《You Don't Scare Me ( Laughing Jack X Reader )》Chapter 32
The wet tears slipped from your eyes and streamed down your cheeks as you ran throughout the endless hallways of that god forsaken mansion, hoping that at some point you would run into Jack. You hated the beings that populated that house, you hated the danger and pain you were constantly put through, but you hated that stupid murderous clown most of all. He put you through so much pain and suffering, and yet you need him. You miss him when he's not around. You hate it but you miss the sense of security, he makes you feel safe. You need him for survival, you needed to find him right now or else that angry octopus (the one that was currently chasing you) was gonna rip you to shreds. You were completely exhausted, tired of it all. You could end it at anytime you just had to stop running. But that's not what you wanted, if you were going to die in this world you were going to die on your own terms, your own way. You weren't going to let one of the things that inhabited this manner decide your fate for you. You certainly weren't going to let that beast take your innocence from you before you went. Especially after what you did to his face, oh boy were you gonna suffer.
Turning down another unrecognizable hallway, you picked up the pace a little considering you could hear his growls bouncing off the walls of the dark Corridor. The blood from your shoulder was profusely flowing out of the large wound. If you didn't start putting pressure on it soon you would bleed out, thank God for all those episodes you watched of that show untold stories of the ER. It Is likely you wouldn't have survived this long without them. You rounded another corner into two large lanky arms. The tears began to pour faster now, as the sobs uncontrollably shoved their way out of your vocal cords. You struggled kicking and screaming pleading for the thing to make it quick and spare your virginity. "Gumdrop what's the matter?"
You froze at the sound of his voice, it was him, your less dangerous safe place that you hated.
You couldn't respond though you tried, the words wouldn't come out. You looked up and froze once you saw his face. He was looking at his hand that was covered in your crimson blood. At first he looked confused, but his expression quickly switched to anger. "
You hated when his voice changed. It only meant bad things for you, this is when he lost control. He tilted his head up and looked frantically around like he just missed the person who did this.
You have never seen him so crazed before. Whenever he had a psychological episode he seemed to come down on his own but it had never been this severe. He would just laugh and talk to himself for a couple minutes, then he would return to his normal self. You wanted to run, but he would likely catch you, plus the trust he had for you was very little, you didn't want to make it worse. Your grip on his bandaged arms tighten, he was shaking, but he was tense at the same time. Frankly you didn't know what to do, "Jack it's okay, I'm alright, it's just a little blood. Please calm down".
The way his eyes narrowed in anger made your skin crawl, his gripped on you tightened,
Each one of this claws grabbed your upper arms tightly as his attention turned to you.
"Jack please", you cried. Was he really going to blame you for what happened?
The tears began to stream down your cheeks again, "No! Jack I swear! There was someone in your room and he attacked me!"
He pulled you in close, your face was shoved into his chest, his arms snaked themselves around your petite form. He nuzzled his face into your hair and took a sharp intake of breath. This made you turn your head and squeeze your eyes shut. "You're lucky I can smell when you're lying, it's not safe to talk here somebody's always listening! Come along Gumdrop!" He released your arms beginning to walk into the direction you just ran from. You didn't want to go back to the horror that you just ran from but you didn't want to remain in those creepy dark hallways like a sitting duck either. You decided to follow the clown, your best bet is to stay by his side at all times. You couldn't be left alone anymore. Obviously not every member of the house obeys the rules of claiming. Or maybe it wasn't a member of the house? You quickly caught up to the clown with the unreadable expression on his face. The clown lead you back to his room, he marched in without a problem, you were a little hesitant at first considering the events that had just transpired. As you looked in the room your jaw dropped, the entire room was spotless. You blood that once stain the carpet was gone, the broken lamp shards that once decorated the floor was nonexistent. How? You weren't even gone 10 minutes that should be impossible. You had made a reasonable mess. Once you walked in, the bedroom door slammed behind you. "So Gumdrop, what exactly happened here?" Your attention snapped to the clown, whose back was facing you. You hadn't realized how zoned out you were. "W-well I um...", how could you explain that? The clown turned towards to, marched over to you and stared down at your quivering form. "Gumdrop~ you know I hate waiting I'm not a very patient being". You wrapped your arms around your shaking body. Why were you this sacred you've survived worse. Was it the sexual aspect? Could be considering that was the only sexual encounter you've ever had besides when Billy Evans tried to kiss you in Carry Peters pool in 7th grade, which you punched him in the face for, but that was obviously no where near this level of contact. Literally going zero to one hundred real fast. The best thing you could do right now is tell that psychopathic clown what happened. "Okay well I was sitting here minding my own business like I usually do and this thing started calling my name and it was coming from the closet". You said as you pointed to the now shut oak door. "Before I knew it, this thing was attacking me".
