《Languor || Zhong Chenle》Talk


The dinner was over.

Renjun is playing a game on his phone.

Jisung, Jeno, and Jaemin are waiting for me to talk.

Sebastian had cleared the rest of the dishes to the kitchen.

"So, i assume all of you are aware of the things with 127."

The boys nod their head.

"How is that exactly going to affect me?"

"Why did you ask that?" Jaemin asked me.

"I don't understand the benefit of it for me to the point Chenle himself actually apologized to me," i explained.

"Woah, you really do think of us as low as that huh," Jeno responded and chuckled.

Jisung bit his lips while trying not to laugh.

"We owe you something even if you didn't do it intentionally," Jaemin explained, "Which translates to us willing to really treat you as a colleague from now on."

"Colleague, me?"

I asked with such disbelief.

I didn't consider them to be this well mannered.

This is all happening too fast. Just yesterday some of them despise me.

"Well we certainly can't give you much more than what we already gave you," Renjun said to me without even bother looking up from his phone.

"What should i do now?"

"From what i heard, Chenle wants you to go back to school with all of us," said Jisung.

"Really, i can really do that?" My eyes sparkled.

The thought of feeling the freedom once again made my heart flutter.

"Since we all have to go to school anyway, you might as well go too," Jisung responded.

Again, without really looking at my face.

"Why are you guys still going to school?" I asked.

Not like they have to eventually look for a job.

They are wealthy enough to afford the school itself.


They are all quiet now.

It seems like i have pulled the wrong question to ask them.

Jisung and Jeno sighed. Jaemin stares longingly at the window across the room.

"It's more of a personal question than you'd think," Renjun who had been playing on his phone turned it off after hearing my question.

"Y-you don't have to answer it," i said nervously.

"Nah, its fine," Jaemin responded then continued, "We haven't been able to have school experience up until now."

"We didn't have anything simillar to a normal teenager our age, and we crave for it."

"Not that we need school to educates us since we rebel at school anyway," Jaemin finished talking.

"So its more like a sense of fulfillment for us," Jeno added.

"Even for Chenle, he still wants to know how it feels like to be like the others," Jisung said.

"Meh, more like looking at what the other teenagers are into right now to have more business target," Renjun said making Jisung nod in agreement.

"You guys really talks a lot you know?"

I thought they are rigid and only talk because they needed to. I thought Jeno and Jaemin acted kind towards me from the start as a way to take benefits from me.

But seeing them opening up about themself like this, even if its just a little, it made me happier.

"Not really, this is the first time i saw Renjun and Jisung talk this much to anyone other than us," Jaemin answered.

Renjun and Jisung glared at Jaemin. Looking at him while muffling a threat at him.

I chuckled.

"I told you Renjun likes you," Jeno teased Renjun again.

Renjun threatened to hit Jeno.

We all had a good laugh.

The door opened revealling Haechan and Chenle.

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