《Mrbeast oneshots (mpreg)》ChandlerxKarl
Teenagers, what can I say? They are hormonal and all this makes them is horny and moody. Here's an example of how two horny teenagers made the biggest change of their lives in one night.
Chandler sat at the lunch table where his friend group and him all sat. He laughed at some of the jokes his friends made and joined in some of the bits they created but he felt... off. He felt like his mind was somewhere else that day and he couldn't keep his eyes off this one friend. Sure, he had stared at him and sometimes couldn't go a day without seeing the messy, overgrown hair that belonged to the boy. But never like this. He felt like his eyes were glued to the boy, exploring his body with his eyes and admiring more of it than just his hair. He never noticed how the jeans curved his thighs and butt really well, his long slender hands, the light tan on his shin, his strong nose and basically everything about him. He watched him and let his mind wander into some... thoughts.
"Hey Chandler, did you even hear what I said?" He was snapped back into reality by one of his friend's loud voices and rough shaking of his shoulders. Chandler looked at him with a guilty expression.
"No. What were you saying?" He tried not to take another side glance at the boy he was just admiring.
"I was asking you if you had a date to prom yet?" He asked, grinning at him. Chandler already knew his friends had a date for him since he always had bad taste in the woman he picked to go to prom with. He sometimes just had to go alone to some of the dances.
"No. Why, do you have someone for me for the prom?" Chandler asked, looking at the boys then down at his disregarded food.
"Yeah we do." His other told him and he started to describe her features, classes, and all the other stuff. Chandler half listened as he played with his food on his tray. He honestly didn't care what girl went with him to prom, all he cared about was if the boy he admired had a date.
"She sounds nice." Chandler spoke after his friend stopped describing her. Since they were on the topic of prom dates, he decided to ask the boy if he had one. He turned his gaze to the boy and felt his words get stuck in his throat. The boy stared back at him, his eyes taking his breath away. He always admired the boy's eyes but something about them now made his breath get taken away. The boy blinked and broke his gaze away, fixing on something over Chandler's shoulder. Chandler cleared his throat as he looked down. He pulled out his phone and texted the boy a message.
Hey, do you have a date to prom?
The boy picks up his phone that was right next to him after he sent him a text, typing back a reply.
You could ask me
I'm right in front of you
Eh, It's easier this way.
But do you?
Nah. I think proms are stupid anyway.
Agree. I'm just going since they are going and they already have a date set up for me.
You can just tell them that you don't want to go, you know?
Yeah but they'll just tease me until I die.
Let them tease you. It's just one prom.
Chandler looked up at the boy. He was right. It was just one prom and it didn't matter if they teased him. They'll find out another reason to tease him.
Let me think about it.
The bell rang, signaling to them that lunch was over. Chandler got up and swung on his backpack, giving out his greetings to the boys before they spectated into different classes. The boy ran up to him and nudged him in the arm.
"Oh hi. What's up?" Chandler asked, trying not to look at the boy but couldn't help it. The boy looked forward as they entered the crowded hallways.
"Nothing, just wanted to walk with you." The boy replied, weaving through a group of people like an expert. Chandler nodded and tore his eyes away from the boy to dodge a group of freshmen huddled in the middle of the hallway. He felt the boy's arm brush up against his while they were walking, sending little shocks up his arm and throughout his body.
"This is my class. I guess see you tomorrow." The boy told him, looking up at Chandler. Chandler tried to hide his disappointment and nodded.
"Alright. See ya later." The boy nodded and walked into class. Chandler kept on walking then realized he walked by his class while he was walking with the boy. He turned around and started to walk to his class, shaking his head as he grinned.
He sat at his desk at home, staring at the same Algebra problem he had been trying to solve for the last fifteen minutes. He couldn't stop thinking of the boy all day, making a fool of himself in Biology class when his partner told him he had to digest the frog and he didn't know what to do. He grabbed his phone and leaned back as he scrolled through the messages he got. He tapped on the boy's contact and decided to send him a message.
He exited the message app and went on another app while he waited for a response but didn't have to wait long as a message from the boy popped up.
Whatcha doing?
Nothing much. Just finishing up English homework. You?
I can't concentrate on Algebra rn.
That's the most boring subject you can do. I can understand why.
Maybe you can come over and help me.
I'll come over. Just give me a few minutes
Alright and maybe when you come here, we
can do a little more, if you know what I mean ;)
Chandler placed his phone on his chest as he realized what he just said. Why had he let his heart take control and not his brain? What if this ruined a perfectly good relationship between him and the boy? His phone buzzed against his chest signaling that the boy texted back.
Yeah, alright. If you are a good boy though ;)
Chandler felt his cheeks flush as reread the message over and over again. He couldn't tell if he was joking or not. He took a deep breath and decided to mess with him back.
You know, my parents aren't home...
Now he didn't know if he was joking or not. His parents were, in fact, not home along with his siblings. He smiled when his phone buzzed with another message.
I know you want me, just wait a few more minutes.
