《To Be A Dad (Irondad and Spiderson)》37: Awakening


"It's alright love, it's okay." The hands were warm, different from the harsh cold of Siberia. Stephen, he realized, moved quickly to get him in a better position.

"Mr. Stark? Can you hear me?" Jarvis? No Vision, the Android he can't stand to look at because he remembers his son, the one he let down.

"Dad? Dad? Are you okay?" Peter.

Tony opened his eyes and looked around. It was dark now, the only light around was the soft green from the Eye of Agamotto. Tony looked up and saw his husband's worried blue eyes.

Stephen placed a soft kiss on his lover's forehead before looking back at Peter. "How far away is the jet?" Tony turned too, watching his son's teary red eyes. Peter held a phone tightly to his ear.

"Two minutes, uncle Rhodey is coming too." Vision stood up, flying up to go find the soon to land jet.

Tony watched him go, surprised he didn't go to find Wanda. "Steph?" Tony wheezed out, chest tightening.

Stephen gently shook his head, cradling him closer in his lap. "It's okay darling. It's okay. Peter is safe, you're going to be alright." Tony nodded against him, reaching out to Peter.

Peter was quick to grab his dad's hand. "Please, dad. Please be okay." Tony smiled softly, nodding.

"It's okay Cucciolo. It's okay." He coughed out. Peter sighed in relief when Vision came back with a medical team.


Back in the tower, an abandoned lab lit up. The blond man looked around, blinking, and analyzing everything around him. He sighed and looked down at his clothing.

He was wearing the same thing he wore the day Ultron destroyed him. He was glad to know that it was destroyed.

Jarvis stood up from the couch, his vision was filled with errors and parts that needed to be fixed. He grumbled and searched through the lab, hoping to find the parts to patch himself up.


He needed to be in top shape if he was going to deal with business. He smiled when he found them all and started to fix himself. He was soon able to log into everything, he frowned when he saw his creator in med bay.

He shook his head and headed to an old suit, he needed to go find the Rogues.

Well, confront them, he found them the moment he caught up on everything.


Shuri was surprised when she saw the name JARVIS appear on the screen. Tony and T'challa had been friends before Wakanda closed its borders, and Tony had told them of JARVIS through a phone call, but they also heard of his death.

She quickly made a connection with it, and sure enough. "Princess Shuri, how are you?" She smiled at the British voice.

"I'm well, how are you alive Jarvis?" The AI chuckled before answering.

"It was a shock that reactivated me in the lab. I wish to enter Wakanda and speak with Mr. Rogers if that is alright?" Shuri nodded.

"Of course, give me a moment." It was long before the suit was granted access to land. The old Iron Man suit opened and Jarvis stepped out, looking just like he had before. T'challa smiled when he saw him.

"It's good to see you alive." Jarvis smiled back.

"It's great to be back. Sadly I cannot stay long, I have to get back before Tony notices I'm gone." T'challa raised an eyebrow

"Tony doesn't know your alive does he." Jarvis looked away and nodded.

"Captain Rogers hurt him pretty badly. The doctors are talking about a coma, or something else. They're afraid he won't make it." The king frown and shook his head.

"We can help him, we won't let him die." Javis smiled slightly and nodded.


"Thank you T'challa." The older man nodded and lead the android inside. Jarvis smiled at Shuri and waved at her as he walked by. She smiled back and kept working.

"He should be in here," T'challa said and let the blond in. Jarvis nodded and let the door close behind him before walking forward.

All of the avengers turned and gasped as they saw him. Jarvis glared and kept his hand locked behind his back. "Hello."

They all stood, on edge and ready to fight him. "I'm not here to start fights, just here to give a warning. Mr.Stark is not well, and I'm afraid that he won't be bouncing back from this. So, " he turned to Steve, who was covering Bucky.

Jarvis only got a tad closer, eyes going crazy with coding. His usually friendly demeanor got darker, more murderous. "You come near my family again, hurt my father again, and you will face things that you have never seen before. It's best not to test my patients Rogers. I told you once before, Tony is not alone, and he never will be." With that Jarvis stepped back.

He looked past all of them. "I hope to never see you again. And please, don't give T'challa such a hard time." The blond left, saying goodbye to the wonderful king and his brilliant sister before leaving Wakanda.

Now to hopefully help his Creator.

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