《A Place To Call Home (Richie Tozier X Reader X Bill Denbrough)》Chapter 24


Previously on Chapter 23

How Bill manage to get me to talk. How Richie is always ready to give me comfort every time I feel down. They're my best friend. I can finally be happy with them around. Then my mind wondered off to what I felt towards them as an individual. A smile makes it way to my face...

I know who to choose...


"Y/N!! Your friends is here for you!" I hear my aunt calls out for me. "Coming!" I said. I close my book which I'm currently reading. I place it back on the shelf and head downstairs.

"Oh hey, Bill... Richie..." I said. "Hey, Y/N" Richie said, smiling at me. "Hello, Y-Y/N..." Bill said. I smile at them and walk towards them.

"So... what brings you guys here?" I asked. "Oh... we just wanted to hang out with you. That is... if you don't mind" Richie said, looking a little nervous. "Of course not... where do you wanna hang out?" I said.

"W-We were t-thinking... m-maybe we c-c-could go to the Q-Quarry..." Bill said. "Sure... it's a hot day anyway..." I said, nodding my head in agreement. "Cool... let's go now? Or do you need to get ready?" Richie said. "I'll change my outfit... I won't take too long..." I said. They nod their heads. I smile at them and head to my room.

Once I'm done, I head back out. I walk towards where the boys are waiting and smile at them.

"We can go now..." I said. They stand up from their seats. "To the Quarry we go!" Richie said. I said bye to my aunt and we head outside. We get on our bikes and head for the Quarry.

It didn't take long for us to reach there. We drop our bike and head towards the drop off. I take my clothes off, leaving only my undergarments.

"Who's going first? You don't wanna get shown up again, do you?" I said, teasingly. Richie rolls his eyes at me. Then he looks down. "I'll go..." he said. "Sure thing, champ... go ahead" I said, stepping back. He turns towards the water and take a deep breath. He attempted to do a flip, only to land on his stomach on the water.

"Are you okay, Richie?? That sounds like it hurts!" I yelled, after he resurface. He looks up at me. I can see tears in his eyes. It must have hurt a lot. I grab Bill's hand and quickly jump down. I resurface and swim towards him.


His whole front body is so red. "Oh dear... that must have hurt a lot... come on... it's a good thing I have some cream with me..." I said. We swim ashore and I told Richie to wait as I grab the cream in my bag.

I run back towards him. "Here... can you apply it on your own... or you want me to?" I said. "C-Can you?" He said. I nod my head and told him to lay down. I open the cream and gently scoop up some on my finger. Then I gently apply it on him.

Bill P.O.V

I can't help but feel jealous as Y/N apply the cream on Richie. She still haven't gave us an answer about who she likes more and who she wants to be with. But seeing this... it makes me believe that she might have like Richie more than me.

Am I ready to lose her? Can I deal with the fact that she might not pick me? I thought to myself. Even the thought about it makes my heart ache painfully as I stare at Y/N who's treating Richie in jealousy.

Richie P.O.V

I close my eyes as I try my best to stop myself from blushing. Y/N is being so gentle and caring as she treats skin. That land was really painful. But the cream Y/N brought helps it. The cool sensation gave my skin a soothing feeling.

I peak at Y/N as she bit her lips. A habit she always did when she's focus. It's really adorable to see her. She looks afraid that she might hurt me. This makes me wonder... am I the one she likes? Will she choose me over Bill. I glance at Bill to see him looking at us in jealousy.

Seeing him that way... makes me wonder what will happen to our friendship if Y/N choose one of us. Will we break apart... or will we respect Y/N's choice.

I hope our friendship is stronger than that... so even when Y/N choose one of us. The other will respect that and our friendship will remain unbreakable.



Obviously we chose to head home after Richie's little accident. As we ride our bike, I can see Richie biting his lips in pain from the movement. I offered him to ride with me, but he declined... saying he can't just leave his bike there... his mother would be furious.

