《photoshop ; haechan》t h i r t y


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we don't even read wtf @haechann

: oops :))

oOOO HAECHAN BE SKIPPING CLASS, nah it's all good bc it's minhee lmao

FIGHT MEEEEEEE @zhongchenle


the bell rings, haechan was doodling on a piece of paper while minhee was napping right next to him.

haechan really didn't want to skip another class, he's a senior after all.

haechan gently poked minhee's cheek, it was squishy and soft like a baby.

"minhee, wake up, the bell rang, you're gonna be late," haechan whispered, minhee gently rubs her eyes before sitting up.

"how long have i been sleeping for?" minhee asked.

"not too long, but hurry you're gonna be late," haechan said.

"we should get going, especially you," minhee said as she pushed the chair in neatly.

the couple walked down the hall, haechan decided to walk minhee to her class because he's being a gentleman of course.

"haechan!! mr. kwon needs you right now!" haechan and minhee both turn around to see a male student running towards them.

"right now? but i'm kinda busy-" haechan said.

"he just told me to find you and bring you to him," the boy said, haechan sighed before looking at minhee.

"i'll be going, okay? stay safe," haechan pecked minhee's forehead before leaving with the male student.

minhee sighs before going to class by herself, she doesn't want to act clingy towards haechan. she understands that he won't be with her all the time, but minhee just feels unsafe without him by her side.

"well, there she is, oh my! without her boyfriend!" she heard a voice from a corner, she took a deep breath before continuing to walk to her class.

"yah, don't ignore me~" the voice came closer, basically near her neck.

"stay away from me!" minhee shoved him away.


"like your weak ass can do anything, you didn't do anything when you caught me," hyunwoo rolled his eyes.

"why are you after me? you never loved me but yet you're trying to get my attention all over again," minhee said.

"like i said, i love you and i want to start over," hyunwoo said, minhee knew he was lying. he would just use her.

"no, this isn't what love is, breaking into someone's house because you love them? isn't that fucking insane to you?" minhee began to yell.

"this shows how much i love and appreciate you! leave that asshole already and we can start over!" hyunwoo walked closer to minhee.

"but i moved on already! i have someone that actually loves me and doesn't use me!" minhee yells, hyunwoo puts his hand over her mouth.

"are you stupid? shut the fuck up, you're so loud!" hyunwoo raises his hand to slap her, but before he could, someone grabbed his wrist.

"don't fucking touch her." haechan said as he shot glares through hyunwoo's body. hyunwoo gulped before putting down his arm.

"you're lucky minhee, but watch it alright? both of you," hyunwoo said before walking off.

"are you alright?" haechan looked all over minhee's face, which only showed fear.

"i'm fine, what about the student?" minhee asked.

"it was a setup, he had to get my attention or else he would get hurt by hyunwoo," haechan said.

"that's awful," minhee said.

"i'm going home, i don't feel safe here," minhee said.

"let's go together," haechan said.

"no, you should stay, i can't let you skip more classes, i'll be fine, i'll text you when i get home, how's that?" minhee asked.

"alright, i'll walk you to your locker," haechan said as he intertwined his hand into minhee's.


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