The tears without began to stream down your cheeks again. You squeezed your eyes shut and sobbed into your hands. You weren't just scared you were angry. The reason you got away was pure luck nothing else. If you were to get into another altercation with that thing again chances are you wouldn't make it out. When Jack wasn't around you were vulnerable at all times. You weren't even safe in his room anymore.
The clown sighed in disappointment, she was supposed to be afraid of him. He was going to kill whoever did this to (Y/N) nobody was to strike fear in her heart like this except him. Sure he didn't mind his house mates scaring her a little, but this had just gone too far.
He clenched his jaws in anger and spoke through gritted teeth, trying to control himself from losing it, that would solve nothing. Instead he placed one clawed hand on your shoulder and one on you head, stoking your hair slowly and softly. Was he trying to comfort you? "Pixie stick? What did he look like?" You froze at his question, was Jack going to punish him? "Gumdrop I can't help you unless you tell me. He needs to pay for what he has done, nobody touches my toy and gets away with it". Just as you thought it wasn't about you it was about him. "He looked a lot lik-", you were interrupted by a loud banging on the old oak door that separated you from the danger that awaited you in the hallways. "What do you want!" Jack yelled as he opened the door, clearly frustrated. Standing in the door way were two out of three of the proxies, Masky and Hoodie. The clown frowned in annoyance. "Hehe, well if it isn't the masters most loyal dogs!"
He giggles as he rolled his eyes. "What can I do for you boys hm?"
If you had to guess the proxies must have been pretty annoyed at the clowns comments considering Masky (whom was previously leaning calmly and carelessly against the door frame) was now stood up straight with his fists clenched at his sides. Hoodie remained his normal calm self, completely unfazed by the antagonizing comments the clown was spewing. Masky broke the silence by barking his orders. "Master needs the girl to begin dinner, she needs to make something special, and something human", you heard the smirk in his voice.
"We're having special guests master wants her dressed appropriately, as goes for the rest of us", Hoodie chimed in. You hated how they spoke as if you weren't there. "Hey Sunshine, I'm talking to you".
You zoned back into reality, all eyes were on you, Masky was speaking. "I suggest you get your pretty little ass in gear before the monsters in this house get to impatient and eat you instead." His attention turned back to Jack as the clown began speaking. "Well on that note see you at dinner boys",
Jack grabbed the door and slammed it in the proxies faces. Ignoring the insults from the other side of the door the clown turned to you and giggled. "Well Gumdrop lets get you dressed! I have the cutest little outfit for you!" He yelled with joy as he began to march over to his closet. You couldn't help but wonder who these special guests were.
"Fuck!" You hissed as you scurried over to the kitchen sink. You had just cut your finger while preparing dinner. You had zoned out for a little too long. You had been cooking for over an hour and you were tired but you were no where near done, you had a lot to do still. The knives they had in this kitchen were very well maintained, which wouldn't surprise you considering some of the people whom lived there were very educated on sharpening things.
After the proxies were shut out of LJ's room (literally) the clown had dressed you in "the cutest little outfit" , as he calls it. You were wearing a plain black dress with black flats. The dress had spaghetti straps and a razor back. Thanks to that, the letters that were carved into your back were greatly displayed. The clown probably did this purposely, wanting everyone to know you're his. The dress was a little short for your liking it came to your mid thigh. The front was a v neck which gave a pretty good view of your chest, the waistband hugged your hips nicely, at home you would have definitely wore something like this but not here. Here you were exposed and you wanted to cover yourself up as much as possible. Jack also did your hair, which actually surprised you, he french braided your hair into two braids. Why would a murderous clown know how to braid hair? Well you made the mistake of asking and he responded with "well Gumdrop, not all of my playmates are boys! I murder little girls also hehe!" You could have gone without knowing that.
After you finished getting ready, the clown escorted you down stairs to the kitchen to begin cooking, where you found a fully stocked refrigerator with piles and piles for meat which you assumed was human and lots of vegetables and what looked like ground beef. Normally you would have thrown up seeing human meet but you've learned to stomach it and pretend you were cooking pork. On the kitchen counter there was a note left for you, which you assumed was from the master of the house it read,
"Good afternoon Ms. (Y/N) we are having 3 special guests coming for dinner, they will be arriving at 7:00, dinner must be ready by then. I assume Jack has dressed you appropriately. I had the refrigerator fully stocked to meet any ingredient requirements you might need while cooking dinner. Our guests primarily eat human so please be mindful of this. I am sure by now you know the other members of this manners tastes and likings. Please cook accordingly."
