《To Be A Dad (Irondad and Spiderson)》45: Not Really A Home


"It seems like we have a visitor, Sir," Jarvis said softly from his spot next to Tony. Tony sighed, tired from his yelling match with Steve. "Eddie Brock is here." The billionaire gave him a confused look.

"Why?" Jarvis shrugged.

"They are at the door Sir, and I doubt he would yell his issues right away." Tony sighed but brought his blanket up to his chin. "I'll go and see if the Avengers let him in."

Jarvis walked down and saw Eddie was in. "Tell me you have a plan to reverse this!" Eddie seemed furious as he spoke with the avengers.

"We are working on it, Mr. Brock. I do have to ask why you two are here." Eddie turned to him, he looked like a mess and Jarvis could only guess someone important to him disappeared.

"My Symbiote is gone, he was ripped from me, I want to get him back." Jarvis could see the pain it brought him and he knew exactly what he was feeling. Watching Peter disappear broke him too. That was his little brother, Tony told him to look after him, to take care of him. And he let him down.

"We will do everything possible to get them back, for now, we are just tossing out ideas." Eddie sighed and sat down with the Avengers.

Jarvis sighed and looked at Rhodey who was leaning against a wall. "How's Tony?"

"Sir is fine, he fell asleep a couple of minutes ago. I will take care of him, Colonel Rhodes, don't worry." The older man sighed and nodded, letting the android leave.

Tony sat up when his son entered. "I want to go to the lake house." Jarvis tilted his head.


"Should we wait until you feel better Sir?" Tony shook his head, trying to get out of bed but the android stopped him. "Sir, I know you want to find a solution but you can't fight like this, if you want to help Peter and Stephen you have to rest."

Tony looked away from his android, trying not to cry. "Did I let them down J? I promised myself I would never let Peter get hurt. I would never let him down."

"Tony," Jarvis spoke softly. "What happened was not your fault. Peter will still love you and look up to you. He adores you. Sir, he wanted to be Spiderman to be like you, he wanted to save the world and make it better just like you have been trying to do. You inspired him. This is just a bump in the road and we'll get through it, we'll get them back. Whatever it takes."

Tony cried as Jarvis held him, trying hard not to cry himself. He has to be strong enough for both of them, so they can have a chance against Thanos again.


Tony opened the wooden door to the small house. The wooden boards creaked when he stepped inside, he frowned at the silence. "Home sweet home, right J?"

The taller man just looked away sadly. "Not much of a home without them." He spoke quietly. Tony sighed and nodded, walking further into the house.

He smiled at an old drawing Peter had made when he was a kid. "Look J, it's you." The android smiled weakly at the picture.

"Peter did get me perfectly." Tony chuckled softly and kept walking through the house. He picked up an old photo and wiped away the dust.

It was supposed to be a formal picture but they all burst out laughing. Jarvis had his head thrown back, while Peter hugged his leg, gigging into it, Stephen had an arm wrapped around him as he laughs, mouth crinkled up and his smile was wide, Tony was leaning against him, hiding his laughter in his chest.

Tony put the photo back, feeling an ache in his chest.

This will never be home if they aren't here.

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