《To Be A Dad (Irondad and Spiderson)》31: It'll Be Okay


Tony held Peter as the two lay in front of Jarvis. Peter fell asleep long ago after crying his heart out. Jarvis, his big brother, was gone and wouldn't come back. Tony held the kid tighter.

The thought of losing Peter was now haunting him. If he couldn't protect Jarvis, an AI that had everything available to protect itself and others, how was he going to protect Peter?

"I know I haven't been the best dad lately Pete. I mean you shouldn't have to live through the fear of me disappearing or dying. And I know I've just been creating things to take care of you and hiring people to look after you."

Tony held the kid close to his chest, wrapping a blanket around them. "I promise I'll do better. I'll try harder to be there for you, I won't let work and people get in the way of me being a decent parent" Tony turned to look at Jarvis' body.

"My father didn't care much about me. People say he was proud of me but he never told me that, never showed me. I want you to know that I'll always be here, I'll always be proud and I'll always love you." Tony pressed a gentle kiss to Peter's forehead.

"We'll be okay. I promise you we'll be okay." Tony whispered, trying not to cry again. "It might not be okay for a long time Pete. It might take years but one day we'll both be okay and we'll make it through together."

The father let a couple of tears fall. "Saying goodbye is one of the hardest things to do. I didn't say goodbye to my mom for the longest time, I couldn't. But we'll say take our time saying goodbye to Jarvis."


The genius smiled a bit when Dum-E came over, he gently petted the bot before getting up.


"Daddy?" Peter spoke quietly, glancing around for his father or Jarvis. He found Tony sitting on the couch across his bed.

Peter crawled off the bed, and walked over to his dad, hopping up on the couch, and curling against him. Tony stirred, waking up slightly to make sure Peter was under the blankets before relaxing again. "Daddy?" The seven-year-old spoke again, getting a small hum in return. "Is papa coming home?"

Tony just tucked Peter into his side. "Soon Cucciolo, soon." Peter nodded and fell asleep, while Tony texted his husband.

Tony didn't have to wait long before a portal was opening in Peter's room. Stephen walked out in blue robes, looking worryingly at them. "How's Pete taking it?" He whispered once he was close enough, kneeling in front of Tony.

"He cried when he saw him, and he wouldn't stop. I spent four hours trying to calm him down." Tony whispered, voice cracking slightly. Stephen gently took a hold of his hands, leaning over to kiss Tony's forehead.

"How are you taking it?" He asked gently, keeping his voice low for his child tucked under Tony's arm.

"I let him down, Stephen. I don't know how to fix him or get him back." Stephen nodded and sat on the couch with them, making Tony sit in his lap, tucking him under his chin while the billionaire grabbed Peter and cuddled him into his chest.

"It's okay, love. I'm here." Stephen whispered one more time, holding his small family closer.

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