《A Place To Call Home (Richie Tozier X Reader X Bill Denbrough)》Chapter 25 (1/2)


Previously on Chapter 24

"So who do you accept to be your boyfriend?" Richie asked. I turn to look at him and at Bill. "Before I give you my answer... will you both promise that it won't change our friendship?" I said. "I promise" they said together. "Good..." I said, nodding my head. I let out another sigh and take a deep breath.

"I choose...


"Bill..." I said. Richie looks down in sadness. I feel so bad. "I'm so sorry, Richie..." I said. He shakes his head and smile at me. His smiles looks forced. "He's the one you want... I'll respect that. I'll go now and give you guys come privacy... congratulation, Bill. Take good care of her..." he said, patting Bill on the back. Then he gets up and walks away. He gets on his bike, smiling at me one last time than he cycle away.

I look down and stay silent. A hand is placed on top of mine. I turn my head to see Bill. "H-He's going t-to be okay... d-don't worry..." he said. I just smile at him. I lean my head on his shoulder as he wraps his around mine.

"I promise I'll take care of you... I'll make you happy, Y/N..." he said. I pull away and look at him wide-eyes. "What?" He said, looking at me in confusion. "You didn't stutter... not even once..." I said. "Why did I feel like I've heard that before?" He said. I just giggle at him. But then I frown, remembering when and why he heard it.

It was the day we all stepped inside the house on Neibolt street. The day the Losers Club gets split up. The day I thought that I'm going to finally give up on everything.

I feel fingers on my chin as my head was tilted to look at the owner. Bill stare at me with a knowing look. I just stare into his his with tears in mine. He frowns and gently wipe the tears away.


"I-It's over n-n-now... y-you don't h-have t-to t-think a-about it..." he said. I just smile softly. He leans his forehead against mine. I close my eyes as he leans in to place a soft kiss on my lips. I smile into the kiss as I kiss him back.


A few weeks have passed. Richie moved away with his mother due to his abusive father. It saddens me to see him away. The only remaining Losers here are just Bill and I.

I'm riding on Bill's bike as he planned to take me on a date. He didn't tell me where he's going to take me though. He just said it's going to be a surprise.

I'm leaning against his back, arms around his torso. I close my eyes, enjoying the breeze as he cycle. I like being so close to him.

Even though I feel bad for Richie... I just can't lie to my feelings. I love Bill... and he's the only one that I want to be with... him and no one else. Just him... Bill Denbrough.

I open my eyes and pull back slightly from Bill's back. "Can't you at least give me a hint?" I said. "N-No. Y-You're very o-observant, Y/N... i-if I tell you... y-you'll know i-instantly..." he said, turning his head slightly to look at me. I just pout and lean against his back again. I can feel his back vibrating, letting me know that he's laughing. I just smile softly.

Eventually I feel him slowing down. I pull away and look around in confusion. "Have we arrived?" I said. "A-Almost... w-we h-have to walk f-from h-here. It's t-too r-rocky for a b-bike" he said. He gesture me to get off from the bike and I did. He get off to and turn to me.

"Y-You h-have to w-w-wear this..." he said, holding up a blindfold. "Do I have to?" I asked. He nods his head, grinning at me. I let out a soft sigh. "Alright..." I said. He smiles and moves so he's standing behind me. He gently place the blindfold over my eyes.


"Alright... a-all g-good... lets go..." he said. I feel his hand gently grab mine. Then he starts pulling me. I take cautious steps, feeling worried that I might fall and embarrassed myself.

Eventually the anxious feelings gets too much and I stop walking. "Y-Y/N... w-what's wrong?" He said. "I can't see where I'm going... I'm scared that I might fall..." I said, nervousness is evident in my voice. "I see... g-get on m-my back..." he said. He guide my hands to his shoulders. Then I take cautiously and wrap my arms around his neck. He gently places his hands on the back of my knees and hoist me up on his back.

"H-Hold on tight..." he said. I shake my head at his request. "You'll choke if I hold you any tighter..." I said. I can hear him laugh at my words, making me giggle softly. Then I feel him start walking. I place my chin on his shoulder. The darkness provided by the blindfold kinda makes me a little sleepy.

After a while, I finally feel Bill stopping. "Why did we stop? Are we there yet? Or are you just catching your breath?" I asked. I feel a kiss on the side of my head. I flinch as I'm not expecting that.

"W-We're h-here..." he said, placing me on my feet. "So... can I take off the blindfold now?" I said. "Let me..." he said. I feel the blindfold loosen as he takes it off.

He took me in the forest, but not far from the main road. It's just a small clearing. I notice a blanket being laid on the ground, along with some pillows and snacks. There's also a small bonfire.

I stare at it wide-eyed. Bill stands next to me. I feel his hand gently grabbing mine.

"Do you like it?" He asked, looking nervous. "I love it... when did you set it up?" I asked. "This morning" he said. "This is amazing..." I said, looking at it in awe.

"I-I'm glad y-you think s-s-so..." he said. He gently pulls me along. He takes off his shoes and lay on the blanket. He pats the spot next to him. I take off my shoes and lay next to him. He place his arm under my head to act as a pillow.

We lay there in silence as the two of us stare at the sky. I smile as I watch the star starts to appear. It's truly beautiful.

"It's beautiful..." I said. "Yeah... very beautiful..." he said. I turn to look at him only to see him looking at me. I blush, realizing that when he said beautiful... he meant me.

"You hang around Richie too much, Bill..." I said. He laughs and gently nudge his nose against mine. "I-I was just t-trying to be r-romantic..." he said. "You're perfect the way you are... I love you for who you are. You don't have to change a single thing..." I said. He smiles happily.

He turns so he looks at me. "God... I love you... so much, Y/N..." he said. I wrap my arms around his neck. "I love you too, Bill..." I said. He smiles and leans down, capturing my lips in a soft... passionate kiss. I close my eyes and softly kiss him back... and with just as much passion as him.

He pulls away only to place another soft kiss on my forehead. Then he lays down again, pulling me close to his side. I lean my head against his chest as we stare at the twinkling stars.

After years of living in trauma and pain. I can finally find my happiness. Right here in Bill's presence... is where I feel at home... and there's no other place I'd rather be.

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