《Reborn into The Beast World》Ch. 28 Left to the Gruffy Nanny


* Image above does not belong to me. But man I love this gramps expressions 😄

Tears are sliding down my cheeks, my snot is trying to bypass my nose, and my chest slightly hurts. Yet, despite how I'm feeling, I'm trying to give them a steady smile as my family leaves to the Most Beautiful Competition.

When their figures could no longer be seen, small pale arms engolf me in a tight hug. "It's okay Suki, they'll be back soon" gently smiles Radu. I give a sniffle and with my head lying on his shoulders, I whine, "but I wanted to go too!" Radu doesn't say anything at first and just softly pats my back. He then reluctantly distance himself from me but keeps his hands on my shoulders, "then one day you will Suki, either by mine or another." I've never seen Radu looks so serious, and though I don't exactly understand what he means, I couldn't help but smile a little at his attempt to cheer me up.

A gruffy cough is heard nearby, oh that's right grandpa Liam is here. "Come on you cubs, let's go to my place." Radu slightly blushes and with our hands entwine we follow the elder.

"So grandpa Liam, where do you live?" I ask him since I've always seen him in the village. The elder doesn't look at us but keeps a steady pace for our much shorter legs, "since I'm the Tribe Healer, I and my family get to live near leader Axel."

"You've got a female" I surpringly ask. My eyes start to measure his body and see that despite his old age, he still looks fit. This time grandpa Liam looks at my astonish face with bewilderment, "of course I do!" he moodily says. "I would'nt be able to live so many winters (old coughs Radu) if I didn'y have my own family" he says while narrowing his eyes at the purple eye cub.


"But I've never seen your female... have I?" I question. He seems to have choked on his spit, "wha, what's this, you don't believe me?" Radu and I shrug our shoulders, while I give grandpa Liam a smile to go on. Radu, who's out of my sight, is showing Liam a toothy smile.

"Hey grandpa, you need to take better care of your health" Radu says innocently. The elder blinks his eyes in surprise, "why's that?". Radu appears as if he's critically looking over the elder's body, "well given your age, if you have choked badly, you could've really died" he gasps.

"That's Healer Liam to you, you little rascal" Liam huffs loudly. "But I'm a skunk beast" answers the cub with a questioning tilt. "Why youuu!", before grandpa Liam could start roaring with flying spit at the cubs face, Suki steps in. "Sorry grandpa Liam, Radu is just trying to make me laugh." The corner of Radu's lip tilts in a smile and repeats, "sorry grandpa Liam."

The elder gives him a scrutinize stare and through his dark grey wrinkly eyes anyone could tell that he doesn't believe that. He then glances back at Suki and sees her giving him the big friendly eyes. He sighs and keeps facing forward. "To answer you Suki, yes, you've probably seen her before." Liam continues, "my female is gentle and is called Nancy, she's a full female bear beast, and has fortunately live as many winters as I have." He pauses, "so no stressing her out!" he lowly growls at the two mischevious cub. The two quickly nod their head.


Three days have passed since grandpa Liam has taken us to his home. Though there was a ton of fur coverings and food, the beastmen that reside here get tired too easily.


Sigh, "I'm bored," I say while pulling out grass. Besides me sits Radu and he nods his head in agreement. Usually at this time Radu would be training with my brothers but since we've been here, he didn't want to leave me alone.

"I wish we could play dress up like we did back home, you looked so adorable in that two piece" I sigh again. The male cub near me gulps and quickly glances around. He then spots a head of grey hair sneekily trying to get out of the den. "Grandpa Liam!" hollers Radu as he runs toward him. The grey figure freezes, but before the beastmen could trot away, Radu has already curl his body around the elder's leg.

"We want to play" hollers Radu with big purple pleading eyes. Grandpa Liam sneers and when he was about to kick him off, a female voice hollers from the inside. "Liam, they seem to love you the most, go play with them!" she orders. The elder's shoulders crunch over, "yes Nancy" he hollers back in surrender.

"Come with me" mutters a worn out Liam. Both of our tails are wiggling in excitement.

Arriving at the village, grandpa Liam starts setting up his tent. "So what are we going to do today gramps?" asks Radu. The elder hoffs, "you and Suki are going to" he thinks about it, "are going to sit there while I get my medicines ready." We nod, though not happily. I then ask, "do you think Charles would find a female?"

Liam sputters, "well maybe, are you interested in him?" I tilt my head, "not really, just curious" I answer. Unknown to the female cub, the male cub besides her is silent. "What are you curious about little Suki?" asks grandpa Liam. I smile at the tender name grandpa Liam would sometimes call me, "well alot of the males from our tribe went with my mama and papas, and I was wondering if they'll be back with more females."

"Would you like for our tribe to gain more females?" he asks. I quickly nod my head and beam, "oh yes! Because it'll mean more cubs to play with!" I yell but then mutter "well at least I hope it'll be female cubs."

Grandpa Liam's ear twitch, "oh, why females?" Woah, grandpa Liam sure is talkative. "Ummm because for some reason mama and my papas won't allow me to play with the other male cubs and Natasha and Elena aren't always there to play" I whine.

Liam laughs loudly at the innocent little female cub, while Radu's shows a weak smile.

"Alright then, tomorrow we'll have another lesson. There I'll teach you why that is" says elder Liam with a dazzingly smile.


Author's Note:

Thank you readers for commenting and voting****

I'm aware that some were probably interested in knowing how The Most Beautiful Competition would be like, but given Suki's age, gender, and the chances of ferals attacking, it was not for this time. But maybe, like Radu adoringly said, she'll be able to go some day in the future (⌐■_■)

On another note, I'm slowly working on my way to an age where Suki will one day meet our dear unique female.

So meanwhile, is there something that you would like to see more of?

Thank you! and have a happy weekend! As always, new chapters will be up next week!


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