《To Be A Dad (Irondad and Spiderson)》48: Good Night Sir


Jarvis grumbled as he saw the cars start parking outside the house. He turned to Tony who was staring intently at a tablet, the genius had multiple ideas to bring everyone back. "Sir?" Jarvis glared at his creator who just hummed. "The Avengers are here."

"That's nice," Tony mumbled and Jarvis sighed before turning off the tablet. "Hey!"

"The Avengers are here, Sir." He repeated watching Tony sigh before getting up. "Would you like me to go talk to them?" His creator shook his head.

"No, just stay here." The AI nodded.

"As you wish Sir." Tony walked out, closing the door behind him. The Avengers walked closer to him, all of them looking lost and hurt. Tony wondered if they'll ever be okay.

"Hey, Tony," Steve spoke softly, Tony nodded. "We want to work together, it's the only way we'll win." The genius looked at everyone around him.



Coming up with time travel was hard yet easy. It was getting the stones that were the hard part. Tony worked with Natasha and Bruce, relaxing with them when they could.

It was an hour before they decided that Natasha and Clint would go retrieve the soul stone when someone else showed up.

"Wade?" Tony looked at him, surprised to see him. Wade had disappeared years ago after he was diagnosed with terminal cancer, and Tony was surprised to see him.

Wade looked different though, Tony only knew because of Jarvis' announcement, but other than that, Wade was scared. He also looked depressed and down, which was very unlike him. "I want to help get Peter back."

"How?" Tony asked the young mercenary.

"I can't die so to get the soul stone, I can sacrifice myself and we get the stone." Tony raised an eyebrow.


"How did you know all of this."

"Cause I watched Infinity War."


Tony watched Bruce snap, frowning when he fell in pain. "Did it work?" Thor gently touched his head, trying to calm his friend down, as Tony cooled off his arm.

Clint walked over to his phone that buzzed on the table. Tony knew that everyone was back, now they just had to finish this, once and for all.


Tony smiled when he saw his son. "Dad! Holy cow! You will not believe what just happen!" Tony grabbed his kid, hugging him and kissing his cheek.

"You okay? You alright?" Peter cuddled into his dad and nodded.

"Yeah! Anyway! Doctor dad woke me up and told me that you all needed help and then he did his portal thing-" tony chuckled at his son ramble.

"Where is Stephen." Peter looked around before pointing to him. Tony turned to see Stephen trying to hold back to the flood. Tony didn't let go of Peter as he called over to him. "Honey? Is this it?" Stephen turned and smiled slightly when he saw him.

"If I tell you what happens it won't happen," Stephen said softly, tony sighed and looked at him.

"You better be right."

Tony let go of Peter. "Stay safe Peter!" Tony called out to him, and then looked at Stephen. "I'll see you in a bit." Stephen smiled and nodded.


Peter handed Tony the gauntlet, letting him leave with it. Tony turned to Stephen and saw him give him one finger.


Jarvis was the first to rush to Tony after he snapped. Reading all of the diagnostics trying to see how to help him. "Dad?" He whispered. "You'll be okay."


Rhode came over next, gently placing a hand on Tony's head, petting his hair. "Tony."

Stephen landed quickly cradling Tony's face. "Oh love. Darling, this wasn't it." He whispered, rubbing his lover's cheek.

"Dad. Dad, please don't leave please." Peter begged, trying to cuddle into his dad's chest, his super-hearing catching his faint heartbeat. "Please dad, don't go."

Stephen gently kissed Tony's head, tears falling from his eyes.

"It's okay Tony, it's alright," Rhodey whispered to his brother.

"It's alright love, let go, I'm here." Stephen let him go slowly, never breaking eye contact with Tony. "I love you, darling." He whispered, blinking away the tears. "It's okay."

"I'm sorry dad. Please don't go." Peter begged, trying to see if his dad's heartbeat would get stronger. "I love you, dad."

Jarvis sighed as he looked at his creator. He's been with Tony through everything, as an AI, and as an Android. He sighed. And spoke softly.

"Good night Sir."

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