Chandler smirked and felt himself getting hard. He placed his hand onto his boner and groaned as he shifted into a comfortable position. He rolled himself to his bed and grabbed a pillow, placing it onto his legs. He rolled himself back to the desk and waited for the boy.
He heard the doorbell ring and Chandler perked up his head.
Come to my window. It's in the backyard, second window to the left.
He sent the message and waited for him. After a minute, he heard rustling outside then a figure stood outside his window. He rolled himself to the window and opened it up to let him in.
"It's not nighttime and no one's home, so why did you make me come through the window?" The boy as he stuck his head through the window. Chandler hummed as he rolled back to let the boy have room to climb in.
"Just wanted to make the mood more real." He smirked and watched the boy climb through the windows gracefully. The boy stood in his room and shut the window. Chandler noticed how he had an oversized hoodie on and he kept on tugging it down below his waist. He grinned and motioned for the boy to sit on his bed. The boy did and they sat in comfortable silence, not one of them making an effort to talk or move. Chandler felt the boy's eyes roam around his body, like he was taking in every plane of skin on him. Chandler moved his gaze up to the boy's eyes and locked them with the boy's eyes. He felt the boner grow more uncomfortable as he stared and the boy stared back into his eyes. He didn't realize he was inching his way towards the boy until he was right in his face. The boy backed away and Chandler felt his heart break and the mood lifted up. The boy gazed at him, biting his lower lip and looked like he was fighting himself from doing something. He waited for what the boy would do and was not expecting him to come back and rip the pillow away from Chandler's grip, revealing his very noticeable hard boner. The boy nodded and Chandler was about to reach out for the pillow but the boy was quicker and placed himself onto his lap. Chandler looked up at him as his hands rested on his hips. The boy placed his arms onto his shoulders as they breathed heavily. They leaned into each other as if they were one mind and had their lips on each other. They kissed passionately, putting all of their energy and want into the kiss and after they separated Chandler felt hungry for more.
"I want to feel your body so bad." Chandler whispered as his hands moved from the boy's hips to his lower back. The boy grinned and leaned down close to his ear, his hot breath sending tingles down Chandler's spine.
"What's holding you back?. Use me. I'm yours tonight." The boy whispered huskily in his ear, kissing his earlobe. Chandler stood up and flopped the boy onto his bed, crawling over him as his chain dangled in the boy's face.
"You sure you want this?" Chandler asked, concern laced his voice as he peered into the boy's eyes. The boy hummed and moved his hips, jutting one out.
"Yes. Use me." The boy begged, reaching up to kiss his lips. Chandler let himself do what felt right in that moment and let himself have the boy. All of him.
Chandler walked out the school building, feeling like he just wasted another day there. He was making his way to the parking lot to wait for his brother to come out so he could drive them home when he felt a hand grab his arm. He turned around and was about to tell the person off when he saw the messy brown hair of the boy. He looked down and met with scared blue-gray eyes.
"Hey, you alright? What's wrong?" Chandler asked as he looked into the boy's eyes trying to find the source of what was making him scared.
"I'll tell you, just follow me." The boy rushed out, pulling Chandler back into the building. Chandler let the boy drag him until they stopped in an empty boy's bathroom. He pulled him into an empty stall and locked the door. Chandler cocked an eyebrow and laughed breathlessly.
"Shouldn't we do it in a more private place? Anyone can hear us." Chandler smirked as he looked down at the boy.
"Be serious. I need to tell you something, Chandler." The boy's voice came out in a hushed whisper as he looked anywhere but Chandler's eyes. Chandler felt his mood drop along with his smile as he stared at the boy.
"What is it?" Chandler asked, placing his thumb underneath the boy's chin and lifted his head up to make him look at him. He tried to look anywhere else but finally met Chandler's eyes.
"Karl, tell me what's wrong?" Chandler asked again, slipping his arm around his waist. He felt him shudder and his hands grip his shirt as they shook. Karl took his chin off of Chandler's thumb and bowed his head to not look at Chandler but not before Chandler could catch the tears glazed over his eyes. He pulled Karl closer to him, resting his chin on top of Karl's head. He felt something wet on his chest which he guessed was Karl's tears.
"Please don't get mad at me." Karl whispered, his voice breaking. Chandler furrowed his eyebrows a little as he rubbed Karl's back.
"Why would I get mad?" Chandler whispered back. Karl sighed and he felt more tears wet his shirt.
"Go to my left back pocket." Karl whispered. Chandler furrowed his eyebrows even more as he moved one his hands down to Karl's back pockets. He went to the left one and slipped his head into the pocket, feeling an object. He pulled it and brought it up to his face to see what it was. It was a pregnancy test. With two lines.
"You're serious. This isn't a joke right?" Chandler spoke after a few minutes, breaking the intense silence. He felt Karl shake his head under his chin.
"It isn't a joke. I wish it was but I'm not." Karl whispered, gripping Chandler's shirt even more as his legs bobbed.
"I-I don't know what to say." Chandler spoke, his biggest fear coming true, having a baby before he could live his life. "How is this even possible?"
