《The Princess and The Sorcerer》18- I love you


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Zorander's return to the kingdom is set for early spring. Annaliese has not told him what her Father said. She stubbornly has decided his homecoming will be every bit as wonderful as she has dreamed.

The royal family lines outside the castle's massive door in much the same fashion as when Zorander left. And yet, much has changed. Princess, now Queen Ashlyn is missing from their ranks. Prince Daniel stands to the side of Queen Armina, separating himself from their Father, though King Randolph is blissfully unaware it was a purposeful move. Princess Annaliese stands beside Daniel. No longer the cheerful young girl, a heaviness weighs on her.

When Zorander's coach approaches, King Randolph smiles and faces the road, hands clasped behind his back, appearing as regal as ever. Zorander disembarks and wearily approaches the waiting royals.

"Zorander, welcome home!" King Randolph's voice booms but with warmth and hearty sincerity. He claps the sorcerer on the back and then shockingly gives him a one-armed gentleman's hug.

"Th-thank you, Your Majesty. It's... really good to be back." He smiles back with as much warmth as a nervous man can muster.

"The council sent word you would return today but also, gave you very high praise on your performance. They think you are one of the best sorcerers in all the kingdoms!"

"That's very kind, Your Highness."

Queen Aramina places a delicate hand on his elbow and leans to give his cheek a chaste kiss. She also seems happy to see him. "Zorander, it's wonderful to have you home. I know the children have missed you terribly."

Annaliese thinks bitterly that her Mother has very little idea what her children have been doing.

Daniel offers his hand to shake, much as he had when Zorander left years before. "Hey, Zorander! It's great to see you. Let me walk you up to your tower. Can I help you carry anything? I want to hear about everything new you learned."

Zorander looks confused but nods and remembers his audience, "Of course, Prince Daniel, but please there is no need to-"

Daniel has already reached the coach and grabs a bag with each hand. "C'mon, Annaliese, wait until he sees how clean his tower is! I don't think it looked this good even before he moved in!"

The King and Queen smile at their son and watch the trio climb the steps and disappear into the castle. The King takes his wife's hand and leads her inside.


In the halls, Annaliese whispers, "Daniel...?"

"I thought it would be easier for you to follow him up without being suspicious if I volunteered first. I won't stay don't worry." He offers a quick wink at her.

At the top of the steps, Annaliese opens the door and all step in.

Daniel puts the suitcases down and admires the room. "Right? Isn't it impressive?"

Zorander makes a quick circle and agrees. "Yes, it looks exceptional, Annaliese."

An awkward silence falls over the room and Annaliese bites her lip. She is vibrating, the urge to touch him almost overwhelming. She and Zorander both look to Daniel.

"So... I'm going to go now. Good to see you back, Zorander."

"Thank you." There is more meaning than a simple response to that last sentiment and they all know it. It's an unspoken "Thank you for understanding. Thank you for your support. Thank you for taking care of my Annaliese."

"You're welcome." He starts to exit and then stops. "You should come to dinner tonight. Dad will expect an update. And besides, I really do want to hear about the council."

He grins and exits, closing the door softly. Annaliese quickly locks it and turns around. There is less than a breath before he is on her.

If there was desperation in their first kiss in Bulovia, this moment makes it feel tame by comparison. He has her mouth first but then is at her jawline, her neck, hands clinging hard to her and searching for skin anywhere her gown will allow.

Annaliese's hands slide into his robes and she pushes the fabric from his shoulders, forcing his hands away from her for only a moment, though longer than she ever wants to be without his touch again.

Zorander finds the strings to her corset, fumbling a little in his haste. He unties the last, just under the small of her back, and moves back up to the tiny hooks that hold her corset. Within a moment, he will need only pull the dress off her arms and she will be revealed to him. He moves his mouth away from hers and whispers raggedly, close to her ear, "Is this ok. Can I...?" He doesn't know how to say what he wants and instead ends the thought with a gentle flick of his tongue on her earlobe.


She whimpers into his neck and hisses a, "Yes."

Their mouths return together and Zorander pulls at the front of her dress. One sleeve snags at her elbow, the tight fit of the forearm taking more effort to remove. The other sleeve is then pulled tight toward her neck and gives its own resistance. He mumbles with a smile against her lips, "...would be easier if you were just in my robe."

She giggles and helps remove the stuck sleeve, freeing the gown to fall to the floor.

Zorander swallows once and glances down at the perfection of her, now bare to the waist, a thin silk slip beyond it. With his head resting against hers, he slides his hands down the velvet skin of her torso and grasps her hips. When he looks up, her eyes are closed, a tiny scowl of anticipation on her brow, her white teeth biting the corner of her flushed lip.

For a heartbeat, he can only look at her, drinking in her silken skin.

Then he is on her again, his lips finding hers with more fervor than before. One hand cups her gently and she moans into his mouth. His other, he sends playfully across her nipple which responds to his touch. Annaliese resumes her work on his clothes, the vest now unbuttoned, and starts at the top of his shirt beneath.

He releases her long enough to shrug off the vest and help her with the rest of his buttons, nearly ripping the garment from his body when they finally reach the last. Annaliese runs a line down the front of his chest then grabs the button of his trousers, first gripping it to tug him closer, then unfastening there as well.

Zorander scoops Annaliese up into his arms, lifting her out of the puddled dress on the floor, and carries her down into the depth of the tower. He sets her on his bed, still unmade from her new habit of sleeping here, and moves away from her.

"Zorander?-" She sounds pleading and breathless.

The sorcerer takes the mirror from the wall and puts it back in the wardrobe. It no longer shows his faraway room. He returns to her, pushing her down onto the bed carefully.

They fumble with the remaining pieces of clothing, discovering each other at the same time. She gasps when his hand reaches between her thighs, finding her wet heat. He sucks in a sharp breath when she first reaches down his frame, grasping his hardness there. He's wanted her so many ways, dreamed all he would do to her. But now he only wants to be close, never parting from her face, keeping their bodies together, touching nearly completely down their length.

When he is positioned to press inside her, he hesitates one last time, searching her blue eyes, begging her permission. She gives it, or at least, he assumes that she does, with a soft kiss, her fingers stroking along his cheek and coming to rest at his neck, digging in faintly.

His eyes close tight in concentration, all efforts on being gentle with her.

Her eyes open wide, tears stinging their corners, a vast intake of air filling her lungs.

They are frozen that way for a moment when finally he kisses her deeply, moving slightly forward, and establishing a rhythm, his body timing with his tongue. She kisses back but remains very still at first, her eyes now tightly shut, her hands clinging to his shoulders.

Slowly, the muscles in her legs relax and he feels her part more freely, her hands searching his body. One hand holds the back of his neck, the other grasps the muscles in his arm, her breathing now a heavy pant, broken by tiny moans.

When her breath quickens and she breaks their kiss, he knows she will reach her pleasure. Her body is tense, tight as a bowstring. She moans an urgent, "Zorander, please..." It is enough to send him spiraling to his own edge and no moment in his life has been as perfect as this. He feels her body convulse around him and he buries his face into the crook of her neck, muffling his own grunt of completion.

They lay there, panting and holding each other until their breathing slows to normal and he finally lifts himself carefully away from her and lays to her side. Propped on one elbow he can only look down and smile. For her part, she is spent but gives him a sweet grin as her eyes flutter closed, pressing her body to his.

"I love you, Annaliese."

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