《Toxic Thoughts》Chapter 15: Idiots


After a few minutes, Kirishima came back down to the common room to grab lunch, seeing most people were eating now as well.

"How did it go with Bakugou?" Sero asked as he sat down at the table.

"I calmed him down, he's okay now" the red head smiled, taking some bread and choosing his toppings.

"I'm actually gonna go back in a second with some food for him. He doesn't really wanna come down yet after what happened"

There was an uncomfortable silence after that since Midoriya had tried to explain what Bakugou told him. They all knew about Mitsuki now, but they promised the green head they wouldn't tell Bakugou about it. Most of them were filled with sadness, sympathising with the ash blonde. A lot of them were also raging with anger, unable to process that a mother would do something like that to her child. It would be hard for them to act normal around Bakugou...

"So you're gonna be hanging out with Bakugou all afternoon? I thought we would watch that new hero movie together?" Mina pouted.

"...Maybe we can still do that! What about watching the movie with the whole squad? Including Bakugou" Eijirou smiled, making Sero choke on his drink.

"Do you seriously think he would be willing to watch a movie with us? He's not really the uh social type" Kaminari mumbled.

"Weren't you the one saying we should get him to trust us? To open up? What's better than to hang out together?" Kirishima smiled, finishing up the sandwiches he was making.

"I'll go suggest it to him right away! You guys go set up in Mina's room, I promise we'll be there soon"

"If you say so... Don't leave us hanging Kiri!" Ashido smiled as the red head stood up.

"I would never! Manly honour" he smiled, putting his hand over his heart. With that he took the food and left for the elevator. He wondered if Bakugou was still in his room or if he had moved back to his own. Either way the red head would find him. As he wanted to open the door to his room but bumped right into the wood, finding his dorm locked off.

"Ow... Wha..? Bakugou?!" he asked, knocking on the door. The blonde unlocked the door, seeing the red head rub his nose.

"You locked my door?" he asked confused, seeing Katsuki avert his eyes, not directly looking at him.

"Oh, uh, reflex, I guess... Sorry..."

"No! Don't apologize! It's totally fine!" Kirishima quickly stated, smiling as he handed him a sandwich.

"Look, I brought food! Oh, and you're invited to watch a movie over at Mina's. The whole squad is gonna be there, it'll be fun-"

"Wait, hold up, you're almost muttering at the speed of Deku" Katsuki grunted, holding up his hand.

"Whoa, seriously? I thought that was impossible! Now I'm really impressed with myself" Ei smiled.

"Stop fooling around idiot. What the hell did you say about watching a movie?"

"Oh yeah, so Mina, Kami, Sero and I are gonna watch that new hero movie that came out recently-"


"Heroes Rising?" Bakugou asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Yes! That one! We're gonna watch it together over in Mina's room and you're welcome to join us"

Katsuki seemed rather surprised at that invitation, not expecting them to actually invite him on anything anymore after... After what he did to himself...

Why were they still trying so hard? Even if they knew what kind of fucked up mess he is? It was strange, but guess those idiots really are total morons after all. They don't know when to quit, just like that damn Deku.

"...Fine" he grunted, taking a bite from the sandwich as he pushed the red head aside, switching up their positions. Now Kirishima was standing in his room and Bakugou was standing in the hallway, munching on the lunch the shark boy made him.

"I'm gonna get changed first, don't like my arms being exposed" he muttered, taking another bite before walking over to his own room.

"Okay! I'll be waiting for you!" Eijirou smiled, hearing another grunt of acknowledgement before the door to the blonde's dorm slammed shut. Normally Bakugou would do anything to get away from them and reject any offer to hang out together.

Kirishima was really happy that the ash blonde seemed to be more willing to accept their friendship now. It's only because Katsuki finally realised that maybe some people actually care about him and that he shouldn't be so paranoid about everything. It was easier said than done though and even this whole movie thing had him stressed out. He threw on a red hoodie and ate the rest of his sandwich as he thought about how awkward things were gonna be just because he would be there...

Another sigh escaped his mouth and he finally left his room again. The sooner he gets this over with, the quicker he'll be back in his room for some peace and quiet... He noticed that the happy red head was waiting for him in the hallway in front of his own door, waving and smiling at him. Katsuki scowled, clicking his tongue and walking past Kirishima, assuming he would just follow like he always did.

Eijirou started ranting about some actor that he was a fan of that was playing some major role in the movie they were gonna watch, but Bakugou didn't really listen. Why did he agree to this in the first place? He could just watch that stupid movie on his own, nobody was forcing him to hang out with those dumbasses. Yet he couldn't help it... Somehow he got this tingling feeling when being around them and even though they annoyed the hell out of him, he could actually stand them most of the time.

Thinking back about that sappy poem he wrote after they prepared that brunch, he sighed. Guess they really do make him happy... Tch, what idiots... His idiots, though.

"You're smiling~" Kirishima teased, bursting with excitement.

"Are you happy?"

"Tch, fuck off Shitty Hair. Don't study my face like a damn creep, that's Deku's job" Bakugou grumbled, harshly knocking on Ashido's dorm door.

"Oi raccoon eyes! Open the fuck up already!"

