the poor omega.
"We should go for dinner, invite some friends. Mina would love to see you," Kirishima was quick to try and convince his two classmates to go out for dinner. Or more so he was trying to convince Sakaki to join him.
"No," both parties said at the same time both seemed to share a hard stern tone. Which was a surprise for all three. She shot a glare over at Bakugou who had done the same thing to her so the two could glare at each other.
Kirishima on the other hand looked like he was trying to bite back the urge to laugh at the two especially as they each glared at one another before Sakaki turned and gave the tall red head a small smile.
"I'm sorry Kirishima. I'm busy tonight but another night. We can get the gang together and go for drinks or something," Sakaki said, trying to sound as nice and genuine as she could. But it was hard since she actually had no desire to follow through with her suggestion.
She was doing all she could to not just rush out of the training room. Call Miruko and tell her she would quit the agency before returning to work with the two alpha's. But still she knew she couldn't do that either. It had nearly taken her a year to find an agency that would hire her. Being an omega was hard enough, trying to work as a hero as well even harder. And agency's didn't want the liability. If she left Miruko's employment she knew she would never work as a hero again. That reason alone was the only reason the woman was still standing and talking with the two alpha's.
"After this mission. We will all need to go out and celebrate," Kirishima said, flashing her such a genuine wide, warm smile. It actually made some guilt settle in the bottom of her stomach to know she had no desire to do such a thing. But she gave him a nod of her head and a soft smile.
"Well I have new paper work I'm going to need to read through tonight. If you do not mind I'm gonna head out. I will see you both in the morning," she said, her eyes moving from Kirishima to Bakugou and back to the red head again. She flashed Kirishima a smile and with the files in hand headed out of the training room they had temporarily spent the afternoon using like a meeting room. It wasn't till the door closed behind her that Kirishima arched an eyebrow and looked over at his friend.
"Well you were rather quiet. What's up?" Kirishima questioned his friend seeing how once he learned who the woman was, Bakugou had remained quiet, not barking at the woman or arguing with her any more. At least for the time being that was.
"Nothing. Why the hell do you think something was up?" Was the snarl that came from Bakugou at his friend. The playful wide grin on the red head's face nearly gave away the thought that ran through the red head's mind.
"Oh come on Bakugou you couldn't take your eyes off of her," he tried to hold back the urge to laugh at the look of disgust that crossed his friend's face. Kirishima knew all too well how the blonde tended to avoid women and dating after his first few failed attempts in high school and just after.
"You don't know what you're talking about!" Was the growl that came from the ever so slightly shorter blonde. With that Bakugou turned around and was storming over towards his gym bag.
"Well in case you're curious. She smells like milk chocolate and strawberries," Kirishima said before he quickly turned on his heels and headed to the door making a run for it before he pissed off his friend any more. The last thing Kirishima wanted was Bakugou lighting his ass on fire.
Bakugou wouldn't admit it but he had been curious and Kirishima answered a question he had. He had quickly noticed the woman wore scent blockers on her wrists and even behind her ears. Apparently she worked hard to hide her scent. And of course the blonde was curious but didn't ask knowing better than to be that rude. But he was curious why she wore so many. Bakugou often had to wear them from time to time as his own scent was strong. But he knew the woman wasn't an alpha. Beta's have no need for pheromone blockers as they didn't usually give off strong enough pheromones to affect those around them like an alpha or even omega might.
Omega! That was it, she had to be an omega. Bakugou wondered if Kirishima would have come to the same conclusion. The red head wasn't an idiot but it was still a lot to swallow. He had gone to school with the woman. Had lived in the same dorm as her. And yet he could never remember having to live with an omega. She must have been on some heavy suppressants. And to ensure that for three years. It was also hard to believe someone could survive that long on heavy suppressants.
But it made sense if the woman was an omega, it would explain her nice small frame and build and the pheromone blockers. But then Bakugou had some doubts. If she was an omega then she should have folded and submitted when his teeth were bared and his pheromones strong and potent. Which she hadn't, she stood firm refusing to back down to him and even flashed her own teeth at him apparently ready to take him on if she had to. There were few people who would dare take on the blonde man, and all the ones that came to mind would be alpha's.
So many questions ran through his head as he scooped up his gym back and headed towards the locker room where he could shower and get dressed and leave the agency for the night.
By the time the blonde walked into the locker room Kirishima was nearly fully dressed. His long red hair was wet and hung down towards his shoulders. A grey t-shirt was being pulled down his chest as the blonde walked in. Of course Kirishima was happy to flash his friend a smile as he watched the blonde grab out a towel from his bag.
