《Big Brother - Hunter x Hunter (Fanfic)[BL]》Chapter 32


(Yilluzu's POV)

We finished interviewing the other applicants and it's only Killua that is remaining.

I can't help but laugh, because the clown's name was the most mentioned name when we were interviewing the applicants.

"Oh, it's only Killua left."

Killua entered the door and directly sat on the sit opposite to us. He eyed me for a second and then focused his gaze towards the old man.

"So, what is your reason for entering the exam?" Gramps directly ask without any introduction. Killua didn't even mind and just and answered nonchalantly with a tint of arrogance. "Nothing much, I just want to kill some time."


I didn't comment much because I want to finish this up early so we can commence the exciting final phase.

Killua looked at me again but also didn't say anything. Though, I can perceive his piercing gaze. "Then who among them applicants you think is the most interesting?" Asked Gramps continuing the interview.

Killua looked at the portraits laid in the table and answered Hisoka. I retained my smiling face as he looked then at me after replying. "But if I might say so from all of the applicants, you Yilluzu-san is the most interesting and intriguing person amongst the others." He said as he solemnly.

I chuckled at his answer but I chose to just not say anything back. Seeing that I didn't react at his words, he just casually removed his gaze from me and he just direct his focus at the old man. Gramps with a smile then continued asking, "Then, who is the least you want to fight with?"

Killua pointed at the applican with the I.D. number 53. As I remember his name is Pokkle. I raised my eyebrows because I know that was a lie.


Gramps just caressed his beard and said, "We know that's a lie."

Killua just laughed and replied, "Then, can I say it?" I laughed at his answer. "Of course, silly, your answer will be used for the final exam, So if you won't answer honestly, you might face some problems later." I said.

He lowered his head a little and muttered, "Actually, it's Gon."

"Ohh?~" I leaned at the table and placed my arms, supporting my jaws and peered unto him with raised eyebrows. He avoided eye contacts and explained, "It's just that, whenever he's together with me, I feel happy." I gave him a light chuckle and asked, "Are you two, friends?"

He was unsure of how or what to answer. "Well, we just met." He said.

I gave him a smile and didn't furtherly peered unto it. Maybe he doesn't know this yet but I know that, that Gon kid, already deemed this little brother of mine, as his friend.

"Okay, that's all for the interview, you may leave." Gramps said, when he noticed that we don't have any plan on continuing talking.

Killua silently stood up and headed to the door, but before he exited, he looked back at me for a second. I gave him a smile and waved at him.

After Killua exited the room, I reviewed all the applicants' answers. "Gramps, I think we can now make the final preparation for the exam!" I told the old man beside me enthusiastically.

The old man looked his deep in thoughts when I turned to him. While he brushed his fingers through his beard, he asked, "Little Yill does that kid know you're his brother?"

I gave a light chuckle at his question, "Well, I guess as of now, maybe he already had the idea who am I to him but he was just waiting for the right time give me his answer."


The old man looked at me with uplift brows, "Answer?"

"Oh, I forgot to tell you. I challenged him to figure out who am I." I said with a wide smile on my face. The old man just shook his head helplessly at my games and said, "Okay, do as you wish. Let's go and see the others?" He stood up and said. "Okay!!" I nodded eagerly.








"And~~ Done!" I shouted as I put down the brush after finished writing.

Satotz approached me and peered unto my work. "What are you doing?"

"I making a chart!" I laughingly said.

"A chart??" Chorused everyone.

"Yes, a chart for the final exam. " I answered. "Are you kidding?! You'll have the participants fight each other in a tournament?!" She asked in incredulity.

I and Gramps laughed at her and their reaction.

"You guessed it! Look at this!" I showed them the chart that I made.

""HUH?!"" They altogether shouted with a look of disbelief.

I laughed heartily and told them that I and Gramps came to a consensus that we'll have the applicants fight each other for the final exam.

Initially, I wanted to have them fight each other with being the winner alone passing and gaining a hunter's license, however, Gramps won't agree to it. So we both came into an agreement, rather than having only one winner, we shall have only one loser instead.

I can't complain to that any further, because the final call was Gramps', I was lucky enough to even participate in the decision-making for the final exam without a hitch. So all is well, as long as it is not that boring. I'm really looking forward to this!

"Okay, So the rule is, the applicants will fight each other and one applicant can only win ones and with that being said, the winner won't fight again and the loser will proceed to the next applicant to fight. If one applicant reached the top of the chart, that applicant will fail." I explained to them, and this explanation made them calm down.

Gramps tapped me in my shoulder then asked,"Shall we start the exam?"

I laughed then answered, "YES!!"










I'll make this short, as short as this chapter.

EVERYONE, I really can't believe I persevered writing until the final exaaaaam!!!!!!!!

See yah!!!!!!

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