"The door is open!" she yelled back just as Eijirou reached for the doorknob. Her room was so pink, it almost hurt his eyes. But it fitted her style, that much was true. Sero was setting up the laptop while Kaminari and Ashido were happily chatting away, already eating some of the snacks they brought for during the movie. Katsuki found a seat on her bed, in between dunce face and hair for brains.


"I'm surprised you came dude, but I'm happy you're here!" the electric blonde grinned.

"Yeah, whatever" Bakugou mumbled, a bored expression on his face as he watched the squad's dynamic play out. They didn't need him here, yet he was welcome and even wanted by them. It was weird and Bakugou didn't really know how to comprehend these feelings. What he did know though, was that he kinda liked it...

As long as it wasn't too much. He still wasn't the social type and he would never be an extrovert like all of them, but hanging out like this felt fine. It was nice, even... He could get used to this. Well, that's what he thought until he caught everyone staring at him.

"What?" he hissed as he glared at them.

"Aw man, you weren't looking angry for once!" Kami pouted.

"Yeah, you were looking so comfortable! Like when you were sleeping in the common room" Mina giggled, pulling out her phone and showing him the picture she took.

"Oi! Delete that right fucking now!" Katsuki hissed, wanting to grab the phone, only to find it just beyond his reach.

"But you look adorable~" Ashido pouted, looking at the picture again.

"I'm not adorable!" he yelled, small explosions leaving his palms.

Kirishima had to step in to help calm him down as Sero took Ashido's phone and put it away. After a few minutes, everything returned to their previous setting, yet Bakugou was scowling, his arms crossed over his chest.

"Aw come on, don't be like that dude" Denki whined.

"Let's just watch this stupid movie already" Bakugou growled, not reacting to the electric blonde.

Sero put on the movie, as requested, and the room fell silent again. The only thing that was heard beside the voices of the actors and the special effects, was the crunching of chips and the slurping of drinks. The lights were off and the curtains closed, making the screen look brighter than it actually was. The darkness was normally unsettling to Bakugou, but being in the presence of people he kind of trusted made up for it.

He felt himself relax again, his head slumping against Kirishima's shoulder as he watched the main character get his ass beat by the main bad guy. After that crushing defeat, they somehow realised the power of friendship or some bullshit like that and beat the crap out of the bad guy's team with their own hero team. The whole plot was pretty predictable, but the execution was decent and it had some humor in it so Katsuki wasn't complaining.

"Oh man, that was so good!" Kaminari squealed.

"Yeah, but the whole amnesia thing at the end was a little lame" Sero commented. Bakugou had to agree that was a total buzz kill, a lot of lost character development if you asked him.

"So, uhm, what did you think Bakugou?" Eijirou asked with a small smile. He was a blushing mess ever since Katsuki had lowered his head on his shoulder and he hadn't really been able to focus on the movie all that much.

"Hmm, it was okay" he mumbled, not making any sign of planning to move soon.

"You're comfortable there blasty~?" Mina giggled, poking his leg from her position on the ground. The ash blonde groaned, kicking her away and sitting up straight again.

"Seems to me that Kiri quite liked your previous position~" she added, making Ei blush again.

"Mina!" he whined, throwing a pillow at her as she continued to laugh.

"Aw, do you have a tiny crush on Kacchan?" Kaminari laughed.

"Stop calling me that!" Katsuki hissed, yet Kirishima stayed silent.

"You didn't answer the question dude" Sero grinned.

"Oh lay off, it's not like that" the red head muttered, avoiding Bakugou's gaze at all cost. Why were his friends like this?! Why couldn't they just tease him about it when Bakugou wasn't. Right. There!

What he didn't know was that the ruby eyed teen was also sporting a small pink blush. The thought of Eijirou returning his feelings was a nice one, but he knew it wasn't real. The rest of the squad had noticed Bakugou's expression though and Mina was already planning on how to get the two of them together.

"I'm leaving, I still need to catch up on two days of school" the ash blonde grunted, standing up and manouvering between everyone's legs and the bowls of chips on the ground together with the soda bottles.

"Oh, Bakugou, wait up!" Ashido shouted, stumbling to her feet and almost falling over Sero as she went after the angry teen.

"You promised to do my make-up sometime, right? In exchange for that chilli chocolate recipe?"

"I don't have the fucking time to bother myself with your face right now, raccoon eyes" he stated, crossing his arms.

"Not right now! I want you to it Friday, after school, right before the sleepover!" she smiled.

"I'm the host, you know? I need to look presentable"

Bakugou huffed, rolling his eyes as she put her hands on her hips.

"Fine, but make sure you've got all your things ready cause I'm not using any of my make-up to make you look better, okay?"

"I've never actually seen you wear make-up before... Do you use it often?" Kami wondered out loud. 'Every damn day' Katsuki thought as he glared as the fake Pikachu. But he probably meant actual face make-up to make himself look better instead of covering up his ugly scars.

"For...special occasions" he mumbled, remembering that he always used to make himself up if the old hag dragged him to some fancy gala, bringing her family along to look good.

"You should totally put some up Friday too! We'll be matching!" Ashido smiled. Bakugou squinted his eyes, letting out a long sigh.

"I'll think about it..."

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