《To Be A Dad (Irondad and Spiderson)》43: Not Enough


Tony jogged down the street, stopping when he saw a baby. He smiled slightly before looking back up. Stephen, he noticed, had stopped running to turn to him "you alright love?" Tony nodded and walked over to him.

"I had a dream last night." Stephen smiled and wrapped an arm around Tony's waist. "I dreamt we adopted a little girl." The sorcerer raised an eyebrow.

"Do you want to adopt?" Tony nodded, leaning in closer to his husband. Stephen chuckled and nodded.

"Once all of this is sorted out, we can adopt another kid. Maybe Pete would like a baby sister." Tony smiled and leaned up to kiss Stephen.

The two were interrupted by Wong, who walked through a Portal. "Thanos is coming." The two were quick to follow him into the portal, at the sanctum Tony sat down and watched Stephen look for a couple of books. Wong and Bruce were the two who found out Thanos was coming, so those two were waiting for the Sorcerer.

"Steph, I don't think we have time for that." Tony started walking to the door, noting all the ruckus. He opened it, making Stephen and the other two follow him. He helped someone up and watched them run away.

He put on his glasses. "Hello, Sir. I see you are in the middle of the mess." Tony smiled and looked around. "My ETA is 2 minutes."

"Hey J? Think Nanotech will work?" Jarvis laughed and Tony could see him nodding.

"Of course Sir, I was the one who finished it," Tony grumbled and turned to Stephen. The sorcerer made a quick spell, sending the debris back before winking at Tony.

Tony blushed and smirked a little before he kept walking. The genius looked over to his husband when the alien started talking. "Sorry, Earth is closed today! Pack it up and leave!" Tony yelled, getting Stephen to smile a bit.

"Stone keeper?" Stephen looked over. "Does this chittering animal speak for you?" Tony watched his husband do three movements before two shields came up.

"Certainly not, I speak for myself, you are trespassing on this city and on this planet." Tony pouted a bit when Stephen didn't defend him on being a chittering animal.


Jarvis landed right next to Tony, suit disappearing from him as he did. "That was more than two minutes." Jarvis chuckled.

"Well, I had to check on something." He stood and looked at the battle ahead. All of them turned to do Bruce who was struggling with the Hulk. "Doctor Banner, are you alright."

Bruce looked over at him. "Were having a thing." Tony shook his head, putting a hand on him.

"No, you can't have a thing. That right there is right is the thing!" Bruce tried again but shook his head. Tony rolled his eyes and activated his suit.

Stephen smirked as he watched Tony, of course, he loves his dramatic husband. The fight started quickly after that, both Tony and Jarvis were sent flying across the street.

Peter saved them, which both were surprised at. "Where did you come from?" Tony asked the kid as he got back on his feet.

"Field trip." Peter smiled up at them, Jarvis only sighed and looked back to the fight. It wasn't long before Stephen, Tony, Peter, and Jarvis were in the spaceship and flying away from earth.

"I told you, you were going to stay on earth!" Tony scolded Peter, as the teen hung upside down. Peter sighed.

"But dad! There's no friendly neighborhood spider man with a neighborhood." Tony sighed and shook his head.

"What am I gonna do with Patatino. Jarvis, keep an eye on him." Jarvis nodded, bringing the kid in a loose headlock.

Jarvis and Peter watched Stephen and Tony talk. Jarvis fixed his tie and sat down. "You two do know your married right?" The AI called out before scanning around.

"Jarvis." The android turned to his creator.

"Yes sir?"

"Shut up."

"As you wish Sir."

Jarvis smirked and kept looking around. He lost connection to everything else he noted so that meant he couldn't contact anyone. He was happy Rhodey knew they were out here.

It was long before the Guardians found them. "We lost Gamora." Tony looked at him confused.

"You lost Gamora? How?" Stephen asked him, worried for their teammate.


"Thanos took her." Quill continued. "And Rocket and Groot went with Thor." Tony cursed but nodded.

"We'll figure it out."

Tony wished they figured it out better. He and Quill argued as Peter stayed near Jarvis who was watching Mantis jump up and down.

No matter how prepared Tony thought they were, he didn't think it would be enough. He turned away from Quill, looking over to Stephen. The sorcerer was rapidly moving around, floating in the air.

He walked to Stephen, grabbing him when he fell. "Hi," Stephen whispered to him. Tony smiled.

"Your back, it's okay." Stephen only smiled before he sighed.

They only had one chance.


Tony was about to be stabbed but a light blue force field blocking him. Jarvis stood from the place he had fallen. Blue scratches were all around him. Thanos turned to him. "Android," Jarvis smirked and nodded.

"The name is Jarvis." The blond's eyes went completely blue, different types of weapons, all Tony had once created appeared before him. "Let Tony go."

Thanos laughed and gripped Tony tighter. "Or what?" Jarvis smirked this time.

He threw everything he had at him, but that only got Tony free and his power down to 30%. Tony fought alongside him, together they both did a lot of damage but nothing would get the gauntlet off.

"Sir, I'm losing power." Tony worried looked over to him. He couldn't lose Jarvis, not again.

The two looked at Thanos, they would lose. "Wait!" All of them turned to Stephen. "Spare their lives, and I shall give you the stone."

Tony shook his head and watched Stephen hand over the time stone. When Thanos was gone tony fell into his lover. "Why'd you do that?"

Stephen held him tighter. "I love you, and you'll figure everything out." Tony sighed into his neck and stood up. He made sure everyone was alright as he did. Jarvis had kneeled to rest.

Then it started. They all started to disappear, and all Tony could do was watch. He saw Quill, Drax, Mantis, all disappear.

And then

"Dad?" Tony turned. No. Please not him. Please. Please. Please. "Dad, I don't feel so good." Peter tumbled to him. Tony felt his whole body just freeze. Not his kid. Not his bambino. Please.

"You alright?" He asked, hoping that maybe, Peter was just scared of seeing people disappear. Was just scared that he was fine. He was alright. They were going to be okay, right?

"I don't know, I don't know what's happening...... I don't wanna...I don't wanna go... I don't wanna go." Peter begged as he fell into his father's arms. Tony wrapped his arms around him. His child was scared. His son was just scared. He wasn't going. He wasn't leaving.

"Dad...please... please... I don't wanna go... I don't wanna go." They fell. Tony cradled Peter's head. Just like he did when he was a baby. "I'm sorry." This was his baby. His baby was apologizing for leaving. His baby was leaving. His son. Please don't take him away. Please.

Tony watched Peter turn into dust. Watched his ashes fly away from him. Tony quickly turned to where his husband was. Stephen tumbled towards him. No. Please not him too. Having only a couple of seconds left. Tony was quick to run to him. To hug him.

Tony sobbed as he hugged Stephen. "Shhh. It's alright love. It was the only way. " Stephen spoke quietly. Voice shaking as he tried to reassure his husband. Tony shook his head. "I love you," Stephen whispered as his body turned to dust.

Tony sobbed and fell to the ground. "Jarvis? Don't leave me, buddy." Jarvis shook his head, hugging his creator.

"I'm not leaving Sir." Tony clung on to him, wanting to make sure his son won't leave.

Nebula walked up to them. "He did it."

Appreciate the Boom Boom Whoosh

The part where Peter and Stephen disappear is from one of my one-shots, in case it sounded familiar.

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