Karl cleared his voice.
"I'm transgender, that's how." Karl whispered, his voice quivering. Chandler pressed his body a little more into him, letting him cry. Chandler bit his lip as thought about how his life would change. Would he lose his whole group of friends? Would he have to give up baseball and get a part time job? Would he be kicked out the house for getting Karl pregnant? How do you even raise a child?
"Chandler?" Karl's voice broke the silence that laid between them. Chandler snapped back into the present and rubbed his back.
"How did I not know you were trans? I-I saw your body. All of it." Chandler looked at Karl. Karl's breath hitched and he pushed Chandler back a little.
"I was wearing a binder, so that it covered up my breast, but I don't know how you didn't remember me not having a penis." Karl chewed on his bottom lip and lowered his gaze. Chandler took one of his hands and rubbed it over his face. He tried to speak but his throat felt like it was closed.
"Can I have a couple days to think this over?" Chandler asked after a few minutes, his voice straining. Karl hummed and eased his grip on Chandler's shirt.
"We should go before the janitor comes to kick us out." Karl spoke and Chandler sighed but nodded. He moved his arms from around Karl's waist and backed away from him slowly. Karl kept his head down as he turned around to unlock the stall door. They both walked out the stall and out of the building. When they reached the doors of the school, Chandler turned to Karl and wrapped his arm around his waist. He pulled him towards him and kissed the top of his head.
"Don't worry about it. We'll find a way." Chandler whispered and stared back into Karl's eyes when he looked up at him. He nodded and Chandler took his arm from around his waist.
"Well, see you tomorrow." Karl told him and turned around to walk home. Chandler watched him until he was a spect on the sidewalk and turned around the opposite way to go back home.
Days turned into weeks and weeks turned into months. Chandler took a couple days to register that he was going to be a dad and started to help Karl on his pregnancy journey. They told their parents and both of them accepted the pregnancy, though they were told they had to finish their education. They started to eat in the library when Karl's stomach was getting too big and he felt insecure about it. Sometimes one of the boys would join them to make them feel less lonely. Chandler helped set up the crib and all the other stuff when he moved into Karl's place the last month of pregnancy.
It was spring break and Chandler was giving Karl his daily massages as his back and breasts were becoming sorer than usual.
"Harder, Chandler." Karl grumbled as Chandler kneaded his fingers into Karl's lower back. Chandler applied a little bit more pressure to that area and hummed a tune. Karl yawned as he placed his hand onto his swollen stomach. He felt the gentle flutters from the baby under his hand and smiled.
"They're up." Karl whispered softly as the gentle flutters turned into kicks. Chandler lifted him up from the pillow and placed his chin onto Karl's shoulder.
"Are they hurting you?" Chandler asked. Karl took a moment to think, grabbing Chandler's hands and moving them from his back to his breasts. Chandler cupped them and slowly started moving his thumb in circles.
"They aren't hurting me. They are just saying they are up." Karl spoke and tapped his thumb against his stomach. Chandler hummed and yawned, looking at the alarm clock on Karl's bedside table.
"It's getting late. We should probably go to bed." Chandler spoke, furrowing his eyebrows a little when Karl whined.
"I can't. This baby wants me to pull an all nighter again." Karl whined, placing both of his hands onto his stomach. Chandler took one of his hands off of Karl's breast and placed it onto Karl's stomach. He felt the kicks from the baby and the feet that they pressed up against the inside of the stomach. Chandler rubbed the area and hummed.
"Two more weeks, babe. Two more weeks." Chandler repeated, lifting his head and leaning over to kiss Karl's cheek. Karl took one of his hands off his stomach and placed it onto his eyes.
"That's too long. Can't this baby just pop out right now?" Karl asked, biting his lip when the baby kicked his bladder. Chandler sat up and took his hands off Karl, moving over to lay in front of Karl rather than behind. He shimmied his way down to Karl's stomach to be eye level with it. He kissed his stomach and placed his hand onto it, tapping it to a rhythm. The baby got excited when they felt their dad's hands and kicked every time Chandler tapped. Karl bit his lip and shut his eyes close.
"I think I'm about to be sick." Chandler looked up at him and stopped tapping his stomach. The baby got furious when Chandler stopped and started to kick even harder. He kissed his stomach right in the middle and murmured softly.
"Baby, calm down. I know you want to tell us you're awake and we appreciate that but your dad wants to go to sleep. You can kick again when dad's awake, okay?" The baby slowed the kicks down a little and finally stopped when Chandler tapped his thumb against the outside of the stomach. He looked up at Karl again and was relieved when he saw Karl relax his face and shoulders.
"Thank you. Now, can we cuddle please? I'm tired." Karl yawned and made grabby hands to Chandler like a toddler. Chandler smiled as he laid next to Karl on his back and let Karl lay on top of him while on his side. Chandler watched Karl go in and out of consciousness until he was knocked out. Chandler kissed his forehead before falling asleep too, the warmth of Karl covering him like a blanket.
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