《Mrbeast oneshots (mpreg)》ChrisxJimmy
"Why? Just why?" Jimmy whispered to himself as he stared down at the two little faint lines. "Can't I just have a night of fun without consequences?" Jimmy sighed and wrapped his fingers around the pregnancy test to hide it. He walked out the bathroom and to the bedroom where Maddy sat on his bed, scrolling on her phone.
"Maddy, can we talk?" Jimmy asked, approaching the bed. Maddy looked up at him with a confused look on his face.
"Sure. What's up?" Maddy spoke, sitting up to look at Jimmy clearer. Jimmy cleared his throat and he could feel his heart beat ten times faster. His fist tightened around the object and he closed his eyes.
"Jimmy, are you ok?" Maddy asked when she noticed him not saying anything. Jimmy opened his eyes and a wall of tears glazed over his eyes.
"Please don't get mad at me, but I slept with Chris one night and this is the result of that night." Jimmy spoke and brought his hand up that held the positive pregnancy in and unwrapped his fingers from around it, showing Maddy the test results.
"Are you f****** kidding me?" Maddy asked, looking up at Jimmy. He could see anger flash across her eyes then filled with disgust.
"Maddy, I'm-"
"Don't even start. If you truly loved me, you wouldn't have slept with Chris and you wouldn't be, that's disgusting." Maddy snapped at Jimmy. She couldn't say the word pregnant as it didn't seem real.
"I do love you. I do, Maddy. I'm sorry for what I did." Jimmy spoke.
"No you clearly don't. If you did, we wouldn't be in this situation. You f*** up big time." Maddy spoke, getting off the bed and walking towards Jimmy. Jimmy backed up away from her until his back met the wall. Maddy grinned an evil grin and stood in front of him, blocking his way from escaping. She pinned his arms onto the wall above his head and Jimmy tried to wrestle himself out of her hold but she had a good grip on him.
"I'm sorry!" Jimmy yelled. Maddy tightened her grip around Jimmy's arms and Jimmy winced. Maddy moved Jimmy's right arm over his left and held them there with her left arm. Her right hand traveled to Jimmy's stomach slowly and Jimmy just watched her, panicking inside. Her hand met Jimmy's stomach and she grinned before starting to push down on his stomach. Jimmy hissed in pain and Maddy just watched him with a sickening grin.
"Maybe this will be a lesson to you to not cheat on me next time or I wi-" Maddy started before she was pulled off of Jimmy and onto the floor. Jimmy's knees hit the ground as he wrapped his arms around him and started to cry quietly to himself.
"Never do that to my best friend again or I will call the police on you." Chris whispered-yelled to Maddy. Maddy huffed and stomped out the room.
"I hope that stupid baby of yours die!" Maddy called over her shoulder as she stomped down the stairs. Chris waited until he heard the front door slam before meeting his friend on the floor. He wrapped his arms around Jimmy and Jimmy leaned into Chris's touch. His cries grew louder and his body started to shake at how hard he was crying. Chris looked down at Jimmy and Jimmy looked back up at him with tears in his eyes and built on his bottom eyelids. Chris placed his forehead onto Jimmy's.
"You have a baby?" Chris asked softly, lifting his forehead from Jimmy. Jimmy looked at him and nodded. His arms were still crossed over his chest and he leaned forward and gripped onto his forearms. Chris pulled his arms away from his chest slowly and gently, which caused Jimmy to cry out in pain. He broke down again and Chris placed him on his lap and let Jimmy hug him tightly.
"It's yours." Jimmy spoke through his tears, hissing when the cramp pulled harder. Chris froze at his words. He snapped back into reality when one of Jimmy's fingernails dug into Chris's back. Chris unwrapped Jimmy's arms from around him and took him off his lap. Jimmy whined, wanting to hold onto something as the cramp started to hurt even more. Chris laid Jimmy's head in his lap and his hand traveled to Jimmy's stomach. He placed his hand on top of it and Jimmy whined quietly but it sounded like he forced it to quiet. Chris rubbed his stomach and Jimmy shook when this sent little tingles in his body. Chris felt the tight muscles start to relax and he ran his other hand through Jimmy's hair to calm him down.