"I know you were really looking forward to working with Miruko. But she sent Sakaki, so she must trust that she can handle this mission the best," Kirishima said all or the sudden worded that Bakugou would be a growly pain in the ass to deal with during the entirety of the mission since Kirishima knew how excited the blonde had been to learn Miruko's agency would be working with them. Even Kirishima had been under the impression they would be working with Miruko. Though he was far from sad about learning he wasn't working with Mirko but instead was working with Sakaki.
"I don't need one of your fucking lectures. I'll work with the damn extra if I have to. But if she gets in the way I'm calling Miruko," Bakugou was quick to growl at his friend who simply flashed him a wide approving smile.
"Okay good. Well then I'll see you tomorrow morning," Kirishima smiled before giving his friend a simple wave and heading out of the locker room to head home. This left Bakugou to think over his previous thoughts about the woman and he only seemed to gain more questions as he thought about it more and more.
Sakaki had nearly wanted to run out of that damn agency, she truly couldn't get out of there fast enough. She had to stop at the front desk getting more paperwork she was carrying under her left arm as she walked. But after that she was quick to turn and walk out of the agency. Once outside the dark haired woman took a deep breath feeling her body finally relax at least a little as she felt she could finally breathe again now that she wasn't surrounded by alpha's. And worse was it she couldn't say either man was repulsive like she found most alpha's.
Kirishima smelt like a warm earthy scent with a little rain in the air freshness. Though the barely noticeable scent of his hair dye did have a little chemical smell it really wasn't that bad at all. But Bakugou was mouth watering with that campfire smell with a little roasted marshmallows added in. It warmed her heart and made her mouth water. Damn it now she wanted to have a s'more and sit around a campfire.
She was happy that her walk home wasn't too long or short. Surprisingly the old classmate's agency was actually closer to her home than Miruko's agency was. Though she really should take a train home. But Sakaki was sure that the walking would be good for her. Help clear her mind and burn off this pent up energy she felt she had as she tried to settle her nerves after everything that just happened.
She was still pouting over the fact that the two men had learned so quickly who she was. So much for keeping her identity a secret. Once again she was cursing out Miruko for assigning this job to her. She could have given the mission to anyone else in the agency but why her? But no it had to be the woman who not only had a tie with the two from her past but also was an omega having to work with the two alpha.
This was going to be the next few weeks of hell for the woman. Not only was she stuck working with a man who was a huge pain in the ass, and he didn't appreciate anyone or the work they did. Both men where alpha's and their pheromones were probably going to mess with her body as she had been on a low dosage of suppressants and both alpha's had strong pheromones. This wasn't going to be the same as working with Miruko or any of her other teammates from the agency as she was accustomed to their pheromones. But Bakugou and Kirishima had strong pheromones and she hadn't seen either for years. She would also be lying if she said she didn't find both men attractive.
The walk home though was nice, the fresh air helped calm her nerves and her body. But it was the second she stepped into her little apartment that she was truly relieved. The small one room apartment was warm and welcoming as the scent of her home relaxed her. It was after dinner and she knew she should eat but instead she headed to the shower feeling the need to remove Kirishima's scent from her body. As much as she loved the redhead she couldn't risk his scent triggering her heat after the years of suppressants from high school had her cycle completely irregular. It was one of a few crappy side effects of all the years of taking meds that she shouldn't have been eating like candies when she was a kid.
Peeling off her hero costume and pheromone blockers she happily jumped into a warm shower enjoying the way the hot water helped ease the stress from her muscles. Lathering her shampoo through her hair she enjoyed the feeling of her fingers massaging her scalp. The entire shower was extremely relaxing before she crawled out and wrapped herself in a fluffy large towel before heading to her bedroom.
Usually she would throw on some pj's but this time she just crawled into her bed naked. The large amount of blankets was welcoming and soothing. As much as she hated being an omega she did allow some of her instinctive actions at home. Pillows and blankets covered her bed, nesting was one of the few things she openly enjoyed and welcomed. Really the only thing she allowed herself to enjoy as an omega. It was also a reason she never allowed people over. She was sure her home would easily give away she was an omega to anyone who entered.
The next morning felt like it arrived far too early even though she had fallen asleep early. But her body was tired and hungry now as she forced herself up, turned off her alarm and get started on breakfast. She dragged her feet once she realized that she needed to get dressed in her hero costume, and get her ass to Bakugou and Kirishimas agency.