After reading you began cooking immediately, you decided the easiest thing to make was meatloaf. Luckily for you, your grandma made a killer meatloaf and happened to teach you the recipe. It was the easiest thing to make, so you made a human one and a ground beef one. God, if only your grandmother knew you were using her recipe with human, she was probably turning over in her grave.
You turned off the faucet and dried your finger with a paper towel. You doubted they had any bandaids laying around, so you continued cutting potatoes. You were making Sautéed string beans, caramelized carrots, dinner rolls and mashed potato's to go with the meatloaf. You were also making a cheesecake upon threatening request provided by the head proxy myself. When you got out of this you were never going to cook again. The over chimed and you placed the cheesecake in the oven after you removed the dinner rolls. You looked at the time, the oven clock read 6:00. You decided it would be a good idea to start setting the table. You opened one of the kitchen cabinets and pulled out the required number of plates and made your way into the dinning room.
This was the first time no one had bothered you while you were cooking, which you thought was weird. At least one of the killers would come and harass you, threaten you and try to scare you. Jack even left an hour ago, he said to go get ready. Whoever these guests were they were seriously respected. After you set the table, you returned to the kitchen to finish up cooking. You returned to your trusty cutting board, starting to the carrots.
"Well you clean up nice".
You immediately froze, you knew exactly who that was. You calmly placed the knife of the counter and turned around. Your (e/c) eyes were met with a pair of blue lidless ones. The pale man was dressed very nicely, he wore a all black suit and his hair was gelled back. You offered a small smile. "As do you Jeff, what can I do for you?"
You were scared shitless, but you weren't going to let him have the satisfaction of knowing that.
"I was ordered to come and check on you and make sure everything was coming along nicely". He had a devious smirk on his face, obviously that's not what he's here for.
"Well as you can see everything is in order, I'm just finishing up." You said as you placed the remaining carrots into the pan.
He thinks you're an idiot. If slender man was to order anyone to come and check on you it would be LJ or one of his proxies. He was full of shit, the worst part was he really thought you were buying it. Jeff is the last person he would ask, you hadn't even been here that long and you know that. He was unstable, and untrustworthy, he was completely unpredictable. Maybe him underestimating you was a good thing though.
"Well everything isn't in order, as a matter of fact something is very wrong", he said as he started walking towards you. You looked over at the stove clock it read "6:45". God you didn't have time for this, you didn't want to be punished because of Jeff. You yelled in your head. At this point he was standing right in front of you.
"Jeff I really should be getting back to cooking", you said nervously as you placed your hands on his chest, signaling that he should move away from you. He was way to close. "But (Y/N) you have the wrong initials in your back", as you face grew pale, his smirk grew bigger. He reached into his pocket, you could see the sliver, sharp reflection of the object as he began to pull it out, "don't worry doll face I'll fix it for you".
"Jeff. The girl needs to finish dinner or Master will be upset".
You both froze and turned your attention to the kitchen door way. It was Hoodie. He was wearing a black suit very similar to Jeff's. His brown hair was poking through his hood, he wasn't wearing his usual ski mask, instead he was wearing a black mask with the same red eyes and red frown painted on it.
"Aw you're no fun", he backed off a bit and turned to look at the masked proxy.
"Go Jeff."
Jeff growled in annoyance and marched out of the kitchen.
You let out the breath you didn't know you were holding. You said a quick "thank you", and quickly finished cooking. They table was set, the food was out, and the members of the house started filling in there seats at the table. Everyone was very well dressed including LJ. He wore a very simple black suit with a white dress shirt. It was very odd to see him dressed in "normal people clothes". Under different circumstances you may have even laughed. Everyone was seated and you stood in your usual spot next to LJ like a loyal dog, waiting for a command.
Slenderman sat at the head of the table the other end however was empty, 3 table settings left for the guests that he was expected. They still haven't arrived yet. You looked at the clock, "7:00", guess there not the on time type. As if you jinxed it they entire table stop talking. Curiosity getting the better of you, you looked at the just previously empty side of the table, and you froze taking in a huge intake of breath in the process. The site of the 3 beings that looked almost identical to the master of the house made made you sweat and shake.
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