《Languor || Zhong Chenle》127 and Arte


"If she didn't make such name about the bomb design, we might really be struggling right now."

"Did you heard about 127 almost turned their back againts us?"

Chenle's heart sank. He haven't heard about this at all. Zhong company and the 'Dream' mafia would suffer such a great loss if 127 sewered the connection.

The relationship of Chenle's mafia group or 'Dream' dated back to that time on 2009 where it all started.

[22 November 2009]

Today Chenle and his friends woke up at the street wet. A young man had thrown a bucket of water at them.

They scrambled around. Eventually walking together to find some food.

"A-are you Chenle or Arte?" Jisung asked.

Arte is the name of Chenle's guardian.

Jisung took a few step back. Chenle's eyes had turned black again. This isn't the first time they had seen Arte took over Chenle's body.

Arte took controll of Chenle's body and left the others after asking for them to stay.

Hours passed by. The day almost come to an end. The other boys are sitting next to each other under a tree. Jisung were crying eversince that boy left. They were extremely worried about Chenle.

No one imagined Chenle would come back to them drenched in blood. His fingers wrapped around a dagger.

A man much older than them are with Chenle.

"Hey, i'm Taeyong."

A huge building painted black were their shelter eversince they came across Taeyong.

That night Chenle's guardian, Arte, apparently heard the conversation between two colleagues of Taeyong about an assasination task.

Arte heard them talking and decided to check it out himself.

The two men were almost defeated. They were beaten by their target. Blood gurgled out their mouths.

Arte smiled widely.

He caught an opportunity.

The tiny body of Chenle approached the edge of a building's rooftop.


Since Arte took over his conciousness Chenle wasn't able to even watch what his body were doing.

Arte jump from the rooftop and landed perfectly on the two man's target. Surprised, the man slammed back on to the ground. With no hesistation Arte snatched the dagger from the man's hand and stabbed him repeatedly just like what he did to Chenle's "father".

That night Arte made a deal with Taeyong inside his van. Upon hearing what happened and looking at his injured colleagues, Taeyong accepted Arte's offer to make a deal.

Taeyong agreed to take in him and the other boys. Since then "Chenle" acted as a comrade for 127. "Chenle" helped them on the dirty assasination tasks until the other boys and him were old enough to afford their own living expenses.

And just like that their fate changed.

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