《Babysitting The Bad Boy》Chapter 3 - Sandy Satan


It was the end of the next day and I was stood at my locker, getting books out so I could do some studying at home tonight. I don't have any tests or anything coming up; I just like to be ahead of things.

Maybe I am a nerd.

"Hey, Satan."


I close my locker and turn around to face him.

"What do you want," I say.

"Oh, Satan. Seems like you're getting moodier and moodier. Did you get enough sleep last night? Is your flow getting heavier?"

I narrow my eyes at him. "If all you wanted to do was bug me then I'm leaving." I take a step away from him but before I can get any further, he grabs my arm and spins me back around to face him.

"Actually, what I wanted was to ask if I could copy your chemistry notes? I ditched class last time but I don't wanna fall behind so I need notes."

"Since when do you care about keeping up with work?"

This doesn't sound like him.

"Since now. Can I have them?"

"No." I try to walk away again but he just holds my arm and this time doesn't let go.

"Why not? I will give them back tomorrow."

"I need them tonight."

"Let me take a photo of it then."


"Why not?"


"Because why?"

"Because I said no."

"But why-"

"Just shut up! Fine here," I open my notepad and hold it out for him to take a photo.

He stares at it, then looks at my locker, then at me.

"It's not those ones I want. I need old ones. I saw your old books in your locker before you closed it."

"The only notes I have in those books are from last year. Why would you need them?"

"Because I do. Just give me them."

I groan, putting my combination into my locker then opening it, I pull out my 10th grade chemistry book.

"Which bit do you need-" When I turn around he is really close up to my face. If I moved any more then my face would touch his.

He quickly pulls away and scratches the back of his neck.

What the heck was that?

"Uhh...so which part do you want?" I ask hesitantly.

"What?" He furrows his eyebrows.

"The notes. Which part do you want to take a photo of."

"Oh, um... I don't need them anymore."


"But you-"

"See you later, nerd." With that he turns and walks away down the corridor towards the exit.

That was weird.

Confused, I put the book back in my locker then head outside to meet Zoey so she can drive me home.

I have my license, I just can't afford a car right now. I don't need one anyway, Zoey drives me everywhere since most of the time it's her I'm going places with.

"Hey, girl!" She greets me outside the school.

"Hey," I smile.

We begin walking through the parking lot to her car. It was going to be a nightmare to get out of this place with all these teenagers rushing to get home.


"So what are you doing tonight?" She asks as we walk.


"You're always studying."

I shrug. "Gotta keep my grades up."

"Marnie, right?" A male voice asks.

I turn my head to my right, to find Cole and Isaac leaning against a car, each of them with a cigarette in their hands.

"It's Marnie, your name, right?" Cole, the blue-eyed greek god says.


Why is he talking to me?

"I'm Zoey," Zoey announces.

"Hi, my names Cole by the way."

At least he introduced himself unlike Zeke who just assumed we'd know who he is.

We did but that's not the point.

"This is Isaac," he points to the blonde headed boy with the cigarette held between his lips as he inhales.

"Hi," he says before exhaling, his voice husky like it was when we first met in the corridor. I thought it was just from tiredness, but I guess it's sexy like that permanently.

"You know if you get caught smoking on campus, you'll get into a lot of trouble," I state.

The two boys laugh at this, making my cheeks heat up.

"What's so funny?" I question.

"You really are a nerd," Isaac says.

"A cute nerd," Cole smirks.

I look at the ground, hoping they can't see how much I'm blushing right now.

"Thanks," I say quietly.

He chuckles. "You know, you seem so innocent and sweet. It's too bad."

I lift my head and look at him, confused. "What?"

What does he mean too bad?

"Nothing," he drops his cigarette on the group and turns to Isaac. "We should go, the lots starting to clear."

Isaac nods before getting into the passengers side without even looking at us again.

"See you around, ladies." Cole winks before getting into the drivers side.

Well that was weird.


A buzz sound comes from beside me, pulling me out of my slumber. I move my hand around my bed, looking for my phone until my hand finally grabs it.

Looking at the screen, I see I have a message from Zoey.

Zoey: i'll be at your house in 10 minutes

My body shoots up into a sitting position.

Sugar and spice!

Why didn't my alarm go off?

Shoot. Shoot. Shoot. Shoot.

I jump out of bed and rush to my closet to look for something to wear. I end up grabbing a pair of leggings and a hoodie.

That's the upside to being unpopular; I don't need to care about how I look.

I spray deodorant all over my body, hoping I don't smell too bad since i don't have time to shower.

Once i'm ready, I grab my bag and my phone and put my shoes on then run downstairs.

Looking out the window, I see Zoey's car pull up, then go outside and lock the door since my mom's already left for work.

"Hey, bitch," Zoey says as I get into her old truck.

"Hey, Zoe."

"Damn, you look like you've been struck by lighting four times."

