《photoshop ; haechan》t h i r t y n i n e


"come minhee, darling eat for me, please," hyunwoo pleaded.

"no, i'm not eating anything," minhee turning her face to her right, she wouldn't dare to even look at him in his eyes.

his eyes didn't mean anything, just desperation.

"fine, i'm leaving it here because you're gonna need to eat," hyunwoo said before leaving.

"minhee, you look awful, just take a bite, i ate the food and i'm fine," mina said.

minhee thought for a second before giving in.

"alright," minhee said before picking up the utensil.

before she could place the food in her mouth, there was a loud crash. causing minhee to drop the utensil.

"minhee! are you in here??" she could hear the voice she been wanting to hear.

"i'm in here!" minhee replied, she could hear the locks fall onto the ground before the door slam open.

"oh my god, what the hell happened to you?!" haechan immediately ran to minhee, unlocking the chains around her ankles.

"mina!" jaemin ran into the room and immediately hugged her.

"we got to hurry and get out!" jaemin said as he picked up mina bridal style.

"where's hyunwoo??" minhee asked.

"chenle's holding him back," haechan said.

"i really missed you, i was a mess," haechan pulled minhee into a tight hug.

"haechan.. you didn't-" minhee got cut off.

"yes, i smoked, but don't worry, you're alive and reunited with me," haechan hugged her again, rubbing her head.

minhee couldn't even stand up properly, so haechan had to pick her up bridal style, just like jaemin.

the police finally came to the scene and searched the warehouse.

there was pictures of multiple girls, including a couple pictures of minhee.

"we'll handle it from here, you kids should go home," the officer said.


as they all walked to the car, they found hyunwoo in handcuffs, sitting next to another officer.

"i guess this is it," hyunwoo started off.

"yeah i'll admit, i was pretty dumb and desperate, i felt bad after cheating on you and wanted you back. but i guess i became a manwhore and tried to get another girls in the process," hyunwoo continued.

"it was hella wrong for me to break in, i wasn't thinking properly and basically trespassed your place," hyunwoo said.

"this is probably and most likely the last time you'll see me, so let's have a proper goodbye?" hyunwoo asked, minhee looked at haechan before looking back hyunwoo.

"goodbye hyunwoo," minhee said.

"bye minhee, do well and take care," hyunwoo said.

"hey haechan," hyunwoo looked at haechan.

"take care of her for me, okay? i didn't do a good job so you better make it up for me," hyunwoo said.

"got it," haechan nodded.

"time to go, kid," the officer said while opening the door to the police cruiser.

hyunwoo looked at minhee one last time before going into the car.

"it's over, finally," minhee smiled softly.


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