《Languor || Zhong Chenle》Again


"Geez, you are so good at that, it's scary," Haechan said to Chenle.

"My turn!" Jisung said exitedly.

The young man's whole right ear distorted to a danggling flesh. The man screamed again and again.

"Ah, i missed," Jisung said with a sad voice.

I can't process what just happened. The screams penetrates my eardrums. Blood gushing everywhere. I panicked. I wanted to scream but my whole body was petrified by the nauseating sight in front of me.

"Hey, you really need to get used to this," Jaemin that is sitting beside me said.

Jaemin who had been sweet to me all these time finally spoke the truth.

"How can i?"

This is too gruesome for my heart to bear.

Before Jaemin can think of an answer, Chenle called my name.


"I don't know how," i responded with a blatant lie.

No one would ever believe that especially when they saw me finished off a murder with a gun that day.

As easy as flicking a finger.

"Come on, you looked like you use guns daily that time!" Jeno said enthusiastically.

Of course i know how to use a gun since i love weapons, but i don't want to experience hurting someone the second time.

"Aaaaah, s-stop!" the young man screamed weakly.

My stomach churned. Something inside me awakened because of that scream. I felt a slight tingle on my ears. I squirmed in my seat wanting to move not knowing why and where.

"I'll go first," Jaemin offered.

Chenle said the body part to fire like before.

Jaemin did it perfectly.

So this is the shooting course they talked about. This is nothing on my list of thought.

"If you don't shoot now, i don't think Chenle would be happy about it," Jeno whispered to me.


Chenle instructed with more spesification.

Jeno who had expected Chenle to give the turn to me looks at him weirdly.

Two continuous shot jammed into the man's arm that screamed with his energy left.

An almost two inches gap between the shot was made.

"Good enough," Renjun claimed.

The never ending shots and blood splatter played on and on inside my head. The rancid smell reached up my nose, leaving my lips pale as a ghost.

Chenle looked at me and said that as we were doing something fun.

I stand on my weak knees. Hesistatings to lift my gun.

"I can't," i said.

Chenle answered. Impatience glued on to him.

None of the boys opposed what he had just said, instead they are still looking at me as if it's normal.

This is bad.

I definetly got into something i should've never approached.


Did Chenle thought that i hesistated because i can't aim it?

I felt something inside me grew each second passed. I finally managed to pull the trigger.

The bulled went through the man's head. His torso bounced back because of the bullet. His eyes rolled back.

Blood splurging to the air.

Everything happened in slow motion but nothing went in to my head.

I shot and shot again. Destroying the man's skull.

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