《Big Brother - Hunter x Hunter (Fanfic)[BL]》Chapter 33- Final Exam Starts


(A/N: it's a prank!!!!!

Other A/N at the last part)

Arriving at the place for the final phase, all applicants was greeted by Yilluzu and Chairman Netero.

Hisoka, Gittarakur and both Killua and Gon looked at Yilluzu's direction. Yilluzu just gave them his ever changing smile.

Yilluzu then turn to the direction of the three idiots, Leorio, Pokkle and Hanzo who were also looking in front, all have noticeable dark circles and bloodshot eyes from their lack of sleep. He couldn't help but let out a light 'Pfft...!' From seeing their appearance. They really did study for the nonexistent written exam. Yilluzu turned his back and avoided looking at those three's direction again, because he knew if he did, he knew that he wouldn't be able to stop himself from laughing. 'At least they now have even just a little knowledge about things because of their reviews and studies.' Yilluzu inwardly laughingly thought.

"Now, I'm really ready for the written exam. Ask me whatever you want to ask!" Leorio said. Yilluzu who was trying hard to ignore them couldn't help but roast them of their idiocy in his mind.

Yilluzu then faced the chairman to signal him that he can start informing the applicants of the final exam. The old man nodded lightly and proceeded.

He announced, "The Final exam that we will give is a Tournament!"

After the old man's announcement, Yilluzu gave Gittarakur and Hisoka a big mischievous grin.

The two people at the back, couldn't help but shook their heads,

Hisoka with an upturned lips, and Gittarakur with his poker face, both helplessly thought, 'As expected of him.'

Just a moment later Hanzo shouted, "What?! A 'Tournament', you said,?!"

"Isn't it a written exam?!" Asked Leorio, disbelievingly.

The chairman looked at them and asked befuddled, "Written Exam? Who even told you that?"


Yilluzu beside him now couldn't help but let out a light chuckle. Leorio, Pokkle and Hanzo, looked at the man who said that the final exam is a written exam, with displeased expression.

Chairman Netero already knew that it also had something to do with the boy beside him, so he didn't dig into it any more.

"Okay, now, let me show you who will face each other!" Yilluzu with an evil smile painted on his face, excitedly said, as hopped happily, then removed the clothe covering the white board where the arrangement of applicants opposing each other were written.

Once the chart was revealed, all applicants were all surprised.

"This--" - Kurapika

"No doubt--" -Leorio

"The applicant that could pass this year--" - Killua

"Is just... one." - Gon

They said with a serene expression.

Chairman Netero just laughed, while Yilluzu on the side gave them a smile.

"What do you think? Isn't it a fun idea that both Yilluzu and I thought for the final exam?" Asked the old man.

They all couldn't believe that, only one person, could pass the exam. Yilluzu looked at Kurapika's direction and saw him intently looking at the chart. His smile widen, because he knew what he did.

Kurapika's opponent is Hisoka.

Hisoka on the other hand, raised his brows when he saw the arrangement.

Leorio who was beside Kurapika couldn't help but be surprised, when he realized that Kurapika's opponent would be Hisoka. Gon and Killua also directed their gaze at the chart to check and they became worried for Kurapika.

"Kurapika, just do your best!" Motivated Leorio.

"I will win, because I needed to." Kurapika replied, then looked at Hisoka who also gave him a look.

Yilluzu heard him, his eyes closed as his smile widened. 'Now, now, this will be interesting.' He thought ecstaticly.





The old man laughed at the tense atmosphere within the participants. "What's with the tense atmosphere?" Suddenly Yilluzu started, breaking the silence that has engulfed the room, he laughed then started explaining.

Raising his index finger, Yilluzu explained that they only need to win once to pass. "In other words, in this tournament the winner won't fight again and the loser would fight the next applicant, until only one loser is left. So... that means, we'll only have one person that'll fail and won't gain a hunter's license. However, the loser could only fight twice." He again gave a laugh at the changing expressions of the participants. Some became relieved but some became doubtful, if it's all there is to it.

However, Yilluzu being Yilluzu, just gave them his ever-changing amused smile and didn't mind their peering gazes.

"Bean will further explain everything, ask him whatever question you have."

Chairman Netero then said.

However, Killua, on the other hand, won't let him go, knowing that Kurapika was against Hisoka, he was doubtful of how they assess who will fight whom for the final phase.

Chairman Netero remained quiet, as for it was Yilluzu who made the chart.

With that question laid before him, Yilluzu, gave a hearty laugh at Killua, as he answered the question. "I assessed them accordingly from the results of the other exams and also with the help of the interview we did to all of you." He wasn't that careless when it comes to his amusement. If he had placed a weak against a strong participant, then there will be no entertaining show to play.

Getting his answer, Killua just quieted down.

The introduction proceeded, Bean began announcing who will be opponents before allowing them to ask further questions.

Meanwhile, Yilluzu was walking towards Hisoka and Gittarakur's side. "Isn't this fun?!" He said jumping happily. "As expected of you." Hisoka mused with his usual smile. "Give me a beautiful show later, Hisoka."

"By the way, Gittarakur, there's a chance you might go against Killua." Yilluzu turned to Gittarakur.

Gittarakur just shrugged and said he didn't mind, he asked Yilluzu if he should win or not.

"Up to you, whether you win or not, it's fine but be mindful that he's our little brother, okay?" He answered, which earned a nod from Gittarakur. "Okay, I'll see you later, I'll be just beside the chairman. Hisoka, Don't let me down." The second sentence was directed at Hisoka, he then turned his back and walked towards the chairman skipping happily and excitedly.





"I will be your referee! First fight, Badge number 404, Kurapika versus badge number 44, Hisoka!" Shouted the guy in suit.




It's a prank!! Honestly, I felt a little guilty about it... So here's an update as an apology!!!!!

I started this, I can't stop now... I promised myself that I'll finish this story regardless what....NYAHAHHAHAHHA...

And~ I was planning on telling that it's a prank after a few days but my conscience won't let me... So here I am !!!

See you!!!!

WAAAAAHHHHHH!!! I just read your comments at the last chapter!!!... I'm really sorry for the prank!!!! (T^T) I felt my heart being squeezed!!! Sorry!!! (T^T)

I won't really do that ever again!!!!!

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