《Languor || Zhong Chenle》Incoherent


Jeno drives me and the others to the so called 127 base.

Chenle sits on the front seat. This van, is surprisingly normal compared to the rest of Chenle's house.

It only had been a few hours that i became one of them. Strangely, i already feel familiar with the way they act.

We stopped at a gas station. Chenle and Renjun hop out of the car. A person with black mask appeared.

They appeared to be not in a very pleasant conversation.

"Jeno, who is that?" I asked.

"A drug dealer."


A drug dealer?



"He brought damage to out group."

"What did he do?"

"He acted as one of us to do nasty stuff when he definetly wasn't."

That is messed up.

So they really do these illegal stuff.

I look at Chenle and Renjun again. Chenle said something to Renjun. Renjun then looks at my direction.

He dragged his feet lazily to the van and pop his head through the window.

"You, come out," said Renjun.

Something stirred uncomfortably in my stomach. My nervous system suddenly churn inside my body.

I proceed to follow Renjun. My tongue tastes bitter.

The man kneeled in front of Chenle.

A cold metal brushed the tip of my fingers.

I look directly to my right hand. Renjun had slipped a gun on my hand. I signalled to him to take it back.

He just smirked.

I look back at Chenle who is now only five feet in front of me.

Chenle asked the kneeled down man.

"P-please take m-me, not my s-son," the man responded with his hand clutched on Chenle's shoe.

In a blink, Chenle lifted his shoe and stomp the man's fingers. A whimper from the man's lips traveled to my ears.


Chenle stepped on it again.

The man let out a scream.

Renjun grabbed my hands and clasped them around the gun while placing my finger on the trigger.

The gun i recognized to be a 34 glock with maybe 9 mm bullets.

Though its near what my hobby is, this particular situation is not exactly what i fancy.

This is not good.

The command that Chenle gave me had paralyzed my body and so did the man's.

The shock cause me to stumble backwards.

"Get used to it newbie," Renjun said to me half mocking the fact that i had completely stunned.

"Yo, you wanna die too?" Renjun asked before he give me a nudge.

At this point Chenle's gaze was burning a hole on me. His cold stare is like south and north to what he looked like last night.

Chenle got impatient. He takes his own gun and shot the man's chest before he even try to get away.

A tearing scream echoed through the morning. The man coughed up blood on the pavement. Splashing crimson drips that collide with my shoes.

said Chenle.

"Do it, idiot!" Renjun screamed at me, unable to controll his patience.

Chenle is strangely giddy at the gruesome sight of the squirming man in front of him.

His cold expression began to change to a menacing stare.


I'll take back what i said about being familiar with them.

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