That morning she dragged her feet down the street actually hoping she would encounter some sort of purse snatcher or maybe a robbery in progress. Just anything that she could use as an excuse for why she couldn't make it to the agency on time. But no such luck. Apparently criminals were not feeling up to performing criminal acts at 7am that morning. And yet on the mornings she was always in a rush there was always something wrong those mornings. That just seemed to be how her luck went with life.
She paused and stood in front of the agency once she had reached the building. She was secretly cursing out the building, the two men inside of it, one more than the other. Miruko for sending her on this mission and just her life lately. Forcing a small smile she walked into through the front doors making her way to the front desk.
"Good morning," she softly greeted the beta front desk worker.
"Good morning Pandora. Dynamite and Red Riot are in their main office. Top floor to the right straight down the hall." Was the simple directions that Sakaki was given as she nodded her head and headed towards the elevator in the building. She welcomed the ride up to the top floor alone. She tried to pay the workers little attention, she also tried to not draw attention either.
Once again she tried to drag her feet before reaching the door at the end of the hall that she had followed the directions too. She gave a simple knock on the door. Kirishima's voice was quick to call out for her to enter. Although she had her pheromone blockers on so neither man probably knew exactly who was at the door but it probably wasn't hard to guess before she opened the door and stepped into the room.
"Sakaki. Good morning," was the nice and warm greeting Kirishima gave her. Which she actually smiled at him for.
"Good morning Kirishima. Bakugou," she was less energetic when she added Bakugou's name as her eyes darted over towards the blonde man who was sitting at his desk sorting through paperwork.
Both men were a bit surprised to see the dark haired woman show up so early. Sure they themselves were accustomed to starting work early but knowing she had to travel a bit they didn't expect her for another half an hour, maybe an hour if she got caught up with a rescue or job of some sort.
"Well then what is the plan today?" She asked softly, wanting to know what the two men had planned.
"Well I have to patrol this morning. You and Bakugou will be staking out a prime suspect," Kirishima answered her. Why was it that it almost seems both the blonde man and raven haired woman seemed to growl at that idea? Kirishima had to bite his tongue to keep from laughing at the two and how they both seemed to hate each other. Why was it the redhead felt the two could be friends if they could just get along.
Bakugou was still in his civilian clothes from when he first arrived at work though he had been there for a few hours already as he liked to work out before spending his morning doing paperwork and his afternoons or evenings patrolling. Kirishima did his patrols early in the morning and worked out and did his paperwork in the afternoon. It made a good balance for the two friends.
"Well I got a patrol to get to. Have fun you two," Kirishima said, sounding far too happy for Sakaki's liking as the man quickly left the large office that houses two separate desks. She was a bit surprised to find the two men seemed to share an office space. Yet it still wasn't surprising the two got along so well. How she still couldn't understand.
But as the tall redhead ran from the office Sakaki threw a glare at the back of the man's head. Damn it, Kirishima get your ass back here. She had no desire at all to be stuck working with Bakugou alone.
"How long till we leave for this stake out?" She finally asked, turning her attention to Bakugou who just growled at her as he moved from one piece of paper to another. Sakaki had to bite her tongue so she wouldn't growl back at the man.
"I need to finish this paperwork first," was the simple reply he gave after a moment of silence. Oh great so now she had to stand there in the office and wait for him? She really didn't like this idea. She took this opportunity to walk towards the large window and look out. After all, it wasn't like there was anything else she could do.
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⚠MACHINE TRANSLATIONTitleBai Yueguang From Slag Gong And I Have HE [Quick Wear]/渣攻的白月光和我HE了AuthorGuzheng/故箏Status79 Chapters (Completed)http://www.jjwxc.net/onebook.php?novelid=4613705https://m.shubaow.net/145/145905/https://www.pilibook.com/book/2143.html.INTRODUCTIONWang Weichu, a name that is very perfunctory for cannon fodder passers-by at first glance, his life is indeed cannon fodder,He was picked up by his father from the mountain village, and the first thing he did was to marry into a wealthy family as a man and wife.His husband, Mr. Cheng, is handsome and young, and he looks up to and adores Mr. Cheng.However, the whole city knows that Mr. Cheng has Bai Yueguang in his heart, and he can't get it after several years, and he can't even get one percent of Bai Yueguang.Until the family banquet, Wang Weichu saw Bai Yueguang Cen Yao,This noble and elegant, indifferent and unapproachable Bai Yueguang hooked his leg under the table...[Quick Transmigration, the copywriting is only a summary of the first world, self-cutting, the whole text is a routine, and is redeemed and healed by Bai Yueguang. Dog blood dog blood Su Shuangtian, bold. Bai Yueguang is beautiful and fierce 1! Don't stand wrong! 】
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