《Big Brother - Hunter x Hunter (Fanfic)[BL]》Chapter-38



Hisoka was about to head to see Illumi, however, I stopped him before he could even take another step.

"Is there a problem?" He asked.

'You're whole appearance is the problem!' I inwardly thought to myself while still keeping my smile.

"If Illumi sees your appearance, he would be angry at me."

He scanned his all beaten up figure and he too agreed that his appearance is unsuitable to face Illumi.

I don't have any other choice but to use my ability, I haven't called him for a while now.

'Ahhh~! That guy will surely complain.'


I waited for Yilluzu to say something. It's already a minute and I can see him look all conflicted.

"I guess it--"

I was about to tell him that it's fine but I saw him use nen and a floating skull slowly form from it.

"Master!!!! How could you do this to me?!" Complain the skull in a querulous tone.

I was momentarily dumbfounded, for as intimidating as the skull looked. It suddenly cried and complain as it charges to Yilluzu in a little childlike manner.

"Okay, okay. I'm sorry. You know how I cannot always use you and call you, right?" Yilluzu apologized towards it and it slowly camled down the longer Yilluzu coax it. It's my first time seeing something like this. I didn't even know if that this type of ability could actually exist.


It took me quite a while to coax Skull. When I looked at Hisoka's direction again. I saw his dumbfounded expression and I can't help but voice out a laughter at his hilarious reaction.

"Anyway, help me fix that guy. I want you to fix his appearance." I told Skull.

"In what price, master?"

"Look around and see if you can exchange anything for that request." I instructed him. He proceeded to look around.

I'll just pay Gramps for the things Skull would pick.

"Yilluzu that--"

"It's fine. That's my nen ability." I told him. At the same time, Skull came back.

"Master, I weigh your request to the things around, however it'll be quite expensive, considering healing those injuries and fixing his clothes." He answered. As skull eyed Hisoka.

Skull slightly moved to my ears and whispered, "Master, he's beaten up pretty badly. Who did that?"


I did not entertain his question, of course anyone would be quite embarrassed to say that 'I want to heal someone I beaten up', right?

"Anyway, just exchange it for anything."

He complied and pointed at things for exchange. He pointed at quite a lot but I can't do anything about it. As I confirmed the things he wants, he consumed it and proceeded to Hisoka to fulfill my request.

Hisoka looked the same a before we had a brawl, so I told him that we should go now to Illumi too to fix his arm.

While walking down the halls, Skull has been eyeing quite a lot of things. He's analyzing how much energy he could get from those things and computing the exchangeable request I could ask it. He's always like that when his out for a while every time I call him.

When we arrive at Illumi's location we saw him talking to Gon.

That kid's still persistent to know where Killua is. When Illumi saw me and Hisoka, he turned his back from Gon who's still insisting for him to tell where Killua is.

My little brother sighed and finally told Gon where Killua is.

'Killua's probably back at home.'

I do not worry about those kid visiting the Kakuro mountain and it's been a while now since we had guest visiting at home.

I eyed Gon and the other two who appeared a while ago, which are Leorio and Kurapika. After giving them my usual smile, I beckon Illumi to follow me.

When Illumi was now at our side. Hisoka hastily but gently looked at Illumi's injury. It's already swollen.

We walked away from the three kid's and I called back Skull who's been wandering around.

When Illumi saw it. He hurriedly stopped me from making a request.

"Yill-nii, I don't think it's good for you to use that thing for such a small injury!"

I know he's worried about me but this is just a small matter, and it's been a while now since I called Skull, so It's fine.

"As rude as ever." Skull intercepted.

Ah! There's one thing I forgot! I remember that this two don't get along with each other!

"Do you think I'll help you if it's just my own accord?!" Skull 'hmph'-ed.


"I did not ask for you to help me."

I can feel the invisible lightning buzzing between those two.

But it's been years since I saw this two fight each other, it feels quite nostalgic.

"Okay you two, that's enough. Don't worry it won't affect me if I just use this much." The second sentence is directed at Illumi.

"Go skull, I already confirmed what the object in exchange right?" As unwilling as he is and as Illumi wants to protest, his arm is already healed in a blink of an eye.

"Master, I'll be going first. It hurts my eyes to look at him. His brother-complex is oozing." Skull said with an annoyed tone.

'Skull you don't have eyes.' I helplessly thought at his childish antics. Before disappearing, he reminded me again to call for him from time to time. I assured him that I will and he disappeared.

With everything now solved, I will now have to return back home. Illumi still has a mission, so I need to go back by myself, although that he wants to drop me first at home.

I left Hisoka and Illumi alone. Those two hurt my eyes, by the time Illumi got to our side, Hisoka was stuck on him like a glue. I just can't stand it. I'll let them be by themselves. But before I left I assured Illumi first about many things that he's worrying about. I waved at them goodbye while heading to Gramps to settle some accounts.

After I insisted Gramps that I'll pay the things Skull took, I finally left to return home.

--Kakuro Mountain--

'Hah~ this gate, really is exaggerated.' I looked at the towering threshold our family owned.

'Finally back again at home!'

"Young Master Yilluzu, welcome back."When I entered the main door, Goto greeted me. After I greeted him back, he then excused himself to inform my parents that I'm back while I headed upstairs to wash up.

'Finally~ back in my bed.'

I plopped myself on my bed and look at the ceiling. 'I wonder where Killua is now.' I closed my eyes for a moment but suddenly someone barged in my room.

I can already guess who is it. That aura, is none other than my mother.

"Yilluzu!! Are you alright? How had you been? Did you get hurt? Did something happen?..."

I opened my eyes when mom's questions stopped. I know she's just worried but she didn't even let me answer a question before attacking me with yet another question.

"I'm fine mom. Nothing happened." I smiled at her.

We talked for a while about Killua coming back home, about the things happened when I was away. We ended our conversation when I told her that I'll take a nap for a little moment.

As much as I tossed around my bed, I can't get myself to fall asleep.

I exited my room and planned on just searching for Killua when I bumped in to Grandpa.

"Grandpa!" I happily called for him with a smile. "I'm back."

"It's good that you are back."

He gave a smile in return and patted my head. "How about you have tea with me and tell me about your trip?"







"So you mean? He didn't know?" He asked in astonishment.

"Mhmm, I never got the chance to reveal it to him. Although I know that he already has the suspicion of who I am." I nodded my head in confirmation."By the way Grandpa, mom told me he arrived at home. Where is he?"

"He's with Milluki. I think he's currently being punished by that little brother of yours, knowing that Killua had hurt him before he left. And your mom wants him to regret what he did." He answered. I have him a look and he already knew what I was about to ask him.

His ability to know what I was going to ask really is amazing.

Grandpa was the only one who can do that though and I don't mind.

"I'll help you, and your dad wants to talk to him too. I'll handle your mom." He with a helpless smile.

I have him a bright smile, "Thank you, Grandpa!" And gave him a hug.



My, my, it's been months hasn't it?! Q^Q

Anyway!!! I'm here again!!!!!

I won't make this note long.

It's nice to see you again my beloved kittens!!!!

Have fun reading!!!

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