《To Be A Dad (Irondad and Spiderson)》46: Memories


Maybe it was the fear that drove him to come to his conclusion. Maybe it was the fact that his kid got into a deadly situation and now people were hurt.

His kid was probably hurt.

Still, he flew to the roof tip where Peter sat. "Previously on Peter Screws the Pooch, I told you to stay away from this," he spoke sarcastically, the suit hovering near his kid.

"Is everyone okay?" He felt furious at that moment, if the kid had just stayed out it.

"No thanks to you." Peter turned, he looked mad but...terrified.

"No thanks to me?" He got off and walked to him. "None of this would have happened if you would have just listened to me! If you really cared you'd really be here."

He stepped out. Of course, he cared, he cared so much about his son, his baby Peter. His son stepped back. "I did listen, who do you think called the FBI huh?" Peter looked away.

"I just wanted to be like you! I want to be a hero too! I'm not a kid anymore!"

"You're MY kid!" He snapped, making his son flick back. "Everyone told me I should've taken away the suit and told you no! And you know what, maybe they were right. I'm taking the suit away."

"What! But, dad..for how long?" He looked away from him before speaking.

"Forever." Peter teared up.

"Dad please, I'm nothing without this suit!" He turned back to him and shook his head.

"If you're nothing without the suit, then you shouldn't have it. I expect it to be on my desk when I get home."

Peter nodded. "Yes sir." Tony stared at him for a moment longer before stepping back into the suit and flying away.


"Sir? Are you alright?" Jarvis broke Tony out of his thoughts. The android had watched Tony stare at the same spiderman suit for the past hour, winding what he could be thinking about.

"I took his suit away once," Tony said quietly. "I was so mad and so worried, I just, " Tony sighed and closed his work. "I just wanted him safe, and instead I crushed his dreams and told him he was nothing."

"Well, I did hear about what happened. It was reasonable to be mad and afraid Sir. Although I do think you were a bit harsh on him." Jarvis stood and left the room, leaving Tony alone again.

"Tony, he's trying his best. He's figuring himself out, you can't just take it away." Stephen said softly. Tony turned to him, red-faced and angry.

"He almost got himself killed Stephen!" The sorcerer sighed and sat down.

"Tony, you once said that people could take away whatever they wanted from you, but one thing they can't take away is Iron Man." Tony looked at him confused.

"What does this have-" Stephen raised a shaky hand to stop him.

"You two have a lot in common. One is that people can't take away your alter egos. You can take the suit, but he's still Spiderman." Stephen smiled a bit. "He'll always forgive you, no matter what. But he is your son, he has your brains. He'll figure it out eventually." With that, his husband stood, gave him a gentle kiss before leaving.

"Sir, I brought you some tea." The AI placed a cup down on the table and shut down all of Tony's work. "You should rest Sir."

Tony nodded and took the cup before going to his room.


He drank the warm liquid as he sat on his bed. It felt too big now without his husband there.

"I'm sorry dad. Please don't be mad, I'm sorry." Peter cried into his shoulder as he held him.

"Shhh it's okay Piccolo, it's okay. I forgive you, and I'm sorry too. I'm so proud of you Peter. You don't need the suit to be a hero, I was wrong about that. You are everything with or without the suit."

Stephen smiled from the doorway before joining them in the hug. "It's okay Pete, we'll fix it together."

Peter nodded and fell asleep against the two.

Tony sighed as he laid down. The house was too empty and

quiet now without Peter running up and down the halls, or Stephen messing up spells. He just wanted them back.

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