《To Be A Dad (Irondad and Spiderson)》40: Catching Up


"Sir that was not funny." Tony smiled weakly at his AI.

"Well, I had to make sure it was you." Jarvis rolled his eyes and sat down. "How are you alive?" Tony kept his eyes on the android.

"I have been trying and failing to reboot for the past seven years, I've been aware of everything around me, it seems like the only thing I needed was to get angry." Tony raised an eyebrow at that. "I saw what they did to you, Sir. I was quite upset and that seemed to fix everything."

Tony nodded and smiled again. "Glad to have you back J." Jarvis nodded.

"Glad to be back, Sir." Tony sighed and looked back at the ceiling. "I'm sure Peter will be most happy to have you back, he's been...upset." Jarvis searched for the right words to say, but Peter had been feeling off lately.

"How upset," Tony asked, turning back to his oldest son. The android sighed.

"He's been depressed, I believe school, friends, and the thought of losing you have been too much on him. Doctor Strange has tried to go help him, I've been trying to fix things." Tony closed his eyes and shook his head.

"Can you bring him down?" The blond smiled and nodded before leaving.

Tony sat up and waited, he needed to see his kid, needed to tell him that everything would be okay. He rubbed his eyes and looked around, he forgot to ask Jarvis for the time.

The door slammed open, startling Tony. Peter was a mess, the kid had red teary eyes and was pale and skinny. He looked like he hadn't slept in months. Tong felt his heartbreak. "Dad?"

Oh god, the kid's voice. He sounded like he's been screaming. "Come 'ere Cucciolo" Tony spoke softly, opening his arms up. Peter stumbled over to him, clutching on to him once he hugged him. "It's okay, I'm here," Tony whispered, voice soft as he spoke.


He felt Stephen move in next to him, wrapping an arm around his shoulders. Tony leaned against him, holding Peter closer and holding a hand out for Jarvis.

The android took it, sitting close to them and rubbing Peters back. The teen wouldn't stop crying, hiding in Tony's shoulder. "Tesoro it's okay. I'm right here bud." Peter shook his head.

"Thought you were gonna die. Thought you were gonna leave me alone." Tony felt his heartbreak even more at the broken words that fell from his child's lips. "Please don't leave."

Tony shook the head, placing a kiss to

Peters curls. "No kiddie, I won't leave. I'll stay right here." Peter sniffled and Tony held him closer, bringing his family closer.

Stephen kissed Tony's temple, feeling relieved that he was back. Jarvis smiled and sighed, happy to have everyone back.

Tony kept holding his kid, smiling softly when he saw he fell asleep. "How long has it been?" He asked quietly.

"Four months. I have fixed the Accords." Jarvis responded, voice lazy from where he was lounging. Tony smiled at him.

"Thanks, J." He then looked at Peter. "Anything else that I missed?" Stephen nodded, reaching over to rub Tony's back.

"We have a new team of Avengers, they all want to meet you and they all work great together. Now we just have to get the rest pardoned." Tony nodded again.

"We'll wait on that until T'challa says so or the government wants them," Jarvis said before he yawned. Tony smiled at him

"Alright, but for now let's get rest, all of us. I'll keep Peter with me." The two nodded, hugging Tony goodnight before leaving. Tony wrapped the blankets around Peter before going back to sleep.

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