《Instagram [COMPLETE]》30


I quickly ran around my house grabbing as many pillows, cushions and blankets as possible and throwing them into the living room. My stepfather stood in the door way leading to the kitchen watching and laughing as I ran around.

'Have you got enough snacks there?' He joked.

I looked at the table, which was brought through and saw around 12 bowls filled with crisps, sweets and snacks. I laughed.

'There's a lot of them so I'm hoping there is enough' I said. He laughed shaking his head. I heard the doorbell ring and walked to the door. Whoever it was they were early. I opened it to see Chenle standing in the doorway. He smiled.

'Umm I know I'm early but I have my reasons' he said scratching the back of his neck.

'It's fine. Come on in' I said. He walked in and placed his bag at the side of the sofa. We both sat on the floor surrounded by all the pillows and blankets. We started to arrange them to make a small floor fort. I was sat perched on a square cushion and he was on a blanket holding a circular pillow.

'I can't believe that our project got a B+' he said laughing.

'I mean it beat Lucas and Marks, although theirs was sick!!' I said.

'Yeah, their dancing was so powerful' he continued. I nodded. We were chatting for a while until the doorbell rang again. Chenle and I both stood.

'I'll go get that' I said heading for the door. He nodded and headed to get food. I opened the door to see Taeyong standing with two bags of doritos and two tubes of pringles. I laughed as he entered.

'I was sure I said not to bring food' he laughed but came to an abrupt stop when my stepdad reached the bottom of the stairs holding a bottle of beer.


'Hey, Tae....Taeyang?' He said pointing to Taeyong.

'Taeyong' Taeyong corrected.

'Ah my apologies. Do you want a beer? I have some spare bottles in the fridge. I'm just going to grab one the now' my stepfather said. Taeyong glanced in my direction and I smiled. But I knew what he was thinking.

'I'm fine, but thanks anyway' he said. My stepfather nodded and headed into the living room. We followed behind to be greeted by Chenle. The boys both held a strong stare. I felt slightly confused.

When I saw Taeyong enter holding onto YNs shoulders. I felt slightly hurt. I continued to stare at Taeyong as he held eye contact. I didn't realise I was staring for as long as I was until YN cleared her throat.

'Well, seems like it's just the three of us for now' she said.


'Seems like it'

The three of us sat down on the floor but it was short lasted when the doorbell rang again. I stood up and headed to get it. At the door stood Lucas, Renjun, Jaehee and Mark.

'Yooooo!!!!!!!' Mark yelled. I rubbed my head as I let everyone in. I saw Kun, Johnny and Taeil walking up the driveway. I held the door open as they entered carrying drinks and even more snacks.

'I'm psyched for this sleepover' Taeil said as they entered the living room.

'I doubt there will be much sleeping happening' I joked as Lucas started to challenge everyone to different games. Taeil laughed as we stood watching the mess before us. Our small talk was destroyed by the doorbell ringing. I opened to see the remainder of people arriving.

'Let's get this party started' Doyoung said entering. We all laughed as they entered.

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