《The Chase (Harry Styles)》Chapter 33



Hey readers! So don't worry the one direction boys will be coming back into the story. I just got a little caught up witht the murder haha. Uhm so what do you guys think about Angie and Harry now? Or Angie and Niall? Will they get back to land? AHhh.




Much love,





My head spinning and I felt sick. Great now I am going to be murdered too.

"Why though?" I asked.

"Well she was our target to kill."

"I don't understand...What did she do?" I asked confused.

"She uhh gave birth to you." Matthew said not looking me in the eye.

"So what?" I asked.

"Well you see all of these directioners want you, Eleanor, Danielle, and Perri killed." Matthew said casualy.

"Because we're close to they boys?" I suggested.

"Yeah. But there was still a huge reward on our Mom for some reason because you're the most hated girlfriend."

"I am not sure if I even want to know how much you got." I said looking him in the eye.

"One million." He said smiling.

How dare he smile. Yes sure that was a lot of money but would you kill your mom for that much? Yeha didn't think so.

"How much for me?" I asked nervously.

"10 million."

"You wouldn't." I said.

"I would never kill my bestfriend!" Matthew said almost offended.

"It was fair to assume you might." I glared at him.

"Don't worry, Matthew and I now have enough money to retire and stop killing people." His boss said.

"How do I know that's not a lie?" I asked suspiciously.

"You would be dead." The boss fired back.

"So why are you in a costume whatever your name is?" I asked staring at the man.

"My name is George, and I felt like it." He stammered.

"Yeah ok." I said still a little worried that was a lie.

"Let's go back to shore now that everything is settled." Matthew decided.


I sat down in Harry and Louis's apartment on the couch next to Matthew. You know, I suddenly wasn't all that upset about my mom dying. I know that it sounds awful to say that, but she was old and she had cancer. The doctors said she only had a few weeks left to live anyway.


"You're not mad at me, right?" Harry asked sitting on the other side of me.

"Of course not Hazza! How could I stay mad at a boy with curly hair?" I stated laughing.

He flashed a bright cheeky smile at me and wrapped his arms around my shoulder, allowing for me to rest my head on his arm.

"Is there anything we can do for you two?" Louis asked Matthew and I.

"We're good." We said in unison.

"Are you sure babe?" Harry persisted.

I laughed a little and nodded my head yes that I was fine.

"Let's just not talk about it." Matthew said making me full on giggle.

"Angie what's so funny?" Louis asked.

"Skip it." I said calming myself down.

Harry and Louis looked at me like I had grown another head, but decided not to question me.

"So what's for dinner?" Matthew asked.

"Pizza?" Louis offered.

"Sure." I agreed.

"Cool with me." Matthew said.

"I'll order it!" Harry bellowed.

Harry got up from the couch and sprinted across the room to his phone on the counter. "I got them on speed dial now." He said grinning.

"Hello. Yes I'd like 2 large cheese pizzas please. The name is Harry."

I couldn't hear what the person said back but I noticed Harry smiling.

"Haha yes Harry Styles. You a fan?"

Great. I thought now a fan knows his number and about to know his address.

I heard Harry say the adress and then he hung up.

"God she sounded so annoying. I wish for one night I could just be a normal guy." Harry said sighing.

"You and Louis go upstairs and Matthew and I will take the pizza." I offered.

"Thanks Angie!" Louis yelled as he and Harry ran upstairs.

Soon enough the doorbell rang. Matthew jumped up and answered it to reveal a short girl with red frizzy hair and a lot of acne. She was quite overweight and had on Harry Potter glassed. Gorgeous.

"Pizza's for Harry Styles." She said smiling.

"Yup I'll take them." I said reaching my hands out.

"Where's Harry?" She asked as she handed me the pizzas.

"He didn't want to deal with a fan." Matthew said.

"How much for the pizzas?" I asked.


"$13.87, wait a second, are you Angie?" She looked shocked.

"Yeah." I said handing her the money and pushing her out the door.

As soon as the door closed, Harry and Louis ran back into the kitchen.

"God she was annoying." Harry grumbled.

"Tell me about it." I said reaching for a slice of pizza.

Once we all had a plate full of pizza, we sat down at there table and ate together like a family.

"This is so nice. I can't remember the last time I sat and ate dinner at a table with the people I love." I said after swallowing a bite of crust.

"I knew you loved your brother and boyfriend, but you love me too?" Louis asked seriously.

"Lou, you're like a brother to me." I said smiling.

"I love you too Angie." Louis said grinning.

I laughed a little and then we all continued eating until there was a knock at the door.

"Who could that be?" I wondered out loud.

"I'll get." Louis said standing up.

We all watched him as he opened the door to reveal a girl about 8 years old crying.

"What's wrong?" Louis asked.

"I lost my Mommy and Daddy." She said hugging Louis's leg.

"Come in!" Harry yelled.

The girl released Louis leg and walked inside.

"What's your name sweetie?" Harry asked bending down to her height.

"Robin. What's yours?" She said wiping away her tears.

"I am Harry and these are my friends Louis, Matthew, and Angie." He said pointing us all out.

"Hey you're One Direction." She said calmly.

"Yeah, you a fan?" Louis asked.

"Totally." She said smiling.

"Alright lets find your parents." Harry said.

"You'll never find them." She said looking down.

"Why not?" I jumped in.

"Well they left me. They didn't want me. I don't really want to find them." She said glumly.

I exchanged a look with Harry and he looked as clueless as I did. I mean what does one do in a situation like this?

"What do you want to do?" Louis asked Robin.

"I don't know." She mumbled.

"Then it's settled. I'll adopt you!" Louis screamed.

"You mean it?" She suddenly looked happy.

"Yeah! Eleanor and I have been talking about having kids, and you seem cool. Why not?"

"Louis, it's not as easy as that." I said.

"Angie don't burst my bubble! I am calling Eleanor." The Louis ran out of the room with his phone.

"This is wonderful." Robin said.

I allowed Robin to sit down and have some pizza. By the time she finished two slices Louis ran back into the room.

"Ok so we need to have your parents permission but Eleanor and I would love to have you." He said excitedly.

"Louis you're in a band. You'll never have time for her." Matthew stated.

"It's fine guys!" Louis said calmly. Then he turned to Robin and asked "Do you have a phone number for your parents?"

She gave him the number and Louis dialed it on his cellphone.

"Hello this is Louis Tomlinson, your daughter Robin is here. Could my girlfriend and I adopt her please?" He asked.

We watched as he waited for an asnwer.

"Great!" He yelled.

He gave them the address, and told her parents to come to our apartment tomorrow morning at 8 am, and that he'll have a adoption person here. Then he smiled as he waited for the response then hung up.

"Thank you so much Louis! I love you!" Robin said while hugging him.

When Robin released him from her hug Louis called an adoption person and made a plan for one to be here at 8 am.

"We've got a big day tomorrow, lets get some sleep." Louis suggested.

We all agreed and I walked upstairs to Harry's room with Harry as Louis carried Robin to the guest room and tucked her in. Matthew slept on the couch tonight instead of the guest room because Robin was here, which I could tell he wasn't to pleased about.

"Think he's gonna do it?" I asked Harry as we lay together in bed.

"I don't know. It will be quite a distraction from the band though." He said sighing.

"Yeah and I wonder what Liam Zayn and Niall will say." I responded.

"I don't know babe." Harry said tiredly.

"We'll see tomorrow." I said kissing his forehead good night.

"Love you Angie."

"Love you too Hazza."



Much Love,


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