《Big Brother - Hunter x Hunter (Fanfic)[BL]》Chapter 31


When it's only the three of us remained inside the room. I looked at both of them and smiled.

"How 'bout you two? Aren't you going to study too? You'll fail if you don't study." I said, sarcastically.

Illumi sat beside Hisoka and then looked at me with his usual no-emotion face. "Yill-nii, seeing how you laughed so hard at their conclusion, I knew that their conjecture was wrong. With your usual attitude of hating boring things, it's impossible that you'll allow a mere written exam to commence." He explained.

I laughed and gave him a big thumbs up. "CO....RRECT!! AHAHAHA. Like I'd allow that!" He just sighed and shook his head helplessly at my expected answer.

"But Hisoka, it took me by surprise that you got shaken by their answer on their little game a while ago." I said turning all attention to Hisoka. I know they'd ask about the final exam if I don't change the topic immediately and additionally, it's quite hilarious how he looked a while ago.

Illumi looked at Hisoka with raised eyebrows. "Pfft!" Illumi then lowered his head and tried with difficulty to stop his fit of laughter.

Hisoka was quite shocked at first from what he just heard. But knowing its a chance to tease his always straight faced boyfriend, he won't let this chance slip.

Hisoka looked at him with a closed eyed smile and peered on him."Did you just laugh at me?~"

"No, I didn't, how could I." With a still lowered head he faced away from Hisoka and answered.

However, the light trembling of his shoulder as he cover his lips that was tugged upward, betrayed him.

I was surprised! It's the first time again that I saw him smile. With his never shaken, cold expression, I never would've thought that one day he could smile with that face again. Don't get me wrong, when he was young he would smile and laugh from time to time. Not frequently though. That is why I was surprised that the grown up him that rarely would show his emotion would now smile.


And that is because of him.

I looked at Hisoka's direction and happily smiled.

"You just did~" Hisoka insisted, though he was already sure that Illumi had just laughed at him. "I don't laugh." Insisted my stubborn little brother.

"You just did~"

"I didn't."

"You did~"

"I did not."

Their cute interaction is priceless. It my first time again seeing my little brother so childish as not to admit what he did. I leaned my back on a wall and watch their amusing interaction.

Hisoka stopped insisting eventually, he knows how hardheaded Illumi is about showing his emotion, however his face still held a smile, a genuine one.

After how many 'you did, I did not' banter, both quieted down. "That was embarrassing for an assassin." Suddenly muttered Illumi. He really is quite childish.

"Ill~ did you just say something?~"

Then again...

"I did not."

"You did, I heard it~"

"If you heard it, why bother asking if I just said something?"


'How cute!'

I took out the communication device that Gramps gave me to take a picture, but it suddenly rung.

"I'll be going for a while. I'll see you later, okay?"

The two of them looked at me inquiringly.

"I need to do some things for the final exam. Don't worry I'll be back later." I smiled, waved my hand and walked away without waiting for their reply.





(Third person POV)



The announcement rung all throughout the ship.

Hisoka was the first person to be called.

Arriving at the conference room, he entered the door and was greeted by Yilluzu and Netero, who was both seating on the opposite side of the table before him.


Hisoka was motioned to sit down, he looked at Yilluzu with eyebrows raised. "Don't tell me this is the final exam?"

Yilluzu laughed heartily, "No, silly. How could it be?"

"He is right, This is not the final exam. I just want to ask all of you participants some questions." Chairman Netero chorus.

"Consider this an interview or something." Yilluzu added.

Hisoka just smiled and didn't say anything.

"Okay, firstly, could you tell us your reason, as to why you entered the Hunter exam?" Yilluzu asked as he placed his arm on the table, supporting his jaw.

"If ever I became a Hunter, I can do a lot of things, like if I cause destruction, I won't be jailed especially if u became a blacklist Hunter. I can kill all the criminals and nothing is prohibited." He answered with a creepy smile on his face.

The chairman nodded his head unbothered and Yilluzu just smile like it was normal.

'What a good answer! Worthy of staying my my brother's side. Cold-blooded and lawless!' Thought Yilluzu.

Chairman Netero then placed portraits of all the other remaining participants. "So, which of the remaining applicants, you thing is the strongest?" Asked him, while motioning to the laid portraits of all applicants.

"Hmm~ maybe him." Hisoka pointed at Killua's image, which made Yilluzu's eyebrows raise.

"However, you can't ignore this one too." Pointing now this time at Gon's picture. "But he's more skillful, I really want to battle with this kid." Moving his index finger back at Killua's image. During the whole time Yilluzu was just smiling without a hitch and a change on his expression. He just listened carefully.

"Last question, who amongst them is the least you want to fight with?" Questioned Yilluzu.

"Hmm~ like I said, I want to fight this kid." He pointed at Killua's portrait. "And this one." Hisoka motioned at Gon again.

"But actually, the most I want to have a fight with is Yilluzu, and you."

He said with a provoking smile on his face.

Yilluzu on the other hand, just laughed heartily. "You're funny!"

"Okay, thank you, you may go now." Said Chairman Netero ignoring what Hisoka had just said. His attitude as unbothered as ever.

Hisoka stood up and headed outside, he too was unbothered that his provocation was just ignored.

"That clown, we asked who he wants to fight the least, and he answered who he wants to fight most, DOES HE HAVE HEARING PROBLEMS?!" Yilluzu laughed so hard to the point that he was smacking the table with his hand.

The chairman just looked at the young man beside him with a gentle smile. Watching him laugh his guts out.

"AHAHAH- COUGH! cough! cough!!"



"That's enough little Yill," said Chairman Netero worriedly, as he soothe his back and handed the young man a glass of water.

Recovering from the fit.


"Thanks Gramps, I'm fine now." He lowered his head and muttered. The old man just laughed knowing the little guy was embarrassed.

Raising his head again, "Okay~! Let's proceed... NEXT!" He shouted, pushing unto the back of his mind the embarrassing fit a while ago.









Just kidding. It's just for now. I'll disappear without a trace again later, you'll see.

Okay~! Everyone! One down! A lot to go!... NYAHAHAHAHAHA.


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