《Languor || Zhong Chenle》Dragged


"Please, let me help him."

"You know what, i don't care anymore, go die," Renjun snapped at me and walks away.

Jeno slowly lets go of his grip and i rushed in the same room Chenle have been struggling on.

His fingers was about to lay on a knife that was hung on the wall. I grabbed his torso and hug him deeply.

"You are not him, you are safe now, no one will come after you yeah?" I said to him.

His breath was hitched for a few moments, ending the continuous restless tremble of his.

His voice muffled as he cried on my shoulder.

"You are not him, you are safe now, it's okay to cry."

He started to cry harder on my shoulder. His voice sounds so hurt. I might have come at the right time. If he had taken the knife neither him on i would be safe.

The change on his tone made my body flinch and anticipate the next event that might not be so joyful.

Instead, he pulled away from me and sits on a chair. I sit in front of him.

There was a long silence between us.

"Are you okay?" I asked while looking at him.

His nose is red from crying earlier. His eyes looked a little bit puffy with his eyelashes wet from his tears.

I nodded.

I felt a shock on myself. Did he felt disgusting because how he is? That made the tip of my eyes burn.

"No, how could you think of that?"

"Hey, you are not, you are how you are,"

"Except the fact that you are a total psycho, you really don't have to feel disgusting because of that."

He chuckled.

His gaze soften.

"I thought you are actually behaving like that...?"

He shaked his head.

I feel a heat rush my cheeks. He is so cute now, what just happened?

"Um, are you going to keep acting in front of the others?"

"I-i uh."

"For what?"

"Its totally up to you but you can keep being like this in front of me so you don't have to act all the time."


he said it in a cute way while smiling.

Oh god.

I think i'm catching feelings.

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