"Jimmy." Chris whispered. Jimmy placed his hand on top of the hand that was on his stomach and traced Chris's veins on his hand and his fingers. Jimmy looked up at Chris and Chris was already looking down at JImmy.
"Chris." Jimmy whispered back. Chris sighed and rubbed Jimmy's stomach again. Jimmy looked up at Chris with questioning eyes and Chris took his hand out of Jimmy's hair and placed it on Jimmy's chest. The hand that was laying on top of the hand Chris was using to rub his stomach moved up to the hand that laid on his chest and started to trace the outline of hand.
"How bad did she hurt you?" Chris asked. Jimmy sighed and his stomach tightened up again. Chris rubbed it again as he felt the muscles tighten up again and Chris looked down at Jimmy and his eyes were glazed with tears.
"She...she... she pushed them in." Jimmy whispered, Chris's heart started to break when he heard those words. "I don't want them to die. I want them." Jimmy's tears fell when he said that and Chris's heart just needed one more thing to shatter his heart into pieces.
"Oh Jimmy. They aren't going to die. As long as you don't do too much, they'll live." Chris spoke. Jimmy hands wrapped around his stomach and whined.
"How do you know?" Jimmy asked. Chris sighed and used his hand that was free to rub Jimmy's cheek.
"I just know. How about this? I'll get you to the bed and I'll help take care of you." Chris prosped. Jimmy sighed and turned his head to put in Chris's stomach. He shook his head and Chris sighed. He took his hand away from Jimmy's cheek and petted the back of Jimmy's head.
"Jimmy." Chris whispered. Jimmy shook his head again and Chris sighed again. "Please?"
"Chris, no. I feel fine. You calm them down already. You don't have to take care of me if I don't have anything to be taken care of." Jimmy spoke when he took his head out of Chris's stomach. Chris put his hand back onto Jimmy's cheek and rubbed it.
"Well, I know what to take care of. To make you smile." Chris spoke. He leaned down and his lips brushed against Jimmy's. He kissed them and Jimmy inhaled before kissing back lovingly. Chris cupped Jimmy's left cheek and held it. Jimmy ran one of his hands through Chris's hair and gripped onto Chris's hair gently. Chris took his lips off Jimmy's and leaned back up.
"Wow." Jimmy breathed out before breaking out into a smile. Chris smiled back and brushed his thumb across Jimmy's cheek.
"See? There's always something that I can help with." Chris spoke.
"Again?" Jimmy asked. Chris chuckled and nodded. Jimmy pulled him down as his hand was still in Chris's hair and put his lips back onto Chris's. They held that kiss longer than the first and only disconnected their lips when they ran out of breath. They kept on kissing until both of their lips were bruised and swollen.
"I love your kisses." Jimmy whispered. Chris smiled at the complaint and kissed Jimmy's forehead.
"Well, I love your taste. Sweet like honey." Chris spoke. Jimmy took his head out of Chris's lap and pushed Chris onto the floor. He laid down next to Chris and intertwined their hands together. Chris smiled and turned his head to look at Jimmy. The sun was setting and the colors lit up the room through the window. The orange and pink colors casted across Jimmy's right side of his face. Chris kissed Jimmy's cheek to make Jimmy look at him. Jimmy turned his face and Chris stared into Jimmy's eyes. His blue eyes looked like the water in the ocean when the sun lays on top of the water. Chris kissed his lips again and Jimmy kissed back before Chris could back away.
"I love you." Jimmy whispered onto Chris's lips when they parted.
"And I love you and always will." Chirs whispered back before kissing Jimmy's lips again.
"Hey Chris, I'm going to the ultrasound today. Do you want to come?" Jimmy asked as he emerged from their closet fixing his shirt. It perfectly outlined Jimmy's thirty six week bump. Chris got up off the bed he sat on while he waited for Jimmy to get dressed.
"Um sure. I don't have plans today except hang out with you." Chris spoke, grinning as Jimmy's cheeks turned pink. He rolled his eyes and Chris stepped forward to Jimmy.
"Alright let's go." Jimmy spoke, crossing his arms behind his back.. Chris smiled and followed Jimmy. They walked out of the house and to Chris's truck. Chris got in the driver's seat while Jimmy got into the passenger's seat.
