《The Ravening》Burning Up


I gave a long, drawn-out moan and found my back arching so far I nearly bent in half backward. My body acting with a volition of its own in reaction to the immense pleasure ripping through me.

His hand, which had been scooping my buttocks slid up between my legs to support my back. His chin still working my slit was nearly propped on his own shoulder.

He adjusted his feet and knees in a smooth motion. Sliding sideways and pivoting me in a semi-circle as he turned sideways, angling my body so I rotated on my one heel and guiding me down to the moss and leaf-coated forest floor.

My other leg still draped over his shoulder as his face was burrowed in the crux of my thighs. Pleasuring my woman's core.

He somehow managed to do all of this, without missing a moment of what he was doing. Without separating his mouth from where he suckled my inner lips. Dragging his tongue along the edge of each inner lip until I was panting with pleasure.

With earth leveraged under my back, he used it to his advantage and kept the leg lifted over his shoulder tight to him as he rose higher on his knees. Pushing a palm to the back of my thigh to keep it up as he dragged his roughened tongue from the tiny nub all down my crease in long precise strokes.

My hands clutched desperate fistfuls of dried leaves and dirt as I fought to cling to some bit of reality instead of letting my body explode from all the sensations I was experiencing.

I was suddenly icy cold. My skin covered in goosebumps before I super-heated like a fire began where he licked me and surged through every limb of my body.

Making me shudder in pleasure before he began to swirl his tongue around my entrance.


"Eh, ahh." I felt like a hot iron was being put to me. My weight balanced on my ass and the back of my head as my whole body tried to fold into an accordion. So tightened with the pleasurable quakings, which were tickling through me.


"Your body feels like it's on fire." He murmured. Leaning up over me so he could peer down at me through those dark eyes flecked with tiny gold stars. He balanced on a hand near my hip and the other he slid from beneath my back to balance between my thighs. His wrist rubbing where his mouth had just been every time I tried to relax and flatten my body.

I hissed through my teeth and drew myself away from the pressure that seemed to increase the dizzying sensations twining through me.

He gave a half smile, his eyes growing hooded as he watched me.

"What are you looking at."

"Watching beauty unfold."

I frowned at him. Brows lowering. What the devil does that mean?


"Come." He hoisted me up with a grip on my forearm.

Clearly feeling more confident in my balance then I did. My legs nearly gave, and I had to adjust over them unsteadily.

"Are you crazy?" I whispered in a hushed voice as he led me further from the fire. "It's so dark! The fey!"

"They fey won't go near the water. Or light."

I looked around anxiously. Blinking against the pitch darkness as I saw the hazy of heavy branches and bleak leaves which could be concealing fey which would feed on our flesh, even now.

"We should get back to my cave." I knew the fey couldn't stand the texture of the smooth stone.

That's why they've left me alone all these years.


But I'd often glimpsed them walking on all fours. Hovering their long-nailed hands around my doorway. Putting them on the stone then retracting them as they eyed me hungrily. Their red or green eyes glowing in the dark.

"This is a bad idea, Van. It's too dark."

"It won't be." He sounded almost childish as he hurriedly guided me through the trees to the river. Then slid down the bank into the rushing water. Offering his hands up for me.

"If you're intent was to drown me, we could've done that in daylight. When it would not have been so cold." I stared at him with wide eyes. My trepidation clear.

"If I'd wanted to drown you, I could've done that days ago." He said dully.

"Reassuring." I said ruefully.

"Is that a fey?" He asked urgently. Leaning around me.

"Where?" I turned one way then the other. Holding my arms over my body.

"Dear Lord! It's right behind you! Jump." He shouted. Holding his arms out.


Sucking in a terrified breath, I obeyed him in my panic. Leaping from the bank. My brown skirt and white under skirt fluttering in the night air.

I looked down at Van and saw the gold light fill his irises, moving over them like smoke. And in that same moment they burned to gold there was an explosion of gold like a yellow moon had just risen over the river. Turning the whole thing into sparkling orange and yellow highlights over the water.

Making the darkness beneath blatantly visible. And making his skin glitter as if gold flakes lurked just under his pores.

The river suddenly luminesced as if it were midday, but the strange dancing lights tossed over the low tree branches and shrubs surrounding the banks like a candle flame teasing walls with its light.

I landed in his arms with a slight bounce that made me hover just over the water.

"What did you do?"

"I made it light. I banished your fears." He smiled down at me as he slowly turned with me in his arms. Staring at me as though I were all he could see.

"What is happening Van?"

"I'm changing." He whispered against my cheek before pressing a light kiss there. "I'm showing you what I've been hiding."

"That you glow like a night fly?"

He chuckled. His gaze lingering on every part of my face as though he wished to memorize it. "You make me glow."

"Now off with these clothes." He clucked disapprovingly in his cheek.

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