《Toxic Thoughts》Chapter 18: Planning


Katsuki didn't sleep that night, his eyes red from crying as he made his bag. When the morning came, he sneaked out of the window, not wanting to alarm everyone in the common room of his departure. He used small explosions to break his fall, quickly running further along the path so he would be out of their vision. It was for the better that they didn't know he was returning to his personal hell.

He kept reminding himself of that when his heart broke little by little, his courage faltering step by step. He wanted to stay here, he wanted to be surrounded by those happy idiots and just enjoy being a teenager for once. But he couldn't... His mother would never let him... And of course things didn't go as smooth as he planned they would...

"Young Bakugou-"

"Move it, All Might" he grunted, walking past the former number one hero.

"No, please, you'll want to hear this" he said, explaining something he and the other teachers had been working on to get him out of his current situation as they walked to the school gate.

"Everything is set in motion. You won't have to suffer for long anymore, I promise" the tall man spoke with a small smile.

"I-I... I don't know what to say..." Katsuki choked out, taking a deep breath to process everything better.

"If you need details just, uhm, ask Deku. He probably knows, he can help with the plan"

"I will. Now, uhm, good luck, young Bakugou" All Might sighed, hating to see his student go, knowing the consequences of letting him leave.

But before he could regret anything, the ash blonde had already left school grounds, walking up to a parked car not too far away. His dad rolled the window down, giving him an inviting smile.

"It's been so long since I last saw you, hasn't it?" he asked, ruffling his son's hair as he sat down in the passenger seat. Katsuki just grumbled, crossing his arms over his chest after he put his seatbelt on. Masaru waved at All Might before closing his window and driving off. And so hell begins...

Meanwhile the others were slowly waking up, everyone laying tangled up with each other in a big mess. They discussed it and after Bakugou attacked Kirishima, they decided to give the explosive boy some space. Kirishima groaned as he was rolled around.

"Get off me, dude, you're so heavy" Kaminari complained, pushing him further.

"Ugh, Mina, don't cling to me" he continued whining.

Apparently Denki was the middle of their squad-pile and they slept partially on the Pikachu during the night. Eijirou didn't bother to remember how exactly they'd fallen asleep like that but guess it happened. More people woke up as Aizawa sensei entered the dormitory, earning a few confused looks and half-awake gazes.

"Midoriya, come with me"

"W-wait... Huh? What is it Aizawa sensei?" he asked confused, rubbing his eyes as he sat up on the futon.

"I need you to draw me a map of every floor of the Bakugou household" he stated, earning more attention from the students.

"Sensei, what's happening?" Momo asked, yawning afterwards.


"Why would you need a map of his house?"

"Wait, where is Bakugou? Why aren't you asked him?" Kirishima asked, now sitting up and listening to the conversation.

There was a silence in which every student's fear build up and speculations were being made.

"He left this morning. His mother called yesterday, he's going home for the weekend" Aizawa spoke. Everyone stared at their homeroom teacher in shock.

"You send him back to that hellhole?! Why didn't you refuse it?! You could've kept him here!" Kirishima shouted, now angry.

"We don't have the evidence we need to get Mitsuki Bakugou behind bars, but we will soon. Because we're going to catch her in the act" Aizawa stated, his eyes flashing red to calm his student down.

"We have a warrant but we're not going in while she knows it. Therefore we need a map of his house, every possible entrance and every room where they could keep him. We can't let this chance slip away from us"

"I can give you that" Izuku stated, getting up from the futon, instantly awake.

"Good. Get dressed and meet me in the principal's office" Aizawa said, making the green head nod and dart out of the room.

"As for the rest of you, this is a secret mission so I need you to stay quiet about this. Nobody can know that we're doing this. Please remain calm and continue your day like normal. If there is any news on Bakugou, you'll be the first ones to hear it"

A moment later, Deku stumbled back into the room, his hair still a mess and his shirt a little wrinkled. It didn't matter though, because he wanted to get this over with as fast as possible so the teachers could go help Kacchan. He quickly pulled on his red shoes and grabbed his jacket as Aizawa walked wordlessly towards the door. A second later, they were both gone. Eijirou just stared ahead, trying to process what just happened.

Katsuki had gone home that morning... He had to return to that monster of a mother... Wait. Was that the reason he suddenly stormed off in the middle of the sleepover? Did it have something to do with this? Why didn't he say anything?!

"Dude, are you okay?" Sero asked, seeing his friend clearly in a state of shock or distress.

"Bakugou...is suffering as we speak" he choked out, unable to keep up his go-to happy persona.

"It's just...so unfair!"

He started crying, hitting the ground in utter frustration.

"I-I need to hit something..."

With that he got up and went back to his room. Nobody said anything about it, they all felt the same in a way. Eijirou cried out as he punched his punching bag, his fist hardened as he kept going, shredding the thing apart. He just had to get these feelings out, worrying about the mess later. 'Please be okay Bakugou' he silently prayed as his arms fell down. 'You're so strong... I believe in you'

His arms were throbbing as he released his hardening, seeing that his punching bag was no more. He'll just have to get a new one... During that time, Midoriya was drawing out the map of the house, explaining everything as all the pro-hero involved surrounded him. Aizawa was impressed that he wasn't fanboying like he normally did. No, Deku just cut straight to what he came to do, pointing out doors and windows on each floor.


