《Babysitting The Bad Boy》Chapter 2 - I warned you not to tell


"Marnie! Marnie!" The crazy girl comes running down the school corridor towards me.

The crazy girl happens to be my best friend, Zoey. Today she is wearing her usual zipped jeans and band t-shirt. Her hair has a streak of pink and blue on either side of her blonde hair.

We have similar styles – although I prefer to wear normal jeans and not her ripped bold jeans and I don't put random colours into my hair either. I prefer to blend in.

"Guess what! Guess what!" She shouts when she approaches me.

"Hmm...let me guess. Harry Styles shaved the rest of his hair?"

She gives me a horrified look. "God, I hope not! Guess again!"

"Just tell me," I say monotonously.

"Mason broke up with Aubrey!" She squeals.

Let me catch you up. Mason Conway is the schools most popular jock, and his girlfriend – ex girlfriend now – is the prettiest, and bitchiest girl in school. They're the perfect pairing.

"Wow," I say with a sarcastic smile.

"Everyone's talking about it. Apparently he caught her cheating with Lewis."

"That sucks." I take my math book out of my locker then close it.

"What's up with you today?"

"Nothing, I'm just tired. I was babysitting late last night."

I wonder if I should tell Zoey about me babysitting Zeke. She'd probably get way over excited about it though, plus I don't want Zeke to make my life hell.

"Poor you. At least you can catch up on some sleep in math."

We start walking to class since we both have math together.

"No thanks. I don't feel like getting a detention today. Or any day."

"Oh please. Mr. Harrison won't catch you. The guys basically blind."

"Are you kidding me? He catches people all the-"

I'm cut off when my shoulder hits against something. Someone.

"Watch it, nerd." The asshole says.

I turn around and there he is. The devil himself. Zeke.

Without thinking, the words spill from my mouth.

"Oh hey, Zeke! It's nice to see you again! I had so much fun babysitting you last night."

Him and his two friends turn to look at me. Cole and Isaac stand on either side of him, the three of them unintentionally looking like supermodels. Zeke's the tallest of the three. Cole stands on his right, he has dark hair and beautiful blue eyes that could probably be seen from the other end of the corridor.

Isaac stands on his left. He looks like he just got out of bed and his blonde hair sits in a mess on his head, yet he still looks flawless.


"What?" Cole says, looking between me and Zeke.

"Babysitting?" Isaac says with a raspy voice.

Zeke is looking at me like he could kill me, but he quickly snaps out of it and does a fake laugh.

"What? I don't even know you." He smirks.

This annoys me more than it should, so now I need to embarrass him. "Oh please. You're a terrible actor."

"What do you mean you were babysitting him?" Zoey asks. She gives me a nervous look.

Who can blame her, it's not every day we talk to the hottest guys in school. Actually, I don't think I've ever spoken to them. Except Cole, when we had to work on a physics project together. But I ended up doing all the work while he was texting on his phone.

"Zeke was being a bad boy, so I had to babysit him last night." I smile smugly at him.

"Shut up," he hisses.

Isaac laughs. "Dude, is she serious?"

"No." Zeke snaps back at him.

"Hey, don't be so grumpy. You were being so well behaved last night. You don't want me to tell your mom on you, do you?"

He takes a step towards me. "I warned you not to tell."

"Really? I don't remember that."

Cole puts his arm around him. "Bro, why the hell did you need a babysitter?" He laughs.

"I will explain later," he says under his breath, keeping his eyes on me. "You better not tell anyone else about this, Marnie."

I hate myself for the butterflies I feel in my stomach due to the way he said my name. I'm so pathetic.

I'm surprised he even remembered.

I hear a gasp from Zoey, she was probably thinking the same thing, but she quickly covers it up with a cough.

"I'll think about it," I smile then turn around and walk away, pulling Zoey along with me.

Once we turn the corner and the boys are out of sight, Zoey grabs me and makes me stop. She stares at me in horror.

