《To Be A Dad (Irondad and Spiderson)》44: Jarvis To The Rescue


Tony and Nebula played a small game as Jarvis scanned around. He couldn't let Tony die out here, he just lost Peter and Stephen, he wasn't going to lose Tony. He saw the beat-up Iron Man helmet and sighed.

They would get back to Earth somehow, Jarvis tried again to connect with a suit back at home, some part of him hoping it would listen.

Jarvis sighed when his connections failed and looked back at the two playings. He sat next to his creator, feeling like a scared little kid. Tony patted him on the back as he lost the game to Nebula. "You win." His creator smiled, and Jarvis watched with amazement as Nebula gave a small smile.

"I won?" Tony nodded and smiled at her.

"Yes, you won." She looked back at the small triangle shaped piece of paper. "Congrats." Tony chuckled and grabbed it. Jarvis watched them play again, but then he had an idea.

"I'll be back Sir." Tony looked over.

"What do you-" Jarvis shut off. His body fell like a deadweight beside Tony. The creator panicked, quickly grabbing the body and cradling it. "Jarvis? Hey, wake up buddy."

He lifted one of the eyelids up, only to see the eyes have gone gray. He sighed and held the body, looking out the wide window.

Where could Jarvis have gone?


"Mrs. Potts?" Pepper stopped her work and quickly looked around. She had noticed the lights flicker in the tower but she dismissed it, she had a lot of the avengers in the compound. "Jarvis?" She questioned, getting up as she did.

"Good afternoon Mrs. Potts. I have a small favor to ask of you." She nodded and looked at one of his cameras. "Sir is alive, I need to save him, if you open the lab for me that would be amazing."


She looked confused but she quickly went to the lab. "Why can't you open it?" She asked him, punching in her code to override the system.

"Sir wanted this lab to stay locked down, I couldn't open it without the code being physically put in." She nodded and stepped inside the lab.

"Now what?" She asked as she looked around for a light switch.

"Once the power is on I can take it from here, I do suggest a medical team for Tony." She nodded and flipped the light switch, she watched the lab light up. Old suits filled the walls and she remembered when things were more simple and she could find Stephen and Tony down here.

They would smile and invite her in, telling her Rhodey and Peter would be back with dinner. She sighed and left. "Jarvis? Is Stephen alive? What about Peter?"

Jarvis stayed silent for a moment before speaking. "They are both gone." Pepper nodded before leaving. Jarvis connects to a suit, controlling it without too much difficulty.

He flew out of the tower, hoping most of the suits would hold on enough to get to Tony. They were designed to withhold enough pressure but they were getting old.

He only lost two but the rest held on. It took him a while but soon he got to the spaceship. He used one of the main suits to go to the window. "I'm back Sir." Tony looked over and smiled weakly.

"Taking me home J?" Jarvis made all of the suits start pushing it towards Earth.

Tony had never been happier to be back on land. Jarvis had reconnected with his body and was helping out of the spaceship. Rhodey ran up to him. "Tones!" Tony hugged him, crying into his shoulder.


"I lost him, Rhodes. I lost him." Rhodey held his best friend, looking back to Jarvis.

The blond had turned to glare at Steve who had also come running to help Tony. Jarvis turned back to Tony. "Come on Sir, we should get you help."

Tony let Rhodey guide him. "You should repair yourself to J." The AI nodded but knew that he would only do so after he was certain Tony would be okay.

"Once you are stable Sir, I will run a diagnostic. For now, I can hold on." Tony didn't argue and just kept leaning against his best friend.

The world was a mess and Jarvis would not lose another family member.

Art by sfmoonlight on Tumbler

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