"Gee, thanks. I guess i forgot to set my alarm last night so I only had ten minutes to get ready."


"And you couldn't have brushed your hair in that time?"

My hands go to my hair. "Shoot."

"Reach in my bag. I have a hairbrush."

"What would i do without you?"

"You would have been socially murdered 18 years ago if you didn't have me," she states.

"Great, so i would have died a year before i was born?"


I shake my head and laugh. "You're probably right."

We arrive at school and walk to our lockers. Zoey's is along the corridor to mine so we say goodbye until we see each other in third period.

Just after i put the combination into my locker, i hear someone shout.

"Dude!" The boy yells.

I turn around to see Cole, pointing at me.

Why is he-

My locker swings open, almost hitting me, and beige coloured contents spill all over me.

A bag of sand is tipped over inside my locker, spilling onto my chest and down my body.

I gasp and step back from my locker, almost slipping on all the sand that covers the floor. As sand continues to fall out, i hear a mixture of laughter and gasps. Looking around, i notice a crowd has gathered around me.

No, no, no. This is my worst nightmare.

To my left, Zeke Cole and Isaac are stood, laughing.


That little fudge ball.

I walk over to them and grab onto the collar of Zeke's shirt. "You did this!"

"Woah, calm down, Satan. Or should I start calling you Sandy?"

I narrow my eyes, death glaring him.

"It was just a joke, Marnie," Cole says, smirking.

"Just a joke? Are you kidding-"

"What is going on here?" Principal Sanchez shouts.

I let go of Zeke's shirt and turn to our mad principal. He's pushing his way through the crowd and staring wide eyed at my mess of a locker.

"Who's responsible for this?" He shouts.

Most of the people surrounding us point at me, others say "the girl in the grey hoodie".

He looks at me, and if it was possible for his expression to get any angrier; it did. "You! My office now!"

"But it was Zeke!" I yell back.

He looks at Zeke for a moment. "Then he can come too!" With that, he turns and walks through the crowd and to his office.

Zeke smirks at me before following Sanchez.

"Don't worry about it," Cole says. "I'm pretty sure Zeke will take the fall for it."

I ignore him and walk to the principals office.

"Take a seat," Sanchez says from the chair behind his desk.

Zeke and i oblige and sit in the two chairs that are sat in front of his desk.

"Would one of you explain what happened out there?"

Zeke and I glance at each other, neither of us saying anything.

I look away and clear my throat. "Well, I opened my locker and sand poured all over me. Zeke put it in there."

Sanchez looks at Zeke. "Is this true?"

He takes a moment to answer, but when he does it's in the most innocent voice i've ever heard. "Now, Principal Sanchez, how do you suppose I got into Marnie's locker?"

That little fricker.

Sanchez looks back at me. "That's a good point. Marnie, are you sure it was Zeke?"

"Yes!" He raises his eyebrows at my loud voice. "I mean, yes, Sir," I say in a calm voice. "I don't know how he knew my locker combination, but i know he did it."

Zeke gasps and places his hand over his heart. "Marnie! I cannot believe you'd think so low of me!"

"Shut up! You know you did it!"

The first hour bell rings just before Sanchez was going to tell me off for shouting at precious little Zeke.

"Marnie, it is unfair of you to blame Zeke for something you're unsure he has done."

"But i know he did it!" I yell back, regretting it straight away.

"Enough! You will have detention every day for the rest of this week, and at lunch today you will clean up that mess at your locker."


"But i-"

Zeke starts laughing, then puts his hands up in surrender. "Okay, okay," he says through his laughter. "It was me. I put the sand in her locker."

I let out a breath and silently thank god.

"In that case, you will also have detention and help clean up the sand."

Help? I didn't do anything wrong!

"Meh, it was worth it to see her face. Priceless, right?"

Sanchez just stares blankly at him. "Both of you get to class. I will see you here at lunch time."

"Can't wait," Zeke smiles before we both leave the office.

I close the door behind me, look at Zeke then walk away from him.

"Hey! Aren't you going to thank me?" He catches up to me and walks by my side.

"For what? You did this!"

"And I took the blame. You are welcome."

I come to a sudden stop and face him. "You're a jerk."

He starts clapping. "Wow, where did you come up with that insult? No girl has ever said that one to me before."

"Shut up." I start walking towards the bathrooms to clean myself up.

"Damn, she strikes again!"

Once again, I stop and turn to him.

"You know, you could at least apologise. I'm covered in sand thanks to you."

"It wouldn't have happened if you kept your nerdy little mouth shut."

"Whatever." Just as i was about to walk into the girls bathroom, he grabs my arm and pulls me close to him.

"I took it easy on you today, and if you tell anyone else; this little sand prank will be nothing compared to the other things i'll do."


omggg it's been so long since i updated. I'm sorry! i've not had motivation but i'm tryinggggg.


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