《To Be A Dad (Irondad and Spiderson)》35: Dads Find Out


Stephen followed spiderman when the two of them finished working together. Stephen made sure the kid didn't see him as he entered an alleyway. He watched as he took off the masks and looked around.

Stephen paled as he saw who the spiderling was. "Peter Edward Stark!" Peter snapped his head over to where Stephen was standing.

"Dad! I-I can explain, just- don't please don't be mad." Stephen closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

"Alright." Stephen walked closer to his son. "Go ahead, I'm listening." Peter smiled, happy that he could explain.

"So remember when I came home from the field trip and I was sick." Stephen nodded, frowning when he remembered the incident. "Well ever since then I've been able to shoot webs and stuff, I can lift things that I shouldn't be able to and I wanted to be like you and dad. I wanted to help people but I know you guys would never let me."

Stephen softened at hearing this. He sighed and hugged his kid. "I'm not mad, just worried. You should've told us, we could've helped you with a suit or something. We don't want you getting hurt, bud. Just, get home and make sure you sneak in and make something better than this onesie."

Peter pouted. "It's not a onesie." He mumbled but Stephen chuckled and shook his head.

"I'll let you sneak into your dad's lab so you can make your suit, just make it so it can last you. Well tell him soon, he's dealing with the accords right now, I don't think he needs to know just yet." Peter nodded.

"Okay." Peter watched his father open a portal, walking in before looking at him.

"Come on, go get cleaned up and meet me downstairs when you're done." Peter walked through and ran down the hall to his room while Stephen went to find his husband.


The plan was simple, Stephen would say that Tony deserved a break and would ask him out to dinner. They would be gone for a good three hours and Peter could design his stuff.

And the plan worked. That is if uncle Happy wasn't notified of his whereabouts. Happy walked in and watched the kid work, much like his father might he add, and design something that looked like a suit.

"Pete?" Peter looked over like a deer in a headlight. "What are you doing?" Peter looked around for an excuse, kept opening and closing his mouth.

"I um, look uncle Happy, I was just-just-um." Happy chuckled and walked over, looking at the spiderman symbol on the chest part of the suit.

"Spiderman? Had a hunch it was you. You know you aren't that great at sneaking out." Peter blushed in embarrassment and sighed.

"Doctor dad said I needed a better suit if I was going to go out to play the hero." Happy nodded to his nephew's words. "We are planning to tell dad, we just thought he was going through a lot.

"Yeah, I got that. Alright, well hurry up. And don't break anything!" Happy patted him on the shoulder before walking out of the lab, chuckling as he did. Of course, the kid wanted to be a hero.


Tony was furious. He kept sending his lover glares as they sat in their son's room. "Tony-"

"No! He's our kid! We have to keep him safe!" Stephen sighed. "And you kept this from me! For two weeks!" Tony ranted on.

"Love, he has powers now, I don't know what his motive is but you can't yell at him for wanting to do better." Tony sighed, rubbing his face and nodding.


"Fine, but if he doesn't enter this room in the next ten seconds I'm going to kill you." Stephen rolled his eyes.

"Okay short stack." Tony turned and was about to say something when the window opened. Peter was silently trying to crawl in but stopped when he saw his dad.

"I can explain!" Tony waved his hand, taking a deep breath.

"Give me a minute to take in the fact that you're alive." Tony kept taking deep breaths, Stephen looked over at him in concern while Peter took off the Spiderman suit and changed into PJs.

"Okay." Tony looked back, his anger was back and Stephen sighed, sitting down on the teen's bed. "Where the HELL were you?" Peter looked at Stephen for help. "No, no, you look at me and tell me what you are doing playing hero."

Peter gulped and looked down. "Dad. I'm sorry." Peter whispered, making Tony sigh and calm down.

"Okay, I'm sorry. Just tell me what your M.O is." Peter nodded and sat down on the bed with Stephen.

"When you can do the things that I can, but you don't, and then the bad things happen, they happen because of you."

Tony kept his eyes on Peter, softening as he did. His son, his baby Pete, wants to save the world. Not to get paid, or for attention, but because he wants to.

"I Want to make sure people are safe and know that someone is caring for the city, not just the world." Tony nodded. "Alright, okay." He got up and hugged his kid. "Next time, you talk to me about these things. Curfew will change but schoolwork comes first, got it?"

Peter nodded. "Got it."

Tony then turned to Stephen. "I'm going to divorce you the next time you call me short."

The doctor chuckled.

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