《Real Dad...// Irondad》25➳Trouble.



Meanwhile Peter had been following a black van for an hour now. After the training with Nat, a message from Ned came, on how he saw movement from the security camera he hacked, with Peter's prior order, so with that he left telling Tony he was going out to meet Mj, but in fact he was now behind the bad guys that where smuggling illegal weapons...the ones from Vulture.

The purple gem was in safe hands, but now Peter had to find the source of all the evil. The lair of the Vulture. The nest of all his problems.

Hacking into his suit, he turned off the security and started swinging from building to building towards the marked location that Ned kept updating him in.

"Peter...there's more than just weapons we're after, these guys are smuggling something else, the thermostats cameras are going haywire!"-Ned had said. But they hadn't been able to find out what the purple glowing material in huge containers had been. This wasn't like the purple gem, this one was earthly.

He was getting near the location when his senses started to pick a new audience on the distance, he could literally feel the pair of eyes that pinned on the back of his head.

Brushing that off, he hoped it was just a curious citizen who had his prying eyes over his Avenger self. Crazy to think about it, months ago, nobody would had given a shit about the crazy vigilante that swinged on spider nets and the second Avengers where associated to his image, everyone was interested all of a sudden.

But Peter didn't mind, he was thankful he even got to help people in the first place. The way people saw him didn't change his own judgment on himself. He was helping people with or without the image of Avengers and nothing could ever stop that.


A beep on his mask alerted him that he was standing just above the marked location.

Looking around Peter saw nothing but an empty terrace of a famous restaurant. An expensive place for fancy and important people to sit and drink a glass while waiting for a million dollar contract to be signed or some business shit like that.

Than it hit him!

One of the people might be here for a bounty! Or an organised kill. Or an exchange.

Spiderman crawled the windows of the restaurant to get to its back, and from there he entered the ventilation system, thankfully they where all big enough to fit him.

As he crawled around, he started to get a little bit claustrophobic. The second he found an opening he cracked the vent open and took a deep breath.

The realisation that he was standing on top of a large kitchen vent hit him as soon as he took the deep breath and smelled the delicious meals.

"O shit!"-He muttered as the whole chef staff of the restaurant looked his way confused.-"Sorry guys! You can keep doing what you're doing, this is um...um...rat control..."

"They sent Avengers after rats now?"-A woman in a white apron said confused.

"No, just this one time! Your boss is super rich and well, I need the money right! I'm a broke student with a lot of college depts!"-Peter laughed as he waved awkwardly and backed away closing the vent net.

"If Mr.Stark heard that he'd probably scold me for being such a terrible liar!"-Peter chuckled to himself.-"It's not that big of a lie tho..."

When Peter was finally head to head with a restaurant vent opening he cheered at himself for being able to find it even if it was totally by accident.


He ordered his AI to scan the place for illegal guns that matched the ones Vulture was using.

What he found in process was comically not what he expected.

"There are 15 normal guns in sight. And only one object seems to match the ones you described Peter."-His AI informed.

"Fifteen guns!! What the hell is this place!"-Peter laughed, people carry guns in restaurants now huh, he focused on the unrecognised object.-"Can you scan the unidentifiable object and see if it matched the other matches we've collected on the other fights.

A beat later his AI spoke again.-"One match found."-She said and showed him a pictured from the boat fight, where one of the guys was holding a 15mm calibrated gun.

Peter smiled proudly.-"This is it than!"-He looked at the guy holding the gun, he wondered where the rest of the purple material was, but since his AI didn't catch sight of it he figured they had taken the rest to another place.

He didn't have much choice, but to wait for now. He hid on a good corner an waited for the gun to be in clear sight.

Soon a group of people came to their table and sat down opening a case filled with pure diamonds.

Peter almost blew his cover when he noticed the amount.

The other party placed their black case on top of the table.

And than everything happened too fast. A group of bald black women stood up from a table nearby and pulled out some weird weapons, everyone pulled their guns at them.

"What the hell!"-Peter saw his chance to shoot a web and grab the case.-"I think I'll take this for now!"

"Get the case! Kill the spider!"-Everyone turned to him. Three different groups where on his back as he made his way through the restaurant, dodging bullets and golden spears from the bald women.

He hid behind a table and webbed a few guns from the black suited men with the diamonds. He than shot a web bomb to the women in golden spears glueing them on a colon of the fancy restaurant.

He than fought the rest of the guys with his metal spider arms and once they where all busy stuck in his webs, he ran out of the restaurant. Just before the police cars came flooding the place.

He had the case close to his chest and he ran all the way back to the avengers tower by nightfall. His heart almost failing him when he noticed people where already waiting for him in the penthouse...


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