《Hex [h.s]》Chapter Forty-nine


"So, you're the girl who went missing for three days?" Lyric asked, "I saw you a few times on television you know, you were quite popular in it." I nodded, there was no use denying it. I think the whole school already knows about it.

"Yeah. It's me." I answered in a low tone, only for the three of us to hear. The table was silent for a few seconds, the cafeteria was not that noisy, just consisting the usual chattering of students. No yelling, fighting, laughing or anything that is considered noise, unlike back in my old school.

"I can't believe it Grace! We're all going to graduate in a matter of months! Can you believe it?" Lyric giggled in excitement. Grace nodded, "I know, it's crazy."

Is she also a senior? I looked at Grace to confirm my thoughts, as if she read my mind, she nodded. "Lucy, did you know Lyric here knows how to draw marvelously?" She asks, nudging me.

Lyric blushed, "It's just a hobby, Grace. I'm into designing clothes. Especially summer dresses." This caught my attention, "Really? Cool!" I praised, which made her smiled at my comment. "Thank you Lucy, I appreciate it."

"Do you have food fights here?" I ask Grace out of curiosity, which made her frown a bit. "Food fights? Yes, but not anymore. The principal made it a rule that food fights are not allowed." She answered, before shrugging, "I guess he took pity on our janitor."

I laughed at her remark, before consuming my apple juice. I was about to eat my cookie, when something hit my head, followed by a few laughs. I gasped, surprised and confused to what hit me. I looking down to see an empty juice box, before turning my back to see the bully.


"Hey, Stammering bitch!" Matt greeted with a smug smile, walking towards us with his group of friends behind him. I could hear Grace grumble in annoyance, while Lyric gasped.

"What? You're not going to greet me?" He ask, looking hurt, but I know he is just pretending. I knew the smart thing to do was ignore him, and pray he gets tired and walk away. But it seems like luck isn't on my side right now. "Come on! A little 'hi' won't hurt anybody." He coaxed, tapping me behind repeatedly. I tried not to yell at him to cut it out, it was getting annoying every second that passed.

"Matt!" A boy suddenly yelled, making him stop, which made me sigh silently in relief. I turn to see who the boy was, it turns out he isn't one of my classmates. Probably a junior. "What is it? Because you interrupted me, it better be good!" I really wanted rolled my eyes at his tone, but decided against it. I don't want to go home from my first day of class with a black eye.

"It's Candice! She says she needs you right now," The boy answered straightly, not even stammering once. Who's Candice? This made Matt sigh in annoyance, face twisting into a frown. "What does she want now? Can't you tell her I'm busy with a fresh meat?" Fresh meat? Is he referring me?

"I don't actually know, but she says it's important."

"Fine! Fine, tell her I'm coming." Matt replied in an irritated voice, before turning back to me. I looked down instantly, embarrassed that I got caught staring. This made him laugh before lifting my chin with the tip of his finger. I flinched before meeting his poisonous blue eyes, his lips twisted into a sick smirk.


"Don't think I'm finished with you, cause I am not." He whispers sadistically, which send shivers down my spine, and it's not even helping. "Understood?" He demands, I just gave him a slight nod before he lets me go. "Let's go." He barks at his friends before I watch his figure disappear, I didn't even realized I was holding my breath.

"Hey, you okay?" Grace asks worriedly once I faced them again. I nod, smiling softly, "Yeah. I'm fine." Lyric remained silent, her eyes were staring at something behind me. I followed her gaze to look at the door where Matt just exited with his pack of friends.

"Is...there something wrong Lyric?" I asked when she didn't stop staring, it was clear something was up. But what is it? This made her snap out of her trance and look at me, her cheeks turning red. "W-what? Oh, s-sorry," She laughed nervously. Grace looked at me before shrugging and eating her pizza.

I knew something was wrong, but I decided not to ask since it's not my business. I think I'll set my curiosity aside this time. No words were spoken afterwards until the time ended, and the bell rang to signal us that it was time to our next class. "See you later Lyric! " Grace waved and I just followed. After sending us a smile and a wave, she walked away.

"I didn't know she was a senior, why isn't she in our class?" I questioned. "Well, Lyric is a senior, but she is assigned to the first section. Weren't you informed that there are two sections?" I shook my head, clearly uninformed. Grace smiled, "Well, I am glad that I informed you! Come on, let's go to our lockers and get our stuff."

I nodded, letting her guide me where the lockers are. She literally praised that my locker is just next to hers. After telling me to make my own combination, I opened my locker to find it empty and a bit dusty. I blew off the dust before closing the locker and made a mental note to place my books that I wouldn't be using.

"Let's go before we'll be late!" Grace exclaimed, walking away. I was just about to follow when I notice something dark at the corner of my eye. It was the janitor's closet, the door wasn't closed properly.

I looked to see what it was, but before I could even inspect it, Grace yelled out my name once more. "Lucy! Let's go!" She yells. I took one last glance at the closet before running towards Grace, trying to forget about the closet.

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