《Hex [h.s]》Chapter Fifty-seven


I stared at the bold headline, not believing what my eyes just saw. Slowly, I ripped the newspaper from the top. "No, no, no!" I yelled, tearing the paper into shreds. Hoping it will make the headline disappear.

Watching the pieces scatter on the floor, I sighed deeply and tiredly before lying on my back. No, they can't. How did they find out? They should not arrest me. They can't arrest me. It was not my intention to burn down the neighborhood.

If I go back, my parents will be blamed because of me. I'll be thrown in jail if I get caught. Can't my life get any worse?

"But it was not my fault," I whispered to myself, covering my face with my hands. When I heard the door creak open, I removed my hands from my face, suddenly having the feeling who it was.

"So, I take it that you know what you have done and what you are now. A criminal wanted by the police."

Ignoring his words, I stare at the white ceiling. In the corner of my eyes, I saw Harry place the shredded newspaper inside a trash bin. Flames erupted inside the bin with a flick of his hand, burning the papers inside of it. However it didn't damage the metal trash bin.

"You'll only bring danger to your family. You have no choice but to stay here."

"I don't want to stay here!" I protested, "I don't even want to be here at the moment. I just want to be back home where everything was the way it was."

"And do you think your parents will take you back? A criminal? Think, Lucinda, think! Do you actually believe they will?" He questions, staring intently at my eyes as if I looked ridiculous.

"O-of course! They are my parents." I stammered out, but by the way things look right now, I wasn't so sure. Harry must have sensed that because he chuckled, shaking his head at my words. "Do you honestly believe that they would take you in?" He sighed deeply, turning his back to me. "After everything you have done, after reading that article, do you think they would still take you as their daughter?"

I lowered my head, "No." I admitted in a soft voice. A tear rolled down my cheek, making me wipe it away. "I don't think so." The room was silent for a while, the only thing that could be heard was my soft breathing in the background. Harry walked towards me before stopping in front of me, lifting my chin with his thumb and index finger. My lips parted as he stared at me with his beautiful green eyes, wishing that it'll stay that way forever. I almost purred in delight when he let his fingers run through my hair, soothing my nerves that usually fly around whenever he's near.


"Shh...don't cry Lucinda."

"I can't seem to help it." I croaked, fighting back the tears but it was useless since they started to fall. I sucked in a breath when he sat next to me and wrapped his arms around me, his chin resting on top of my head. He lifted me up slightly, making me straddle him as he rocked us to and fro. I gripped his arms and just let him calm my emotions. He probably thinks that I am so weak.

"No. You're not." He whispered in my ear, lowering his head to meet my gaze. "You might seem weak, but you'll learn to be strong when the time is right.

He used to be human.

Leaning down, he pressed his lips against mine. I didn't know where I got my sudden confidence when I pulled him closer, kissing him harder. Groaning, he lowered me down to the bed, straddling me and pecked my lips once more before he started to kiss my neck. I moaned softly, gripping his neck, urging him for more. I felt him smile and sucked the skin, biting it gently afterwards.

Harry began to mumble incoherent words as he licked the sore spot on my neck. His cold hand slipping under the hem of my shirt, "Let's get you out of these clothes. It's damp and worn out." I couldn't help but nod as my head is clouded by one thing, desire.

As if electricity touched me, I sat up quickly and wrapped my arms around my body. Harry frowned in confusion, "I-I forgot to undress, excuse me for a minute." I stammered, standing up from the bed before hissing in pain once again, forgetting that I still have a sprained ankle. "I'll get you clothes, you stay here."

Nodding at him, Harry left through the door, leaving me along once more. The fireplace at the corner of the room suddenly lit with fire, startling me a bit, the flames crackling. I rolled my eyes knowing Harry did it, probably just to scare me. The moment he came back, he held a pair of grey pajamas and a white cotton shirt.

"Here, I just borrowed it from Grace. Tomorrow, I'll ask her to buy stuff for you."

"Thank you," I mumbled, taking the clothes from him. That is when someone knocked on the door, Grace peeked in. "Grace will assist you in taking a bath." He said, went out and closed the door behind him without another word. Grace and I stared at each other for a few minutes until I raised an eyebrow at her, "So are we just going to stare at each other all day?"

"Lucinda, I know what I did was wrong. You know, keeping all of these a secret to you." She began, taking a few steps forward. "I know it is wrong and that I don't deserve your trust anymore."