We finally reach Richie's house. I help him get off his bike. "Are you sure you're okay?" I said. "Yeah... the cream you gave me helps a lot..." he said, smiling at me. "Well then... you can have it..." I said, taking the cream out from my bag.


"Just in case it hurts again..." I said, placing it on his hand. "Thanks, Y/N..." he said, smiling softly at me. "Now get inside and rest. Don't move too much..." I said. He nods his head. Then he turns around and limp as he walks inside his house.

I turn to Bill and smile. He smiles back at me, but his smile seems a little forced. I frown seeing it. "Are you okay?" I said, looking at him in worry. "I-I'm o-okay. Let's go... I-I'll drop you h-home" he said. I just nod my head, not really convinced that he's okay. But I don't wanna press him.

We get on our bike and head towards my house. I glance at Bill to see him not focusing as he aimlessly ride his bike. I notice a huge rock in his path. My eyes widened.

"Bill! Look out!!" I yelled. But it's too late. He bumps the rock and fall down. I instantly get off my bike and runs towards him.

"Are you okay??" I said. He groans in pain and sit up. I can see a scrape on his knee. I let out a sigh and reach inside my bag and grab a bottle of water I've always brought along. I pour some into the wound. I can see Bill biting his lips from the pain. I reach in again and a handkerchief. I bit the handkerchief and rip it to make it into a bandage.

"This'll do for now... let's head to my house and I'll give it a proper treatment... can you ride your bike? Or do you wanna ride with me?" I said. "C-Can I-I?" He said. "Of course... now come on. We'll come back for your bike later..." I said. I stand up and help him up. I let him wrap his arm around my shoulder. I walk towards my bike and help him get on. I get in front of him and start cycling towards my house.

Once we reach there, I help him get off my bike. I lead him to the front porch and help him sit down. "Wait here... I'll go grab the first aid kit..." I said. He nods his head. I head inside and grab the first aid kit and walk towards Bill.

I kneel down in front of him and unwrap it. I pour some alcohol into a piece of cotton and gently dab the wound. I can hear him hissing in pain.

"Sorry..." I said. "I-It's okay..." he said. I turn to his wound and wrap it in proper bandage. I wash my hand and sit next to him.

"What's on your mind anyway? How come you didn't see a rock that big?" I said. He looks down, without saying anything. I decided to stay silent, not wanting to force him.

"I w-was s-s-scared..." he finally said. I turn to look at him in confusion. "Why?" I asked. "Y-You s-seem to c-care so much a-about Richie..." he said. "You're an idiot. I care about you both..." I said. "B-But who d-do you l-like more? M-Me o-or h-him? Y-You still h-haven't g-give u-us an a-a-answer..." He said. This makes me froze. I didn't think about that. I mean... I know who I love as a friend and as a lover. But I did not realize I haven't give them any answer.

Our silence get cut off by a sound of bike. I look up to see Richie as he heads towards us. I frown when I see him.

"What are you doing here, Richie?? You're suppose to be resting at home!" I said. "Sorry... I'm bored at home... there's nothing for me to do..." he said. He turns to look at Bill and notice his bandaged knee. "What happened to you?" He said. "I f-fell..." Bill said.

"Oh... okay. Y/N treat your wound?" Richie said. Bill nod his head. Richie hums and sits down on other side of me.

"So... what were you guys talking about before I got here?" Richie said. "U-Um..." I stuttered nervously. Richie furrows his eyebrows in confusion. He turns to look at Bill.

"I-I'm a-a-asking h-her if she h-have made a d-d-decision yet..." Bill said. "Oh... have you?" Richie said, turning to look at me. I let out a sigh. "In all honesty... yes I have..." I said. Their eyes widened at my answer.

"So who do you accept to be your boyfriend?" Richie asked. I turn to look at him and at Bill. "Before I give you my answer... will you both promise that it won't change our friendship?" I said. "I promise" they said together. "Good..." I said, nodding my head. I let out another sigh and take a deep breath.

"I choose...

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