"I feel sick." Jimmy whined, resting his head on the headrest and closing his eyes. Chris looked at him and put his hand onto Jimmy's stomach. He felt the baby move around under his hand which made Jimmy cover his mouth. Chris took his hand off Jimmy's stomach once he noticed Jimmy's expression. Jimmy winced when the baby started to kick like crazy when Chris took his hand off his stomach. Chris unbuckled his seatbelt and leaned over his seat to Jimmy's stomach. He kissed it and smiled.
"Hi baby. Daddy doesn't feel good so can you calm down please? Thank you." Chris spoke to Jimmy's stomach and instantly the baby calmed down to just stirring. Chris sat back up and buckled himself back in.
"Thanks." Jimmy spoke as he took his hand away from his mouth and opened his eyes back up. Chris smiled, putting the car into gear.
"Anytime. Did you eat today?" Chris spoke when he glanced at the clock. Jimmy sighed, knowing Chris's reaction and response as he forgot to eat or didn't feel hungry when he didn't eat for hours a couple of times.
"No, I didn't." Jimmy responded. Chris sighed, hitting his head on the wheel before sitting back up and starting to back out the driveway.
"Jimmy." Chris started.
"I know, I know. I just forgot, ok?"
"Jimmy, it's 1 o'clock. You woke up at 8:30. How did you forget to eat for about 6 hours?"
"I don't know! I'm sorry."
"It's fine, Jimmy. Just please don't forget next time. Now, what do you want to eat?" Chris asked, pulling into a Chick-Fil-A.
"8 count nuggets and small fries."
"Alright." Chris spoke as he pulled up to the intercom. He ordered the order and drove up to the window. He took the bag and thanked the person before driving away and to the building where the appointment was. He handed the bag to Jimmy and Jimmy took it.
"Why do you do this to me?" Jimmy asked as he took a fry and ate it. Chirs kept his eyes on the road and placed his hand on Jimmy's thigh. Jimmy took a nugget and ate it.
"Because, you have a baby in you. Another human that needs to survive so they can be the kid you always dreamed of." Chris responded. Jimmy looked down at his stomach and placed his hand on top of it.
"How did you know I always wanted a child?" Jimmy asked. He never talked about kids, except when they found out that Jimmy was carrying a child. Chris looked at Jimmy when he got to a redlight.
"Remember when we used to babysit in high school? You would always played dress up with the girls we babysitted, played trains and cars with the boys we babysitted, and always played peekaboo with the babies or rocked them to sleep." Chris spoke.
"Don't you just do those things to entrain the child? Give me another reason." Jimmy defeated. Chris turned back to the road and started driving when the light turned green. Jimmy finished his meal and crumbled up the bag and placed it in his lap.
"Ok, another reason. Oh yeah! You were the only guy who signed up to help tutor elementary kids in our senior year of highschool." Chris spoke. Jimmy sighed, placing his hand on top of the hand that was on his thigh. He lowered his head and smiled.
"You got me. You knew I wanted a child." Jimmy spoke as he raised his head back up. Chris moved his hand from Jimmy's thigh to his stomach. He rested it on the front of it and rubbed his thumb across it.
"I can't wait to see you with our child. I know you will love and cherish them." Chris spoke as he turned into the parking lot to the building.
"I can't wait to see you with our child too. I know you will be protective over them just as you over me." Jimmy spoke before placing his hand onto Chris's cheek. Chris turned and Jimmy leaned forward and kissed Chris's lips. Chris smiled into the kiss before kissing back. They parted their lips and Chris put his forehead onto Jimmy's. They then separated from each other and unbuckled their seatbelts. They got out of the car and walked up to the building. They checked in and the person behind the counter told them to go sit down in the waiting room.
"Mr. Donaldson." The nurse called his name when she opened the door. Chris and Jimmy stood up and walked towards the door where the nurse was. She marked something down on her clipboard before walking down the hallway, Jimmy and Chris following her. They entered the room and the nurse gestured to Jimmy to go sit on the examining table.
"So Mr. Donaldson, how do you feel? Is the baby still moving around a lot?" The nurse asked Jimmy laid down on the tabe. She lifted his shirt up so his stomach was exposed.
