《photoshop ; haechan》t h i r t y f i v e


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she's been standing in this aisle for like 5 minutes

at least i found something 😤

buy me some

go buy them yourself @zhongchenle


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he legit thought it was gonna be normal to walk in with a panda hat, ngl he looks adorable 😭💘

when am i not adorable

when you snore loudly @haechann

shush @min.hehe


"go get some snacks, i'll go grab the milk," minhee said.

"alright, you'll be safe right?" haechan asked.

"it's not like hyunwoo inputted a tracking chip in my phone or something," minhee said.

"be safe, call for my name if something happens," haechan said before he walked away.

minhee walked around to find the dairy section of the store, she grabbed a gallon of milk.

as she was about to go find haechan, she felt someone grab her wrist.

"huh? haecha-" she gotten cut off by a strong scent around her nose.

she could see a small handkerchief before slowly shutting her eyes.

dropping the gallon of milk onto the ground, it splashed everywhere on the ground.

"shit, you fucking bitch." the man mumbled before lifting the girl over his shoulder.

haechan was picking out the snacks until he heard a splash.

haechan shrugged it off until he saw a familiar tall figure holding an, also, familiar girl.

his heart dropped which also dropped all the snacks he had in his arms.

"no no no, this can't be," haechan mumbled as he ran out the store to follow the figure.

"let her go!" haechan yelled loudly which caused the figure turn around.

"oh hey haechan, hope you don't mind me taking your girlfriend, i'll bring her back, dead maybe," the figure chuckled.

"hyunwoo, i swear to god, give her to me or i'll call the cops!" haechan took one step closer to hyunwoo.


"nah, i'm keeping her, i had her before you anyway!" hyunwoo said.

"you fucking asked for it!" haechan said as he ran full speed towards hyunwoo, throwing a hard punch.

"is that all you got?" hyunwoo said as he tossed minhee onto the ground.

haechan suddenly got distracted, looking at minhee's lifeless body.

that was hyunwoo's chance to throw a punch, and which he did.

"she. is. mine!" hyunwoo said as he threw continuous punches at haechan.

the right side of haechan's lips began to bleed, and he could feel his cheek swell up.

"now, don't come after us." hyunwoo panted as he picked up minhee's body and placed her into the truck.

before hyunwoo could drive away, haechan pulled out his phone and took a screenshot of the license plate.

he plopped his head back onto the ground, panting. he didn't realize but he felt the tears roll down his cheeks, it began sting his red, swollen cheeks.

"i failed you minhee, i'll save you again." haechan mumbled.


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