《Languor || Zhong Chenle》Memories


The class continued as boring as it can be. The lunch time is almost there.

Jisung and Chenle is too bothered to write what the teacher explained. They take a very little amount of note on a sticky note.

You won't believe how little they wrote since the first period.

Me in the other hand isn't doing great either.

Yesterday i was concerned about how i would take notes because i don't have my locker key nor my bag. Fortunately Sebastian also took the key and my bag already and put it in the cupboard.

Which only mean that they already cleared out my dorm room.

I have my belongings with me yet i don't use it almost at all.

I doodled on my note book since morning. Taking a few glances at the board every minute or two.

Finally the long awaited lunch time came.

I glanced at Chenle before even moving from my seat.

"Are you having lunch?" I asked.

"But i'm starving," i said to Chenle while holding my stomach.

He just looks at me then pull out his phone to play his game.

Jisung wasn't interested.

He already put his headphones on since the bell rang earlier.

I rummage through my bag. I hoped to find some money to buy food or some snacks for me.

I found a bag of gummies instead.

I munch on one while i stare at the boys beside me.

Jisung is still on his phone.

Chenle types on his phone with serious eyes.

Chenle said without even looking.

"You are not hungry?" I asked.

How can you resist not to eat lunch? How much of a psycho would you be to intentionally skip it?

Chenle as always, doesn't answer me.

"Want some gummies?"

I was a bit curious how they would be at school but i guess i don't anymore.


The lunch break is almost over.

Jisung is still playing games on his phone.

I looked at Chenle. He is answering a phone call. His annoyed face slowly soften into a little smirk.

he said.

Chenle still smirking even after he turned off the phone call.

"What happened?" I asked him with mouth full of gummies.

I open my text books and solve some university math problems while waiting for the next period. Since the school's curriculum is too boring for me, i used to save my money to buy books like this one.

A hand knocked on my table.

I look up to see the jock that shouted at me this morning.

He looks at me with disgusts and made a puking sound.

"Urk, ew you smell like nerds."

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