"I'm feeling good. A little tired, but good. Yes, the baby is still moving around a lot." Jimmy responded. The nurse nodded and got some gel and squirted it onto Jimmy's stomach. She got the wand from the machine next to her and started to move it around Jimmy's stomach to try and find the baby.
"There they are." The nurse spoke and moved the monitor that showed the baby towards Jimmy and Chris. Chris walked over to where Jimmy was and held Jimmy's hand. Jimmy didn't look away from the screen as he tightened his grip around Chris's hand.
"Oh my." The nurse whispered to herself and moved the monitor back towards her. Jimmy looked at Chris with a scared look. Chris leaned down and kissed Jimmy's forehead to calm Jimmy down even though he was freaking out inside. The nurse looked at Jimmy and Chris and sighed.
"There's some complications with the baby that you can't move on with the pregnancy or the baby won't have a high chance of living. They need to be born right now to live. I'm going to call an ambulance to come and bring you to the hospital to do an emergency c-section on you." The nurse spoke, leaving the room to go call an ambulance. Jimmy sat up and looked at Chris terrified. Chris kissed his head and tried to get Jimmy to calm down.
"How am I supposed to calm down? Our baby is about to be born right now before they need to be. How are you so calm?" Jimmy spoke, gripping onto Chris's hand tighter. The baby started to kick like crazy since Jimmy was freaked out which caused them to freak out.
"Jimmy, you have to calm down. I know we just received some scary news but you need to calm down. This is not good for you or the baby." Chris spoke, kissing Jimmy's forehead again and he put his other hand onto Jimmy's stomach. He rubbed his hand around Jimmy's stomach to calm them down. The nurse came back into the room and nodded at Chris when
Chris saw her.
"Jimmy, come on. Let's go. The sooner we get to the hospital, the sooner we can meet our child and make sure they are healthy." Chris whispered into Jimmy's ear. Jimmy shook his head but got off the bed. They walked out of the room and down the long hallway to the door where they entered. They walked back into the waiting room and saw an ambulance waiting outside. Chris ushered Jimmy out to the ambulance and Jimmy went in the back of the car.
"I'll meet you there. I have to drive my car over there, ok?" Chris spoke. Jimmy whined before nodding. Chris pecked Jimmy's lips before running over to his car and getting in. He followed the ambulance to the hospital and parked in the parking lot. He ran into the waiting room and tried to follow the doctors who were going to the room where he saw Jimmy go in. But one of the nurses stopped him and told him to go wait in the waiting room.
"I'm sorry sir, doctors and nurses only." The nurse spoke before walking into the room. Chris cursed under his breath and walked over to the waiting room. He sat down in one of the plastic chairs there and waited for the doors to open and his boyfriend emerged from out there.
35 minutes later
Jimmy emerged from the room on a hospital bed and was rolled to another room. Chris stood up and followed him to the room where they put Jimmy in. Chris walked into the room and saw his boyfriend holding a baby on his chest wrapped up in a white blanket. Jimmy was looking at the baby in his arms while stroking their cheek. Chris walked up to the bed and leaned down to look at the baby. He kissed Jimmy's cheek and Jimmy turned his head to look at Chris. He looked so tired from the anesthesia they gave him during the procedure.
"They look like you." Chris whispered when he looked back at the baby. Jimmy smiled and looked back at the baby too.
"They do. They only did the procedure on me because my body wasn't made for the baby and they were getting a lack of nutrition they needed to survive." Jimmy spoke, the baby stirring on Jimmy's chest before falling back asleep. Chris chuckled before shaking his head.
"See? That's why I made you eat when you didn't want to. The next time you're pregnant, you will have to eat regularly, ok?" Chris spoke, kissing Jimmy's temple before looking back at the baby.
"Who said there was going to be another time?" Jimmy asked. Chris gulped and looked at Jimmy.
"Well, I, uhhh." Chris started. Jimmy hushed him before he could finish.
"There will be another time, just not now. One day in the near future." Jimmy spoke, looking at his boyfriend with a smile. Chris exhaled a breath he held and kissed Jimmy's forehead. Jimmy grinned harder and looked back down at the baby. Chris looked down at the baby too and just smiled, thinking of his family's future.
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