"They also have a basement, but I've never been in there" the green head explained.

"But there are small windows from the garden here, here and here. They have bars in front of them though, so it's not easy to break through"

"Measurements?" someone asked.

"About half a meter wide and probably around 30 cm high, if I need to make a rough estimate" Izuku spoke.

"Eraserhead should fit" Midnight stated, looking at said man. It's true that he didn't have a particular muscular build and he was fairly slim. Besides, he was the one with the least equipement on him so nothing would hinder his path.

"We need to check the other rooms too" the black ray of sunshine spoke.

"All Might, how do you think you can keep them distracted?"

"As long as is required" the taller male answered.

"Good. Midoriya, you've done well, please return to the dormitory"

"Oh, uh, y-yes Aizawa sensei" he sighed, backing away from the table and walking over to the door as the pro's continued to discuss the details. He sighed as he closed the door behind him, hoping that they would put the plan in action soon and save Kacchan from that terrible place.

While walking back to the dorm, he noticed the snow that had fallen earlier that week was melting away, clearing the white blanket that had fallen over the landscape. According to the weather forecast, it would snow again next week, so it wouldn't be long before the blanket returned. When he arrived back in the dorm, he immediately took in the glum atmosphere. People were cleaning up the common room, but nobody was talking, nor was any music playing. Just tense silence as everyone was drowning in their own thoughts.

"Midoriya, you're back" Todoroki pointed out, making the green head look up while he was taking off his shoes.

"Ah Todoroki-kun, yeah, they don't need me anymore so I had to return to the dorms"

"Did they get all the information they wanted?" the halfa asked.

"Yep!" Izuku nodded. At least he was of some help in all of this... It made him a tiny bit better about the whole situation.

"I'm glad. I'm certain the pro's will intervene soon and Bakugou will be brought to safety" Shoto spoke, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"So you don't have to worry"

"Thank you, Todoroki-kun" Midoriya smiled, hugging his friend. Todoroki was a little taken aback by the gesture, but let it happen none the less.

"I'm sure Kirishima-kun is very sad too... Where is he right now?"

"I'm not sure if you'll be able to talk to him" Jirou sighed, holding onto a broom she was using to wipe the little chips crumbs off the floor.

"He broke into Bakugou's dorm room through the window and he hasn't come out ever since"

"Well, has anyone tried?" Izuku asked.

"Yeah, but the balcony window is closed so no one can get in" Uraraka added as she placed some empty bowls in the sink.

"I think it's best to leave him alone for a while"

"Oh... Okay, I guess I'll go and try to make some homework then" Deku sighed, rubbing his eyes as he yawned.

"Or maybe try to catch some extra sleep, that would be nice too..."

Meanwhile Kirishima was tearing up as he sat on Katsuki's bed, the dark brown notebook at hand. He was reading through the poems, wanting to know exactly what Bakugou was going through right now.

He knew the ash blonde would kill him for it later, but he just had to know! What surprised him though was the fact that there were also poems about the class and even about the squad. There was one about the fall of All Might, for which he blamed himself, and one about the kidnapping at camp. There were multiple ones about his abuse and the after effects, about what kind of shitty mom Mitsuki was.

But one poem threw him off. It was called 'You're sunshine'. He remembered Bakugou calling him that once, when he was emotional and sleep deprived. Kirishima hesitated to read it, but eventually did so.

You're sunshine

Lighting up any room when falling in

Warming up the hearts of those around you

Making them feel tingly

Buzzing with life

You're sunshine

But you don't reach me

Because I fell

Into the darkest depths

Where light does not go

You're sunshine

Leaving smiles wherever you go

Making everyone feel better

Everyone but me

Because you cannot reach over the walls

You're sunshine

Please shine on me too

Don't forget me

Even at the bottom

Of the darkest pit

You're sunshine

Am I not worthy of your light?

Even though we're so close

Yet so far

You never shine on me

You're sunshine

Always beautiful and bright

The opposite of me

We're enemies in that way

So is that why you don't shine your light?

You're sunshine

So please

Cast your light

On me


Eijirou was in tears after reading that. A poem about the invisible gap between them, about the fact that Bakugou wanted him to get closer... It almost looked like a love confession in a way and that made Kirishima's heart flutter. Later on, he found another one called 'Happiness'. Did that mean that they were able to make Katsuki happy? Only for one small moment... Did he feel it? Kiri took a deep breath, wiping away his tears as he read the poem in search of answers.


Like a feather in the wind

A leaf in the stream

Drifting away from reality


Without sorrow

Without knowing what will come

After the current turns


Into an endless blue void


But not suffocating

Not knowing when the path will end

Nor if it will

But without worry

Knowing that everything is okay

Surrounded by light

Drifting away from suffering

From pain

To a destination unknown

Not knowing how to get there

How long it will take

Yet burning with desire

To get where the current flows

This feeling...

This journey...

Is this what they call...


Ei let out a choked up laugh, smiling at the page. 'Yes Bakugou... Yes, that feeling is happiness. And I'm so glad you felt it... I hope I can make you feel it a lot more in the future...'

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