《Languor || Zhong Chenle》Next


"Is this a character development?"

"So, what are we gonna do?"

I nod and proceed to walk to the door when i hear a knock.

"Hey," i said to Jeno that looks concerned.

"Are you injured?"

"Not at all,"


He asked with such concern.

"Ask Chenle," i smiled.

The gap between his lips widen as my words traveled to his ears.

Before Jeno able to close his mouth Chenle had walk up to us.

his tone is completely different.

I bit my lips to prevent myself from smiling. My cheekbones threatened to lift but i successfully hide it by following Chenle outside.

I squirmed in my seat because of the stare of the others. They stared at me as soon as i got into the car.

The ride continues but it feels like swallowing dust. Not exactly peacefull. At all.

Yet Jaemin is sitting next to me while rubbing my hands. He seems to be trying to soothe me down, instead he looks the most nervous out of the two of us.

"Hey, i'm fine," i said breaking the silence that hovered the moment.

I turn my head to Chenle.

"Right?" I asked Chenle without giving too much friendly tone in my sentence.

He scoffs.

The day moved steadily to the afternoon. After what happened, the time slowed down.

I walk hand in hand with Jaemin that looks eager not to expose me to any danger. Including Chenle.

"Why do you keep holding my hands?" I asked after we hop off the van.

He sighs.

"Look, what happened today was as usual as taking a breath to us," Jaemin said looking at my eyes "You willingly expose yourself to more dangers by choosing to stay."

"So, you are telling me i should just die?" That sentence slipped out. Dear, i must have been holding it in.


I have been reassuring myself that what i chose is right.

What if choosing to stay isn't any better than death?

My thoughts scrambled when Jeno pushed my arm lightly while giving more space between me and Jaemin.

"Chenle asked you to come to his room," Jeno said to me.

I nodded with a faint smile that signals worry rather than joy.

"Be safe," just those words. Just those words is enough to make me shiver.

Sebastian that stood seven feet in front of me now leads me to Chenle's room.

Note : there are a lot of time splits in this chapter, are they too much?

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