"Damn right you don't." I bitterly mumbled, "I can't believed you hid this from me. I thought you were my friend Grace! I trusted you!" She sighed, lowering her head. "There is nothing I could do Lucinda, and besides, if I told you I was a soul eater you'll probably laugh at my face. Tell me Lucinda, will you even believe me?"


"No. I wouldn't." I admitted, fiddling with my fingers. "But still, you should have told me other wise! You knew I am already linked to Harry, so why didn't you?" She remained silent for a minute, not meeting my gaze. That's what I thought.

"Let's just give you bath, shall we?" She murmured, loud enough for me to hear before she reached out to help me up. I held onto her hand while I limped all the way to the bathroom. The floor was cold and the room smelled like scented candles. Setting me down for me to sit on the edge of the tub, Grace turned the faucet on, letting the water fill the tub.

She helped me out of my clothes, handing a towel after I removed all of my garments. Pouring soap into the water, she let the bubbles appear in the surface and helped me into the tub. I felt my tense muscles relax due to the warm water, the scent of lavender entering my nostrils.

"I'll leave you here for awhile." Grace announced and walked out of the bathroom. Hearing the door shut, I let out a soft sob, covering my face with my hands. Letting out a frustrated groan, resting my head at the edge and cried softly. What would happen to me if I get caught by the police? I can't go to jail! I'm too young and I have a lot of goals that I want to achieve. What will happen to my parents? Will they ever forgive me?

Why did this happen to me?

The frustration in me only built up, imagining the faces that my parents will give me once they see me. Their criminal daughter. I closed my eyes, and lowered my head into the water.

The water suddenly felt cold, colder than ice. I looked up to see Matt's dislocated head, floating above me. Blood staining the water as his scream ringed through my ears, echoing endlessly. "You'll burn in hell you b.itch!" He screamed.

I rise up and coughed, panting heavily. My hands gripped the bath tub's edges as I tried to shake the memory off. It was just an illusion Lucinda. He's already dead. Rubbing my face with my plans, I waited for my pounding heart to calm down. It was your imagination. You're imagining things Lucinda.

I brushed a few stray strands of hair from my face and proceed to relax once again. You're stressed out Lucinda. Relax. But how could you relax when you know you're surrounded by weird people? A demon and a soul eater? Not a dream team.

Sleep is dancing over me and I let it happen, my eyes closed as I welcome it. I was suddenly awaken when I was lifted from the bath tub, water splashing. A towel is being wrapped around my body and I was carried out of the bathroom "Mhh..." I groaned softly, opening my eyes.

"You missed dinner Lucinda, you also fell asleep in the tub." Harry whispered in my ear, pulling me to his chest. "Just go back to sleep sweetheart."

I frowned once Grace returned without Lucinda, "Well? Where is she?" I questioned impatiently. She scratched her head, "She kind of fell asleep." She mumbled. I didn't wait for her to explain and went straight to my room.

Locking the door behind me, heading to the bed. Where is she? I went to the bathroom to see her sleeping soundly in the tub. Shaking my head, I grab a towel and head towards her. My eyes slightly widen to see her naked, bubbles hiding her private parts.

I scooped her up and wrapped the towel around her body before carrying her bridal style. She began to stir back to reality, groaning softly. "Mmh..." I hushed her, pulling her close to me. "You missed dinner Lucinda, you also fell asleep in the tub. Just go back to sleep sweetheart."

"B-but I'm naked. You should've wake me up so I could get dressed." She grumbled as I set her down on the bed, grabbing the clothes that Grace gave me along with a pair of new undergarments. "I don't care, and besides it's not like I haven't seen you like this before."

"What?" I hushed her once again when she sat up, taking the clothes from me. "I got this." I nod, standing up and turned my back to her as she gets dressed. I head to my wardrobe and change out of my wet shirt. "Finished?" I asked.


I turn to see her already dressed, sitting at the edge of the bed. She draped the wet towel over the wooden chair before falling to the bed with a tired moan. I joined her and wrapped my arms around her. She frowned, "You're warm."

"You don't like it?" I questioned, she shook her head. "I do like it." She admitted sleepily and wrap her arms around my waist, feeling her breathing through my shirt. "Good night Lucinda."

"You're not sleeping?"

"No, I can't. You should Lucinda." I said, playing with her hair. When her breathing relaxed, I knew she already fell asleep.

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