"What the heck Marnie?" She shouts. Some of the passing students glare at us so she lowers her voice. "Why didn't you tell me you were babysitting Zeke freaking Blakely? And why the heck did he need you to babysit him? You should have told me straight away! This is big. Like really big. And he knew your name! He said it! And he-"

I put my hand over her mouth to shut her up.


This is why I didn't tell her.

"Shhh! People will hear you, and holy crap you ask a lot of questions."

"You owe me an explanation!"

"I'll tell you about it later."

"No, tell me now..."

The bell rings, saving me from my interrogation from Zoey.

"I'll tell you at lunch." I start walking to math again and Zoey follows.

"No, you'll tell me during math," she decides then walks into the class before I can object.


It was finally lunch and I was stood in line with Zoey, about to buy some food.

In math I had told her the full story on how me babysitting Zeke had come to be. As I expected, she was extremely over excited and Mr. Harrison was so pissed at the amount of squealing that came from her.

After grabbing a sandwich and an apple along with a bottle of water, I pay and follow Zoey as she crosses the cafeteria to get to our usual table we always sit at. It's usually just the two of us sitting here since everyone in our school are fake bitches who we can't stand.

"So what's Zeke's house like?" Zoey asks after finishing a mouthful of her pasta.


"Nice? That's all you can say?"


"You better be out of this mood by tomorrow."

"I am not in a mood," I take a bite of my apple.

"Yes you are, Marnie. Are you on your period or something?"

I roll my eyes. "No-"

"Yes, she is," Zeke says.

I turn my head to see him standing beside our table with a smirk plastered across his handsome face.

"And how would you know?" I say as I glare at him.

"I can just tell. It is a gift I have." He pulls out the chair beside me and sits down.

"What the heck do you think you're doing?"

"Sitting down. Can't you tell?"

I can't stand him.

"Go away," I huff and look away from him.

I notice that some people are looking at us. Why did he have to come over here and draw attention to us? I hate when people stare at me or even notice my existence. I'm quite happy being invisible.

"Damn, someone is snappy," he looks at Zoey. "It is definitely her time of month."

Zoey looks at me with widened eyes. "Um..."

"So what's your name?" Zeke asks her.


"I'd introduce myself but you probably already know who I am."

"Cocky much?" I mumble.

"What was that, Satan?"


"That's what I'll call you while you have blood coming out of your-"

"Shut up! Don't say it- oh my god just go away. Why did you even come over here?"

He laughs. "Oh, right. I came over because I wanted to ask if you'd go out on a date with me tonight?"

My apple falls from my hands and rolls onto the floor.


Zeke erupts into fits of laughter. He clutches his stomach while pointing at my face.

"I am just fucking with you," he says once he's calmed down his laughter. "Oh my fuck, you should see your face!"

I realise my mouth is hanging open. I quickly close it and clear my throat. I hope he cant see how much I'm blushing right now.

"Aw, sorry princess. I hate to tell you this, but you're not my type."

"I didn't think you had a type considering you're trashy enough to sleep with half the girls in this school," I snap.

He raises his eyebrows, obviously surprised at my comeback. "I'll let that one slide since its the satan time of month."

"It's not the Satan time- I mean it's not that time of month!"

"Sure it's not," he winks. "So anyway, I came to ask if you had told anyone else about...the thing."

By the thing I'm guessing he means the babysitting.

"I haven't."

"Good. But just so you know; you are not forgiven for trying to embarrass me in front of my friends like that. It's a good thing they won't tell anyone, or else this situation would be way worse for you."

"For me?"

"Yes. For you."

He stands up from his chair. "See you around, Satan."

"You owe me a new apple!" I call after him as he heads back to where his friends are sitting. A laugh comes from him but he doesn't look back.


hey guys!

sorry this chapter took me so long. I've just been trying to figure out some stuff with this book, but hopefully updates will be coming sooner now.

hope you guys liked this chapter. please vote if you did. it helps me a lot.

- e

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