《photoshop ; haechan》t h i r t y t w o


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my girl isn't a slut, would you actually believe a psychopath say that? smh.


yEaH yOu tEll tHeM hAechAn

thank you ❤️☺️

of course ❤️ @min.hehe


the next day when minhee walked into the school, she had mixed emotions of what everyone would act like, disgusted? understanding? hurt? she had all these feelings.

all eyes were on her as she walked down the hall, she walked to her locker and grabbed her things, trying to ignore everyone's eyes on her.

"it's okay, you'll be fine," she heard a voice beside her, she looked up to see haechan waiting patiently.

"haechan.." minhee mumbled before haechan pulled her into a tight hug.

"let's go somewhere else," haechan whispered before leading her to the courtyard.

the couple sat down at a bench, minhee rested her head on haechan's shoulder.

"you don't believe him, right?" minhee asked.

"of course i don't, unless it actually happened," haechan said.

"i never sent nudes and never will! i didn't pay attention to those safety videos that they show every year for nothing!" minhee pouted.

"you're hiding it, minhee, let it out, you're hurt," haechan said.

"how did you know?" minhee asked as a tear rolled down her cheek.

"what the fuck, i'm your boyfriend, and i guess it's a boyfriend instinct," haechan said as he stroked minhee's dark locks.

minhee began to let out all of her pain, soaking haechan's blazer, but he didn't care. he was hurt just looking at minhee who was hurt.

"why won't he just leave us alone? why is he so determined to get me back? i've done nothing but loved him while he would jump to different girls. then when i date someone, he tries to get my attention and wants me to love him again." minhee said.


"i feel scared and not safe whenever i see him, i don't wanna see him at all." minhee said.

haechan sighed before putting his arm around minhee's shoulder.

"you'll be okay, i'll talk to him, how about that?" haechan said while lifting up minhee's chin, looking at her stained, red, eyes.

"no, i don't want you to get hurt," minhee said.

"who said i was gonna get hurt?" haechan asked.

"alright, but be careful, i can't stand violence." minhee said, haechan softly smiled and pecked her cheek.

"of course," haechan said as he leaned in to peck minhee's cheek.


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